Autobiography of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

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Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Aug 19, 2011, 12:44:09 AM8/19/11
to Angel Fantasy
My Life Story So Far

Chapter One

I am not really sure what my oldest memories are, but I do remember
being in the kitchen at Berridale (7 Bent Street) playing on the
chairs we had, which had black vinyl, being chairs I had played on
often, doing a rocking horse motion on them around the kitchen, and
thinking right at that point, in thoughts which had slowly developed
for a while, I will remember this time for the rest of my life. And I
have never forgotten it.

I was born on the 20th of November 1972 Kingston upon Hull in England
in the United Kingdom. I was born at the Hull Maternity Hospital,
which Mum tells me is no longer there. What had happened was my older
brother Matthew was born in Cooma Hospital on the 21st of October 1969
and my older sister Brigid was born in the same hospital on the 26th
of October 1971. But when it came to the third child, myself, mum
decided to have me in England in Hull, were she likewise had been
born. She was born on the 7th of July, 1937 (meaning she turned 70 on
the 7/7/2007 – which is probably why 7 is her favourite number). My
mother’s name is Mary Philomena Daly nee Baker. Dad was born Cyril
Aloysius Daly on the 11th of August 1922 in Sydney.

I remember, in those early days, the world book dictionaries we had,
and the set of world book children’s encyclopaedias. We still have
the dictionaries, but the children’s encyclopaedias are long gone.
They had a games section of a jungle map which you followed from page
to page, as well as a volume of kids activities which I liked to look
at. I remember a big box which dad brought home from work one day,
which we played in in the back yard for a while. And I remember the
first day thinking that when the ‘Goodies’ came on (on ABC at 6) that
I would still keep on playing in the box. But I think that the others
went inside when the Goodies came on, and I went in shortly
afterwards. The Goodies were big to me as a kid, and so was Dr Who
which ABC put on right after the Goodies. They are my earliest
childhood TV shows I remember, alongside The ABC News at 7 (which is
still the time they show it) and the Saturday morning Cartoons. I
remember ‘Point of View’ which they showed before the cartoons at 12
which was a political commentary show. When ‘Point of View’ came on I
was usually watching TV, waiting for the Cartoons. The ‘Whacky
Racers’ was a show I remember, were the hero turned into a bad guy as
well. Star Wars was a big thing because every one was talking about
it, and when what I thought was Star Wars was supposed to come on TV I
was broken when the blackout occurred and we missed nearly all of it.
In fact it was just the Star Wars holiday special (but I didn’t know
at the time) and perhaps it is a good thing I missed it because Mr
Lucas maintains he would prefer if it was totally forgotten. I read
online that some people consider it Star Wars canon, because it
contains plots which supposedly tie into the saga (ie Chewbacca
visiting his family). Later on, when I learned about confirmation
names, mine was going to be ‘Luke’. It was going to be ‘Luke’ for a
long time, mainly because of Star Wars ‘Luke Skywalker’. But I ended
up choosing ‘Tarcisius’ just a few months before my confirmation
because I read a book in Year 6 at St Pats in Cooma in the back on St
Tarcisius. I also read one on St Pancratius, but was scared of the
way St Pancratius died (I think he was beheaded) and preferred the
death of St Tarcisius. I guess I ended up choosing Tarcisius because
I thought that was the spiritual thing to do.

I pinched my dad’s 2 cent and 5 cent coins almost straight away from
his jar, because I knew they bought lollies. I kept on pinching from
mum’s purse into my teens. It was where my arcade money came from. I
was convicted a lot and felt guilt, but always brushed it aside. I
remember, later on in Cooma, getting busted for pinching lollies from
Woolworths, and they took us to the police station. We were under age
and just got a warning. It is the only time I have been to the police
station for illegal activity. I have never been arrested, and have
worked hard to make sure I won’t be.

Anyway, God dealt with the pinching gradually through my life, and I
learned my lesson eventually. I do remember, though, that whenever I
pinched some money and mum asked who was pinching from her purse, it
was normally always me, but I would deny it to her face. I am not
really sure if my siblings ever pinched money. There was this time,
though, in Cooma, when Aunt Molly accused me of pinching a dollar, but
it actually wasn’t me that time. I think she had just mislaid it.

Like ‘Swiper’ from Dora the Explorer, pinching was my main problem,
but apart from that, looking back, I usually feel I was a good kid
with a good heart. I was usually gentle throughout my school years,
and did not like fighting, and was picked on because of it. I was
extremely unpopular all the way through to the end of year 10 at St
Patrick’s. Fortunately, they were never too violent towards me,
usually just occasionally calling me names and letting me know my
place at the bottom of the hierarchy. Throughout those 11 years at St
Pats there were a lot of hard times, but there was an occasional
moment here and there when things were just a bit okay.

My teachers were Mrs Macminnamin in Kindie, Sister Susan in year 1 and
2, Mrs Jones in year 3, Mr McHugh in year 4 & 5, Sr Ann in year 6, and
then various teachers in high school.

I first went to the pre-school in Cooma north before kindie, but only
occasionally. I remember a few times staying at the big house up the
top of crisp street at the top of the hill in Cooma – the very big
mansion like one – after pre-school for some babysitting. I can’t
remember the people, but they had a shack were I remember thinking
there was a fox there. It is a big part of my memory. Mum tells me
they asked me questions but I was playing them for fools as a little

The first day I got home from kindie, mum tells me I undid my shoes,
took them off and said ‘Thank God for that.’ I remember I was trying
to be dramatic.

I learned to read very quickly, and that was my main strength in
school. I was good at maths, but excellent at reading. I remember in
year 1 or 2 one time when the class had to read a book, I was finished
very quickly before the rest of the class, and I think it was Sr
Frances taking the class a the time who told me to read it again, and
I did so very quickly, a lot of the class still reading. I had free
time for a little while and thought about stuff.

I remember getting in trouble once and being told to go down to stay
with the kindies. But I was too embarrassed, so hid behind the
kindies class, and looked under the school at the stuff they kept
there. Later on I went to the section were the toilets were. I got
caught out the next school day and told Sr Susan I was were the
toilets were, not telling her I was at the other part of the school.
Another lie. But I didn’t get into too much trouble.

I remember sporting carnivals. I never got any places, ever, at any
sporting carnival. I don’t think I ever came last, but I was always
down near the bottom. Once I got a fifth place, just missing out on a
forth and a white ribbon. I was no good at sports to start off with.
But, later on, when I was with my friends from the public school (the
gang I got into) we played a season of Indoor Cricket in the B Grade
competition, and we actually won it. There were only 4 or 5 teams,
but we still came first, and I got invited to play that day in the A
Grade final, which I did. We lost, but I always remember we could
have won. The problem was we thought the ‘Hot’n’Tots’ were
invincible, and we lacked confidence, but they played poorly in that
final. We lost, but we might have won with the right motivations.
But I still got a trophy for wining in the B Grade final with my team,
and that was about the only sporting triumph I have achieved in
serious competition. Although I was on the winning team for the UPC
Oldies vs Youngies cricket competition for both the first 2 years,
once on the oldies and once on the youngies. I think I was the only
person who could claim I was on the winning side for both years. One
of those years I made a ’50 Not Out’ and matched Jonathon Downs effort
(the Pastor John Downs’ son). It was a mandatory retirement at 50.
Of course, Jonathon was a much better batter than myself, and had all
the shots. But my innings started slowly, and worked up gradually.
And towards the end I started hitting ‘4s’. I guess I go slow to
start with but gradually build up strength. Either way I was pretty
happy to match Jonathon’s score.

The gang I joined was a Cooma game arcade group of kids. I started
going there to play games at about 14 or 15 and Damien Asanovsci and
Peter Dradrach befriended me. I had never really had friends, but
they seemed to care. And those few years were some of the best years
of my life. Peter and Damien, alongside Michael Werle and Michael
Gratwick and Keith Willis and Mark Post were the gang, and we listened
to Heavy Metal and played Indoor cricket. The bands we listened to
were ‘Metallica’ and ‘Iron Maiden’ and ‘Motley Crue’ and ‘Def Leppard’
& ‘Megadeth’ mainly, as well as ‘Helloween’. I liked Bon Jovi because
Damien had given me a copied tape of ‘Slippery When Wet’. It was the
first major album I had listened to, apart from a ‘Black Funk’ tape
from probably Boney M or someone similar, and a few kids tapes. I
thought the album was incredibly cool and became the biggest Bon Jovi
fan in Cooma most likely. I ended up seeing them in Sydney in 1989
alongside my friend ‘Noodles’ who lived near the train station in
Cooma. The only other live concert of a big act I have seen is
‘Rebecca St James’ in Sydney in the early 2000s. The Bon Jovi concert
was far too loud, and I had borrowed my brothers binoculars without
asking him to see the band. There were 2 rock chicks in front of us
and they went wild. But we were way up the back, and the view was not
fantastic. Still, I can claim to have seen Bon Jovi live in the
1980s, and that is a big deal to me. I bought a t-shirt at the
concert which had a big heart and a dagger on it, and they still use
that symbol. I was on Austudy at the time and was buying all the Bon
Jovi cassettes and records, and had a number of posters and
magazines. I even bought a metal ‘New Jersey’ badge, which I lost
later on in life. They were the biggest band for me to start with,
and my favourite for a long time. No band really ever replaced them
as my favourite, but I have a lot of favourite bands and artists now.
Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, Queen, Alice Cooper, Madonna, Spice Girls,
Britney Spears, Billie Piper and so many others are big on my list,
and I have owned probably over 1000 CDs by now. But with my
schizophrenia I usually end up either destroying them, or trading them
back for others, or selling them, or giving them to family members.
But I am less attached to a CD as a possession now anyway, and FM104.7
plays all the new hits and radio is usually enough. Freddy Mercury
from Queen went on about the ‘Disposable Pop’ idea. And these days
what I know is that new hits always come along, and new artists always
replace the old, and you don’t have to stay attached to the same old
music forever. Some styles seem to stay in vogue now, and older
styles come back from time to time. I think Billy Joel sums it up –
‘Everyone is talking about the new style funny but its still rock and
roll to me.’

We were in Berridale for the 1970s, Cooma for the 1980s and Canberra
for the 1990s and beyond. I did go back to live in Cooma in 2001
briefly and in 2007 briefly, and in 2009 until the present moment,
were I am living both in Cooma and Canberra. I have a cheap flat I am
renting whose lease expires shortly, and I am undecided wether I will
keep the flat or not.

Berridale was a blissful town to grow up in. We went to Catholic
Church on Sundays, the whole family, and I did that every week until I
was 16, when I went my own way on beliefs. I remember looking up at
the crucifix and realizing that was the Jesus fellow. I remember
praying the rosary in the rosary group which came to our house. I
remember the statues of angels at the church which were put up in the
attic of the church I think (because of something to do with
protestant discussions at the time – I am not sure though). But,
whatever else, church was extremely boring, a massive guilt trip, and
I never really liked it that much. Later on as an altar boy it was
alright because I was doing something, but I couldn’t abide sitting in
the pews. I never liked church, and that was that.

At 16 Mum went on a holiday to England with Greg, and I stopped going
to church. When she got back I was so headstrong that she didn’t try
to persuade me to go back and that was the end of the matter. From
there I gradually drifted into Agnosticism, and while over the next
few years I strongly considered atheism, I never quite made the
commitment to that viewpoint. At that stage my faith was a work in

In 1990 we came to Canberra, first in Kambah and then in Gilmore and
then in late 1990 to 29 Merriman Crescent Macarthur, were I am right
at this moment in the front middle room typing this away (Tuesday 2nd
of March, 2010). We will get up 20 years at this place later on in
the year, and that is a pretty good achievement. But it is still
taking a while to get used to even the suburb, and I haven’t totally
done that yet. In a strange way Tuggeranong is still new territory to
me, and the rest of Canberra as well, but I am gradually getting used
to it as home. Actually, Cooma is home as well these days, and I
suppose I am basically a ‘Monaro’ boy.

I also have a younger sister, Jacinta, and a younger brother,
Gregory. They are both married and Jacinta has 3 kids and Gregory has

In my early 20s I was studying at the Canberra Institute of
Technology, undertaking an Associate Diploma of Business in Office
Administration. I ended up completing all the requirements, with 3
distinctions, 5 credits, and many passes. It was during the latter
half that I had my crises of faith and finally went back to church.
But I had an accident in testing my faith, jumping off a bridge
barefooted near parliament house. I turned schizophrenic that day. I
blacked out immediately after stepping off the bridge, and woke up a
while later on the ground. The ambulance came shortly, and I was in
hospital for a couple of weeks. It was when I went nuts, and I am
still essentially a Schizophrenic.

From there it was off to Catholic Church in Gowrie for a while, but I
was witnessed to by Pentecostal girls, and ended up going to Potters
House Christian Church. In fact, I attended a service there just this
Sunday – my first in a good few years as I don’t go anymore, no longer
being a Christian.

I was at Potters House for about a year, then off to United
Pentecostal Church because I no longer believed the Trinity. But the
‘Oneness’ was wrong also, and I ended up ‘Unitarian’ in faith. After
6 months at Hughes Baptist church attending occasionally I became a
‘Noahide’. That was a leap of faith in January 1999 and now, in March
2010 I am still a Noahide. So I have 11 years up and hopefully am
slowly gaining some credibility for my faith. Jesus talks about
traditions of men being taught by the Pharisees as commands of God. I
agree with him, and thus disregard the Mishnah and Gemara (the Jewish
Talmud’s). There are different ways of looking at the Jewish Bible
itself, and I would probably make a ‘Hexateuch’ argument if I had to,
but I am no longer sure it really matters. In the end conversion to
Judaism has simply not been an option, and the Noahide thing is
working for me very well indeed. I am happy with it, content with my
situation, pleased that Haven Noahide Fellowship today has 3 official
members, with reasonable potentiality for growth, and happy that
Yahweh is not asking me to do anything in particular out of the
ordinary. I have had ‘Rainbow’ witnesses at key points over the last
decade and it seems to me that the Rainbow as the Covenantal sign of
my covenant is really, in truth, the one to stick with. Scripture
declares it an ‘Everlasting Covenant’ so, to me, faith in an
everlasting Covenant leads to everlasting life.

Now, my books. Morning Stars was begun the writing of in the year
2000. I began it at work in AQIS one day in the Exdoc section.
Saruviel popped in pretty quickly, and I think the name was bubbling
away from ‘Suvrael’ the southern continent of Silverberg’s
‘Majipoor’. Lord Valentines Castle, The Majipoor Chronicles and
Valentine Pontifex were awesome, and some of the many fantasy and sci
fi epics I have consumed.

‘Morning Stars’ the title comes directly from Job 38:7 KJV. It was
borrowed directly from that translation.

It took 5 or 6 years to write the first version of Morning Stars (the
currently paperback published version of 100 copies only), but writing
took off very quickly after that point. I write heaps now.

People occasionally ask me were did I come up with me ideas about
angels. Well, Michael and Gabriel come from the Book of Daniel in the
Old Testament, and Gabriel appears in the Gospels, and Michael appears
in ‘Jude’ and in the ‘Revelation’ in the New Testament. I have also
read some of the ‘Pseudepigrapha’ and Michael and Gabriel and a number
of others appear in 1 Enoch in the Pseudepigrapha. Some churches
actually hold to 1 Enoch as scripture, and for biblical students I
strongly encourage you to go check it out because Jesus quotes the
hell out of it.

Metatron is in one of the Enoch’s as well (there are 3 Enoch books, I
think) and he has a heap of names in there, well over 70. The
Rabbinic literature goes on about various angels, and Muslim
literature also does as well. Also, don’t forget the Doreen Virtue
Books and many others out there. Currently Angel Books are doing
well, and I am aiming to get the major fantasy niche in this market if
I can.

I cheekily call ‘Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’ the third
volume of the Pseudepigrapha. I guess, because the Pseudepigrapha is
public domain, and if I had the money, I might consider publishing it
myself one day under the ‘Noahide Books’ imprint and adding the first
‘Arc’ of the Chronicles to it and calling this the third volume of
‘Haven Noahide Fellowship’s’ own Pseudepigrapha. Recognition from the
big churches and the big Jewish and Muslim movements might not be
easy, or it might end up being quite easy – you never know. But we
are actually quite serious about being NON-cultic, quite serious about
being lawful and in harmony with the general rules and customs of the
land, and quite serious in our devotions to God. On salvation, we
generally teach that this is mainly God’s business. Iron maiden sing
a song which says ‘There’s not a God to save you if you won’t save
yourself.’ Some Christian fundies will argue that works aint gonna do
it, and that only faith in Jesus death is going to get you there. But
Jesus teaches in revelation to one of the churches a doctrine which
says ‘I have not found your works perfect.’ Of course, the New
Testament can be argued on Calvinistic and Armenian standpoints, but
taken as a whole – ie the 27 books being the New Testament, I would
actually agree that you probably need to be a Christian to be saved,
doctrinally. But it depends how you view it. For example, you can’t
enter the kingdom of heaven unless you are born again. Is this the
New Jerusalem? Thus, if you are not born again, like John the Baptist
in Jesus own words, is the new EARTH available instead? Jehovah’s
witnesses think so. Is this were the Catholics go? As in there creed
they say ‘The Life of the World to Come’, which is the standard
Jewish doctrine on salvation. The World to come – the new earth. Of
course Isaiah goes on about a new heaven BUT ALSO a new earth. Are
there different destinations for different folks. Jewish salvation is
works oriented. I think Catholics seem to be of that mould also these
days. The fundies are faith oriented. Is it a different destination
for different groups?

So if you are not Born Again my fundamentalist friend, I know you
can’t enter the Kingdom of God, but is that Kingdom the New
Jerusalem? And if it is, is the New Earth available instead?
Interesting question.

You see, Jews actually do have faith. And they have faith in God, and
not Jesus. Will this works doctrine of salvation get them the ‘New
Earth?’ Perhaps, I think. Perhaps. Anyway, just so you will
actually know, Haven’s own doctrine of salvation for us Noahides in
particular in Haven Noahide Fellowship is that God is the saviour.
Jews have to circumcise to maintain their own covenant. Christians
have to baptize to maintain their own covenant. We believe Noah’s
covenant is totally up to God’s own effort. You see, we can’t make a
rainbow – only God can make a rainbow. So we don’t even bother to
save ourselves. We do whatever the heck we want to, can be slack and
second rate on spirituality if we want to, occasionally little devils
on legal issues (as the Coloured Devil’s would testify), but, in
general, happy enough and amused by all the entertainment. You see,
God didn’t actually give us Noahides a doctrine of salvation, so we do
bugger all, smile that the rainbow still pops up for us every now and
again, and thank our lucky stars we don’t have to slave away at the
Sabbath, or confess every sin under the sun in true Johannine
fashion. Amen and amen and amen. But enough with religion. I am
tired, thirsty and hungry, and fortunately the kitchen is still were I
would imagine it to be. This chronicle is finished for the moment,
but I will give you some more thoughts later one. Cheers. Daniel

Chapter Two

(Written Friday the Fifth of March, 2010 CE/AD, in the morning)

Funnily enough, I am actually published already. No royalties, or
anything like that, but in reasonably significant publications. My
first publishing is actually a fan letter to a comic. I was a big fan
of DC Comics growing up and loved the Justice League International and
others from the 1980s, but in the early to mid 1990s I loved quite a
few others and ‘The Demon’ run by Garth Ennis and John McCrea was
awesome. And, thus, I am published in the last issue of the 1990s run
of the ‘Demon’ in poetry form. I have to go off and obtain the comic
again, but here is the poem as far as I can recall from memory.

‘A Devious Plan by Etrigan to conquer all the Earth

Saw light in Demon 52 when Glenda did give birth

A Tragic fate it does await a child so innocent

For the Demon’s evil schemes are not heaven but hell sent

I laughed with glee in 53 at Hitman’s futile folly

Too kill an undead army, methinks it’s not that jolly

And Jason Blood he knew the score and gave a grin not frown

As he stepped into the circle and took the bastard down

It was a fight with fire and flight which came in 54

A merry battle yes indeed with blood and guts and gore

So to the victor go the spoils and Jason blood did smile

While Etrigan his dark revenge will have to wait a while.’

I wrote out the letter on paper with a pen, and my writing is not that
neat, so they misspelled the last name and put ‘Daniel Dacy’ instead
of ‘Daniel Daly’, confusing the ‘L’ for a ‘C’. I sent in another poem
on the Demon as well, but the first poem was in the last issue, so
they couldn’t have published the second one. I did though have my
name mentioned in an issue of ‘Green Lantern’ I think around this time
as well, (just a little later), in the letters section.

My next publishing was in poetry anthologies from (I
think they have changed their name now). My poem ‘Cat’s’ was
published in ‘Treasures to Discover’ and my poem ‘The Next Day’ was
published in ‘The Best Poems and Poets of 2001’.

After that I was published in a magazine in America, but never
received a copy of the magazine, and it was one of my poems. I think
it was called ‘Anointed Magazine’ by Magpie publishing, or something
or another. I’ll get it one day.

And then, just last year, I was published in ‘Short and Twisted 2009’,
an Australian Anthology book, with short stories with twists to
them. My short story ‘The Diabolical Adventure of RXQ7’ was
published in this anthology.

Of course, ‘Morning Stars’ and ‘Ye Olde Devil’ were published at the
same time under my own ‘Noahide Books’ imprint in 2007 with 100 copies
of each of them. I have handed most of them out, but still have a few
of each at home.

My writing is central to my life, these days. I receive a Centrelink
‘Disability Support Pension’ for my Schizophrenia, and because I have
a lot of free time available, I write books. I became schizophrenic
in the mid 1990s the day I returned to faith in the God of the bible
(interesting that, isn’t it). It was a hectic time. I had just spent
the afternoon at YWAM in Watson with a girl called ‘Ariel Cheng’ who
was studying with me at CIT at the time. All the previous night my
depression had reached its worst, and I needed to See Ariel because
she was saintly and a believer. All that day coming through Canberra
from Macarthur to Watson I felt all this heaviness upon me, but when I
got to the ground of the YWAM place, the spiritual heaviness abated.
But when I left later on it returned. I stopped off in Woden at the
Christian book store, bought a ‘Good News Bible’ and stopped off again
at Holy Family Catholic Church in Gowrie and read the entire book of
Job. And that is when I felt the goodness of God and returned to
biblical faith. The following day I went off on a mad crusade after
having confessed my sins to a Catholic priest in Red Hill, and, in an
attempt to test my faith Indiana Jones and the last crusade style, I
ended up jumping of a bridge near Parliament House. I was in hospital
for a couple of week, and then in a wheelchair, but most of the
anxiety and depression was now gone. And then about 6 months later
when I prayed a sinners prayer in Potter’s House in Pearce, the rest
of the depression left. BUT, in those 2 and a half years as a
Christian, until January 1999 there was still a degree of anxiety.
This, though, left in January 1999 when I became a Noahide. And since
then things have been very good for me. I have had Schizophrenia all
throughout this time, rejected the medication on naturalistic grounds
a number of times, but now take it consistently. My symptoms are
talking to myself a lot, and hearing voices a bit, but it is fine
now. It doesn’t really bother me that much anymore. I have learned
to live with it. But because I receive a Disability Support Pension
since applying in 2005, I no longer really have to work so, to keep
myself busy and (hopefully) earn a living one day, I write books. The
main intention with my books is to keep them FREE to read online, but
if people want to purchase paperback copies of my books, those ones I
can sell. That I think is an ethical way of going about business, and
completely fair.

My main saga, of course, is ‘The Chronicles of the Children of
Destiny’. This is about Angels and Children of God, from their
creation up into a potentially neverending future. There is quite a
bit written about them now, and I don’t really plan on ever finishing
the saga in this human life. I have prayed many, many times to God
for long life, and hope he continues to bless me with this.

The first book written in the ‘Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’
was ‘Morning Stars’. This was begun the writing of in 2000 CE/AD.
Prior to this my writing achievements were: A story about insects who
flew in leaves in year 6 (which I was very proud of), a Frog and Toad
story in primary school, a Fantasy Epic which I had maps drawn up for,
about Kalan Lyant and Mallintor the Magician and the continents of
‘Kaluvia’ and ‘Ky-Keria’ and Karadarak’ and the main bigger one which
I can’t remember the name of but had the capital city of ‘Rhyan’ and a
minor village called ‘Lameth’ were a female bartender called ‘Marni
Bonniker’ worked, who was to figure into the saga. ‘Ky-Keria’ was a
continent on the north of ‘Kaluvia’ and they were just connected (like
north and south America’. All of ‘Ky-Keria’ was barren land with the
dread city ‘Yalth’ in the centre, were the main protagonist of the
saga, and evil warlock, resided. On Kaluvia on the north-east side
were the ‘Iridian Jid’ mountains, two cities called ‘Ejin’ and
‘Eijin’. On Kaluvia, over the other side of the Iridian Jid on the
mountains on the northern side, near the ocean, was ‘Haven’. On
Karadarak on the top north-eastern corner was ‘Auar’ and the ‘Auarii’
were the elf-like creatures from the hidden Shangri-La of ‘Auar’.
Auar was totally surrounded by impassable mountains on the land side
and impenetrable cliffs on the ocean side, and thus had never been
found by the dwarves or humans. I had written in year 7 or 8 or 9 (I
can’t remember which) quite a bit of this story on paper, but
eventually lost the writings unfortunately. But later on in the mid
1990s it was going to be called (with new ideas) ‘The Doomsayer
Chronicles’ with all sorts of ‘Armageddon’ overtones. I will
definitely write this saga one day, and ‘The Belzandramanian’ which is
currently underway mentions this saga, and should be viewed also as a
prequel alongside David Eddings two sagas.

I had read ALL of the Belgariad by this stage, and was about to be
pleasantly surprised by Damien Asanovsci with his mothers copy of
‘Guardian’s of the West’ in hardback. The other major fantasy works I
read in those years were: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, The
Twilight Realm, the First Shannara Trilogy, The First 5 Riftwar saga
books (Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon, Prince of the
Blood & The King’s Buccaneer), The Dorian Hawkmoon books by Michael
Moorcock, Conan the Adventurer, The Pliocene Exiles (and later the
Galactic Milieu saga) by Julian May, The first nine Xanth books by
Piers Anthony and later the first seven Incarnations of Immortality
Books and Battle Circle by Piers Anthony (and I have ideas for a
Battle Circle sequel, which I might do in fanfiction – hey, I will
call it this: ‘Battle Circle II: Circle of Death’ – I just made up
that title then. Anyway, my idea for the sequel is that the two guys
left stranded near the end with the radiation poisoning (was that it?
It is years since I have read it) but it was Sos and Sol wasn’t it?
Anyway, whatever, they get rescued and cured by the Chinese Helicon,
and they are in the sequel. It was just an idea I had back then
because I liked the books so much.), Some of the Discworld novels by
Terry Pratchett, Most of the Foundation Saga (yet to read the two
prequels to foundation), All 10 Chronicles of an Age of Darkness books
by Hugh Cook and even a short story in the saga in his online website
(check it out Hugh Cook fans, there are other short stories in the
Chronicles there), This is the Way the World Begins featuring Ram
Burrell by J T Macintosh, The Sword and the Satchel by Elizabeth H
Boyer, The first two volumes of ‘Memory Sorrow and Thorn’ By Tad
Williams (I am halfway through the final volume and will finish it off
eventually), and more recently the first two volumes of the Faded Sun
Trilogy by C J Cherryh (I will finish of the third volume eventually)
and others still.

I will probably start ‘The Doomsayer Chronicles’ soon. After that in
the Mid 1990s I wrote the first two versions of ‘The Harmony Bridge’
both of which never got finished. The Current short story ‘The
Harmony Bridge’ is a different version still, but contains some of the
ideas. It really should be seen as a sequel to the original ideas for
the Harmony Bridge, the plot I still have in my mind which I will
write out some day. In fact the original version of ‘The Harmony
Bridge’ birthed the name ‘Callodyn’. That is were he was born.
Radric was born in the second version of ‘The Harmony Bridge’ and
later I met Andre Wheeley from Crossroads Christian church and
‘Ambriel’, in a sense, was born from the ideas of both of these.
Radric was a friend of Callodyn’s.

At this stage I plan on writing for the rest of my life and getting as
much published in paperback format as possible, and as much published
online as possible. I post many of my stories to ‘Google Groups’,
which also incorporate the old ‘Usenet’ groups. I have a ‘Google’
profile using the id ‘danielthomasandrewdaly’ which people can look
up and see all my postings if they want to. I am also at
(Lord of the Rings fanfiction) under ‘Saruviel’ penname and (a Harry potter fanfiction website)
under ‘Saruviel’ penname as well. I am also at ,
again under ‘Saruviel’ penname. I am trying to get onto under the penname of ‘Valandriel’. I
will see if they post me or not.

Most of my writing is on but I have
some back up copies at and the
David Eddings stuff so far is at:
. There is also my copy of the Rainbow Bible at:
. That version is a Public Domain version with my own alterations of
chapter one, and a minor amendment in chapter 2.

Of course, there is also:

I previously had a large number of geocities websites, but geocities
was cancelled.

Whatever else, you will find a lot of my stuff at the Google groups
under my profile name.

Finally, I am on facebook at:

And if you log on to Google and visit the various Google Groups and
log on to id you will likely find a
number of my groups, or my messages.

Here is my current resume:

Resume of Daniel Daly

Address: 29 Merriman Crescent


Phone: (02) 6291 4414


Date of Birth: 20th of November, 1972

Skills: Office Administration Skills

Word Processing Skills – MS Word (Intermediate to Advanced)

MS Excel (Basic to Intermediate)

Typing: 60 wpm

Creative Writing Skills

Pastoral Skills

Education: Associate Diploma in Office Administration

(1995) Canberra Institute of Technology

Certificate in Word Processing and Office Skills

(1993) Canberra Institute of Technology

Year 10 Certificate

(1988) St Patrick’s School, Cooma

Work History:

2000 – Current Author. I have my own website

( dedicated to promoting my own
fictional books about angels. I have spent the last decade writing
these books.


1996 – 2000. Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service

Position: Clerical Officer – Various Positions from ASO1 to
acting ASO3

Duties: Various database work, Excel Spreadsheet work,
Travel log, Stationery cupboard maintenance, Photocopier room


1996 Department of Employment, Education and

Youth Affairs

Position: Clerical Assistant

Duties: Photocopying, Filing


Work Referee: No current work referee

Personal Referee: Adrian Chan (Mental Health Worker)
6205 2777

Personal Referee: Robert Preston – Phone (After Hours) 6288

It is not an exhaustive resume, just a basic one page one.

Well that is the end of chapter two. I will write more soon.
Cheers. Daniel

End of chapter two

Chapter Three

(Written Friday the 12th of March and Saturday the 13th of March 2010
in the evening, late on Friday, and early the next morning, Saturday,
just after 12 midnight)

There is a line in a song which goes ‘A Good Heart these days is hard
to find.’ Thinking about it, what will really last forever, beyond
your works even, is if you have a good heart which people are
attracted to and find peace in. If people can get along with you and
find acceptance with you, if you can overlook their flaws and fallible
nature and love them simply for being them, for being human and alive
and worthy of love because of it, if you can show empathy and relate
your heart to theirs and give them consolation when they are low and
be a faithful friend in both difficult times and good times, if you
can be a little rock of eternal friendship and hope in their lives,
then that will really last forever and be a blessing of untold
wealth. Money comes and goes. Perhaps, in the world to come, we will
be trillionairres a trillion times over, and perhaps right at the
bottom a number of times too. Who can really say, hey? Perhaps we
will own mansions, and cars, star in movies and sing great songs. But
when everyone has had their turn at glory, what will last? Thinking
about Jesus, who I don’t believe is the Christ or Messiah or God or
anything like that type of nonsense, but thinking about how he often
comes across in his simple human wisdom, he apparently forsaked all
the glory of wealth in his life, didn’t bother really trying to earn
thousands of drachmas (or whatever their currency was) and living out
the high life, but instead sought to teach people spiritual values and
share a message of love with them. And while I think God has various
ways of looking at the person of Jesus of Nazareth, ways unlike how
the church views him, I think there is still a heart of popularity
attributed to this man simply because he comes across has having cared
about people, and perhaps was even willing to die for them, which he
apparently did. I couldn’t do that, personally. I have the guts to
take a bullet for any wife I would marry and children, but I couldn’t
die on a cross. But then again, that’s not me. If someone asked me
‘Would you die for me?’ I would have to tell them ‘NO.’ But then I
would say ‘But I would LIVE for you instead.’ But, whatever, the
message of Jesus simple love is, really, what is going to last
forever. The message of finding a heart which accepts you and treats
you kindly, which will sacrifice for you and dig you out of difficult
situations, will give you blessings when you need them, and stay
faithful to you – well who can say that they don’t really want that a
lot? And, hopefully, that is what Haven Noahide Fellowship, if it
really ever starts growing well and turning into something which I
hope it could become, will be all about. Above all else I want Haven
to be exactly that – ‘A Haven’. I think everyone can say at some time
in their lives they needed a place to get away, a place to call their
own, a place to be accepted, loved unconditionally, and helped out in
difficult circumstances. In Australia were I live we are so lucky
that we have a good welfare system which helps out the people with low
incomes. I know that Indigenous Australians still have a degree of
poverty, but it has gotten to the point in Australia that if you
really want to succeed in life, the opportunities are there.
Schooling will be free if you can’t afford it, you can gain HECS to
study a university degree and pay it back later. There is the
jobsearch allowance to support you while you are looking for work.
And there is government housing for people who can’t afford to own or
rent in the private sector. All of this comes from, to my way of
thinking, a society which genuinely cares about its citizens. And
that is what we all want, isn’t it? To live in a world which cares
and has a heart in it. All my life I have heard it said occasionally
that this is a cold hard uncaring world. But I have found the
opposite often equally true. There ARE a lot of caring people in this
world. There are synagogues and churches and mosques and temples full
of religious and spiritual people who are motivated by pleasing God
and helping their fellow humans. And there are non-religious people
who hold to an ethical or moral stance of live and let live and trying
to be a good person. And, I think, that may just be what it is all
about, this thing called life. C S Lewis argued in ‘Mere
Christianity’ that there is a ‘Moral Law’ which we all seem to ascribe
to. For example, we often say of things ‘That’s not right’. Or ‘That
shouldn’t be’ as if there is some benchmark or standard of
righteousness which we all seemingly hint at, even unknowingly. A lot
of that may be as a result of centuries of grooming on our morals, but
is it more than that? Is there really a sense of justice innate to
being human, made in the image of God. And, for me, Justice is not
just about righting wrongs, but acting justly to ensure a society in
which happiness is found.

Haven Noahide Fellowship, as of today, has a tiny number of members.
But it has a growing number of people who know about us. My hope is
that Haven WILL grow, and end up being that Haven in peoples lives, a
place of sanctuary, a place were they can escape to and find peace
from God and solace for the heart and soul. I want Haven to be a
place were EVERYONE is accepted, because we are all children of Noah
and Noahides. It is to be a place were people can be put right with
God, meeting him, encountering him in prayer and meditation, and
finding others who also connect to him. It is to be a place,
ultimately, in which Jew, Christian, Muslim, Bahai and any of the
believers in the God of Adam, Noah and Abraham can connect and find
Haven from the conflicts which have often beset them. You see, Haven
accepts everyone of all the Adamic religions, wanting to be a place
were they can find acceptance with each other and tolerance for their
differences. And it is the sign, the simple sign of the ‘Rainbow’
with its bright colours, which all of us can see and witness to, and
have hope in the promises of God that his Grace will remain,
everlastingly so.

* * * * *

I have had a crush on a number of female pop singers for a number of
years now. I have fancied the Christian pop singer ‘Rebecca St James’
for a long time, ever since the mid 1990s when I was given a Christian
compilation CD from my sister with her song ‘Here I Am’ on it. I
think she is a wonderful person, and hope she soon finds the right man
for her, because she is still a virgin in her early 30s and has been
faithfully waiting for the right one. I really like all 5 Spice
Girls, and am currently reading Geri Halliwell’s biography ‘If Only’.
She comes across as a very genuine person, in no way flakey, with a
very real upbringing and with a heart which cares. I think she is
FAB. I am also a big Madonna fan now, and hope the best for her. I
also really like Britney Spears and Kelly Clarkson, as well as Mandy
Moore, Hilary Duff and Lily Allen.

I remember in the 1980s when I first heard of Madonna. She was that
new big super popstar, who at the time I thought was basically one of
the real big popstar's like Michael Jackson. I never bought any of
her albums though and was never really a fan until the early 1990s
when I was at a video store and looking at CDs for rent and thought I
may as well try the ‘Bedtime Stories’ album by Madonna. I loved it
and became a fan then.

I know Madonna has studied Kabbalah for many years, and I also know
she still seems to be a Christian in faith as well. I find her a very
interesting personality and the fact that she has faith in God is, to
me, a great thing. To me that is someone who ‘has it all’ but still
remembers where her bread is buttered.

Success in life, finding the big dream of it all, and finding your
piece of the pie seems to be what it is all about for many of us in
the west. I wrote a poem a while ago called ‘Stuck’ which sort of
summed up how I view things. It is in my ‘Life, Love and Other
Mysteries’ anthology of poetry and song.

So much of my own yearnings in life over these past 20 years have been
for some sort of success. To make a name for myself, to achieve
wealth and success, to gain my own, supposedly deserved, glory. But I
suppose I have to learn the poem God gave me to write for myself. ‘In
patience what I need comes to be.’ I guess, if we can learn to wait,
to learn to let go of the demand for ‘Instant Wealth’ and ‘Instant
Success’, then perhaps what we actually really NEED will be given to
us by God and that in this ‘Prison of Life’ we will end up FREE from
the frustrations of our own covetous lusts for wealth and success,
instead transformed into a person which is content with God’s love and
whatever he sees fit to provide for us. Because if we have God’s love
– if we have the love of the one who is eternal and has always been
there – then it is just patience we need to have, for he will give us
all good things in the fullness of time. What we need to learn in the
mean times is to love each other, to respect each other, and to value
each other. For those gifts, which are FREE, are the ones we really
need for eternity anyway.

* * * * *

When I stopped going to Catholic Church at 16 it wasn’t really because
I didn’t believe in God. It was because church was boring and I had
better things to do. But, gradually, looking back, I realize now that
the simple faith I had in God as a child disappeared in those years
from 16 to 18 or so. But not for long. I questioned, intently,
wether God was there or not. I thought about it all the time, a great
deal, and then, later on in year 11 or 12 at Lake Tuggeranong College
I stole a book on philosophy for beginners from the library (which I
might have eventually returned to the Civic library) and read some of
the arguments for the existence of God. What nailed it for me was the
‘Argument from Design’. Essentially it argues that nature is so
complex, wonderful, beautiful and has such a design to it that it
indicates a ‘DESIGNER’ behind it. I gave this thought, then, and
within a short while confessed my faith. Yes, God was there, had
designed the universe, and was the creator. It was at that point I
really did believe in God, and have never stopped since. But I was
NOT a religious believer, instead, I guess, being deistic in my
viewpoint. I did believe in an afterlife, though, and shared that
view briefly once with Ariel Cheng, a friend from CIT. But she
alluded that unless I was a Christian I wouldn’t receive that
afterlife. That got me interested in Christianity and later I became
a pentecostal. But for a long time now, since being a Noahide, I KNOW
I was in the right position back then. I had faith in God, believed
in a world to come, and I know that was and still is enough for God to
accept you. It was all he needed to save me.

Over the course of my walk with God, though, I have come to know that
Jehovah is NOT a trinity, and that Israel is his ‘Rock’. But, the way
the Noahide world is gradually emerging now, we Noahides are becoming
God’s ‘Rock’ as well. After all, we are of the ‘Oldest’ of the
biblical covenants, older still than Abraham’s covenants, and perhaps
in that sense should be the MOST responsible of God’s holy people.
Perhaps, because we are of the OLDEST covenant, we should be the most
mature and reliable in our service to the Most High. It is what I
believe personally anyway.

Faith in God in action can mean a lot for many people. For many it is
a belief system which guides their lives and moral choices. For
others it becomes the central focus in a religious calling. And for
others still, just that little part of faith in their lives, that
little corner, which they occasionally go to that reminds them that,
yes, they believe, and that there is a meaning to it. But then back
off to the real world.

For me, personally, it is perhaps a mixture of all those
perspectives. As a Christian in Potters House and the United
Pentecostal Church I evangelized on the streets of Civic in Canberra a
great deal, handing out flyers, talking to people and even street
preaching. I hardly ever saw anyone come to church that I had talked
to, but wonder these days what, if any, impact I had. It has been
slow going in Noahide faith as well, but what I seem to be
understanding these days is that you REALLY need to get your time up
in a religion and a religious assembly and show REAL commitment before
God will bless you with souls. If you are a monotheistic evangelist,
and you want to win souls to your assembly, they won’t come forth
unless YOU stick to your assembly. If you quit later on, God has
wasted his time in using you as an example, hasn’t he? You have GOT
to stick to your guns and really commit, or you are just wasting your
time. Real soul winners are ones who end up sticking to something,
and showing people their faith is genuine. If it isn’t you won’t bear
fruit in the end. In this day and age it is as simple as that,
because with all the religions on offer people see through the shallow
ones very quickly now and move on.

* * * * *

I lost my virginity to a prostitute in Fyshwick in Canberra at 26
years of age. It was the day (early in the morning) after I left
Christian faith and was thinking about Jewish/Noahide faith. I was
living in Hughes in Canberra, working at AQIS, and had come to the
conclusion that I really didn’t believe in Jesus and that I just
believed in God. And then, later on that night, thinking that because
I was no longer a Christian, that all the Christian teaching on sexual
purity until marriage really didn’t apply to me, with all my years of
sexual frustration having built up, I went off to the keycard machine
at the mall, withdrew a number of hundreds of dollars, and early the
following morning took a taxi out to Fyshwick stopping at ‘Exotic
Studios’. The girls working name was ‘Amber’, she was from Cooma
originally (funnily enough) and was very pretty. I went a fair number
of times after that, but it gradually diminished.

Sexuality and what God requires of us is a big issue for me, and very
challenging. Not being Jewish and, further, honestly believing that
the Talmudic system of Noahide faith is simply rabbinic invention, I
have only been able to rely on the Scriptures themselves. I would be
lying to myself if I tried to follow the mainstream ‘7 Laws of Noah’
code. I don’t believe it is the historical truth, so there is no
point in trying to meet its religious requirements.

I essentially have a ‘moderate’ stance on the composition of the
scriptures, and would recommend ‘Richard Elliott Friedman’s’ ‘Who
Wrote the Bible’ to explain source theory on the Documentary
Hypothesis. While I would question ‘Dating’ of the sources, I agree
there ARE differing sources in the Torah. Some say it is Priestly
invention, the sections in Leviticus and that, by and large, the
rulings are developed rulings. This is probably true to a degree. IF
there are any genuine Mosaic sections in the Torah WE don’t know with
any certainty what they are. Further, we really DON’T know what are
the rule from God, if any, on sexual morality. The bible says what it
says, but is this reality? Is this the moral truth of human lives? I
am not sure.

In the Australian Capital Territory were I live Prostitution is
legal. Because of that I occasionally visit a lady and have an
intimate encounter. I have shared this with a number of friends in my
mental health groups, and nobody really seems to object. In fact it
is usually an article for light hearted conversation.

From observations on this throughout life, smirks, laughter and grins
are often the result in male to male conversations on their sexual
escapades. Is that, then, the reality of sexual conduct? And,
therefore, are the biblical prohibitions rabbinic nonsense? Is it
really that big a deal? Today we have homosexuals well entrenched in
our society, and nobody seems to mind. In fact many churches say that
is ok now. With my knowledge on the composition of the bible and the
lack of real proof of God’s own voice on the subject, what can we
really say?

In the end I only argue common sense should prevail, and your own
convictions and inner voice. There are a lot of sexual freedoms now,
and I think that will always be part of society from now on. We won’t
ever be going back to the Victorian era, and the restrictive ways of
the past. X rated porn is here to stay, and they are the facts of

What I do know, though, is that VDs aka STDs or STIs are a permanent
part of the landscape, and a fool practices unsafe sex with every Tom,
Dick and Harry. So whatever your practices on this issue, be bloody

* * * * *

I probably had my first cigarette in my teens. But I can’t really
remember. In fact, it might have been my early 20s. So far I have
smoked about 20 to 30 cigarettes in my life and drunk about 50 to 100
cans of beer in my life. I am not actually really trying to abstain
from beer – it is just that I don’t really like the stuff very much.
I do like cigarettes, but plan on never taking them up seriously, as I
know all to well the dangers. But once or twice a year I will have a
smoke, little enough to ensure I do no real damage.

I got weighed just the other day and came in at 154 KGs. Quite a bit,
but funnily enough down on the last weighing. I have been up over 160
KGs previously. My diet, and the fact I now drink quite a bit of
water, is gradually and slowly wearing down my weight. The way I am
going, 3 or 4 years from now I expect I might be under 140 KGs. I am
hoping for that.

Being health, of course, is a big part of life. It seems for so many
that it is a major preoccupation and for the other half a non-issue.
But we are probably all concerned in some way.

God’s plan is for us mainly to eat fruits and vegetables and various
plants, and he started us off on that. Later he gave Noah permission
to eat meat, and we can do that as Noahides as long as we drain off
the blood. Nobody is supposed to eat blood.

All of this is meant to support our life and make us healthy. Of
course, we don’t have access to the tree of life, as we can’t get back
to the garden. I pray that God feeds me that fruit spiritually, and I
pray that a lot, and hopefully he does. I really enjoy life these
days and want as long a life as I can possibly get.

Of course, we need to be healthy and because of this I make sure I
don’t smoke or drink too much, and I try to gradually improve my
eating habits as the years go by. I am even slowly thinking about
vitamin tablets as an option to consider.

* * * * *

My brother Gregory was probably my best friend for most of my young
life. I teased him a bit too much I think, and was a bit bossy an
older brother, but I really did like him, and am grateful I had him as
a brother growing up. We used to play cricket together in the back
yard quite a lot, and across the road with the neighbours boy as well.

Greg has a boy, James, now. James really is a ‘Daly’ and is like his
grandfather with a quiet nature.

I have never been married, but would like to one day. At 37 I realize
I am not getting any younger, but still hope to meet a nice lady to
have children with. Of course God told Noah to populate the earth,
and I am willing to do my bit, but just haven’t found the girl I
connect with yet. Hopefully one day.

Gregory is married to a Philippino lady called ‘Christie-Mae’ who was
born on Christmas Day. They seem to get along, and I enjoy having her
in the family. They are in Perth now, were they will build a house,
so I won’t see him a lot in the future. But he is my favourite
sibling, and I wish the best for him.

* * * * *

I have listened to hundreds, possibly over a thousand, CDs in my
life. With my schizophrenia I am in the habit of getting rid of them
in some way, but I have a large knowledge of many musical artists. I
have many favourite albums, but some of them would include: Bon Jovi
– New Jersey, Def Leppard – Hysteria, Kings X – Faith, Hope, Love,
Spice Girls – Greatest Hits, Britney Spears – The Singles Collection,
AC DC – Back in Black, DC Talk – Jesus Freak, Cheri Keaggy – My Faith
Will Stay, Rebecca St James – God & Susan Ashton – A Distant Call. I
love music, can listen to it all day, and hopefully always will. I
myself have composed a number of basic classical piano pieces, and
hope to eventually have a small compilation CD put together. It will
go on ‘Myspace’ if I ever get the project done.

* * * * *

Anyway, I will close this third chapter with a slice of wisdom.
‘Whatever you do, do well.’

All the best. Daniel

End of Chapter Three

Chapter Four

(Written Tuesday, 6th of April, 2010 CE, early in the morning)

It has been quiet enough the last few weeks since writing the last
chapter. I finalized the cleaning of my flat down in Cooma (Unit 4 /
194 Sharp Street) were I had just finished a six month lease. I
signed the bond release form and hopefully they will find it all up to
scratch. I have lived away from home (my parent/s) a number of times
over the years, but due to lack of marriage have usually ended up back
with them.

My first time away from home was in 1995 when I joined the Potters
House Christian Church in November of that year. I had been witnessed
to by Tammy Saunders and the church had some established group houses
for its younger tween members. I stayed at a place on McFarland
Crescent in Pearce in the Woden district, just up from the Pearce
Shops and community hall were the Church met at that time. Since then
they changed locations to Civic in the Griffin centre for a while, and
now down at a primary school in West Kambah. They have had pastor’s
come and go, and the original pastor that I was baptized under, Philip
East, is now in Indonesia I think, still at his gospel work, with a
different church.

I lived in the men’s group house with Brenton White, Scott Boswell,
Rama Vaa and Craig Holford. Craig Holford, along with his wife
Raelene, are the only ones still attending the Canberra Potters House
church from the days I attended the church (1995 to 1996, for about 1
year). Brenton has a twin, Chris White, who is still a friend I see
every now and again. Scott was the main guy responsible for my
induction in a sense into the group house and into Potters House, but
I got along best with Rama Vaa, a Samoan fellow who was at
university. In the women’s group house, which was just down the
street a little, there was Deonie (who later married Scott) Tammy
Saunders (who later married a fellow named Mal Makkinga who had come
into the church and who developed a close friendship with myself),
Camille and Sofya Sharaf, who I had a crush on, who later married Sung
Taing who was in the church with her for a while.

I was in the group house briefly, and then had another psychotic
episode, wandering the bush, and then returning home to live with my
mother for a while. But I returned to the group house and the church,
before living with Brenton White in the ‘Wall’ in Mawson for a little
while. After my year in Potters House I went to the United
Pentecostal Church in the next suburb of Chifley, and moved to a flat
in ‘Chifley House’ on Eggleston Crescent. I was in that flat for a
year or so. After that I moved into a flat in Greenhaven Court in
Hughes in Woden, just opposite the Hughes Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom
Hall. I attended the ‘Baptist Church’ in Hughes on and off for a
little while, and a few visits to the Kingdom Hall.

In January 1999 living in Hughes I became a Noahide, and the following
year in 2000 I began writing ‘Morning Stars’. I was offered a
‘Package’ in 2000 due to lack of duties for my position, but I could
tell the Schizophrenia problem was perhaps the main issue as to why my
duties had dwindled. I had been hospitalized a number of times by

I returned to 29 Merriman Crescent in Macarthur in 2000, not long
before I took my package. In 2001 I lived in Cooma on Baron Street
for a six month lease, but was only there a few months before I had
another episode and took off for Melbourne. I stayed briefly with
June Cantrell the Noahide who was a friend of mine (and of Frances
Makarova ie Rachav), before being hospitalized in the Dandenong
Hospital. Just before leaving Cooma I remember (as I had no
television) going into the newsagents and seeing the paper of the 911
incident with the twin towers.

I returned to Canberra after my hospitalization, and never really went
back to Cooma to live to finish off the lease. It was cleaned and I
stayed in Cooma since then.

I was not hospitalized again until January/February 2008 (7 years
reasonably well) and have not been since that time.

In 2007 I returned to live in Cooma at, this first time, unit 3 / 194
Sharp Street, which is the front unit on the right. Returning back to
Canberra I had published in paperback form, just after my father’s
death, Morning Stars and Ye Olde Devil. I was hospitalized just a
little later. I stayed then at Ainslie Village in the ‘Lodge’ for a
few weeks, then my mother let me return home.

And then, since October 2009 till just the other day I had a lease
for, this time, unit 4 / 194 Sharp Street, which is the front unity on
the left. Small world huh. But I didn’t stay there a huge amount,
and returned to live in Canberra for much of the lease. I was just
too lonely there in the end (although I was coping with it) and missed
my newly acquired friends from the Mental Health Tuggeranong Drop in

One of the friends I have met in the drop in centre is ‘Marcus Low’.
He is from an Asian family, but he has a normal Australian English
accent so I assume he was probably born in Australia. Recently, at
Woden Bus Interchange, I ran into him and asked him to write a story
about an Angel for me. We had discussed the idea of him writing
stories for my website previously, and his story can be seen on the
‘Contributing Authors’ section of the main page.


That is all for now. All the best to everyone reading this ongoing

The End of Chapter Four

Chapter Five

(Written Friday 9th of April 2010 AD/CE)

I printed off my first 2 printer copies of ‘Jack Dagger – Skull and
Crossbone’ yesterday at Tuggeranong library. I haven’t printed off
hard copies of most of my stuff, and am now getting around to it. In
this new electronic world, with computer memory and internet websites,
it hasn’t really become necessary to print off actual paper copies. I
have 2 USB drives were I save my writings, and I think that is an
absolute essential necessity these days with the ways hard drives so
often crash and you can lose data.

I remember, when working in AQIS, hearing about the term ‘The
Paperless Office’. There was a seminar given on this at work and one
of the senior workers took it so seriously that he assumed they no
longer wanted printed copies of things, and just worked
electronically. An ironic statement I once heard it that in the new
electronic environment, the paperless office uses more paper than ever
before. But such is life.

My first close female friend, who I guess in hindsight was a
girlfriend, but I have never called any girl my girlfriend so far, was
‘Louise Roseman’ back in year 11 at Monaro High School in Cooma. She
had a crush on me and scratched ‘XAD’ into her arm, that being my
nickname which I used as the signature for the high scores on various
video games played at the Cooma Video Game Arcade. We kissed at
‘Peter Dradrach’s’ and, while I learned she was ‘Easy’, we never had
sexual relations. Just around that time I was at the Cooma Show with
my group of friends and I went on the dodgems for quite a while with a
blonde girl from year 10 named Jenny. I remember at school boasting
to Mark Post that I only went with Jenny to make Louise jealous. But
that was actually all bravado, and completely untrue, since I just
made it up at the time. I was in no way trying to make Louise
Jealous. Jenny had written me a porno letter, and I was still scared
of such intimacies at that age – I think, looking back, I was trying
to escape the friendship with Jenny in some way. Jenny was a nice
girl, but not for me.

There was, interestingly, another Jenny in year 11 called ‘Jenny
Cheetham’ who told me she ‘Knew’ there was a God. It was one of my
first ‘God’ conversations, and one of the things which propelled my
teenage mind to search for God. I rung up Jenny’s mum just a few
years ago and got back in touch with Jenny. Her father died just
around that time, and while she was working in New Zealand, she came
back to Canberra briefly and we caught up. I was way to strong in my
comments about Jesus and Christianity not being true, and I put her
off any future friendship, which I regret. I really like her, and I
had a crush on her back in high school. She had changed a lot though.

When I started attending CIT in 1993 to 1995 doing the ‘Associate
Diploma of Business in Office Administration’, I ended up making a lot
of close female friends, because the course was mainly filled with
females. One of the girls was ‘Ariel Cheng’ who told me she was a
Christian. She was a very quiet and gentle girl, from Taipei, and I
ended up going to the place she was staying to talk with her the
afternoon before I had my accident the following day. That afternoon
I bought a Good News Bible and returned to faith. Other girls I
studied with at CIT and remember were Nary Ly, Caroline Blanc (who I
think works in Tuggeranong), Lindy Barham (who was a close friend) and
Lee Chiu. Lee Chiu was my second close female friend, and when she
returned to Hong Kong we wrote letters to each other for a while. But
she was never quite my girlfriend either.

When I went to UPC I proposed to ‘Ann Kim’, but I was having a
psychotic episode at the time (which she might not have known) and she
said ‘Later’. I ended up leaving the church, and haven’t seen Ann Kim
in years, but in reflection she was definitely not the one for me.
Too differing personality types and theological beliefs. But it was
only a brief friendship with her, and while we kissed a few mornings
(as we walked down from Chifley to Woden to go to work) I had never
called her my girlfriend either. It was mainly a brief romantic
fling. We never had sex though.

Later on in that church I was interested in Becky Kent, and just
before I left the church we were starting to sit together in service.
But I ended up leaving UPC in 1998 because I didn’t believe Oneness
theology. I think I was in UPC for about a year and a half. To
Oneness believers I recommend 1 Corinthians 8:6 and John 17:3 which
should teach you Jesus isn’t God. The logic of putting Matt 28 and
Acts 2 is correct, but name simply means ‘Authority’. It doesn’t mean
a literal name in the scriptural context. You see, in terms of the
New Testament, Jesus receives the ‘Authority’ of the father, which
means he received the ‘Name’ of the father, with the power (Name) to
send the Holy Spirit. God revealed to me just after leaving Christian
faith that worship of Jesus was extreme idolatry and carried a death
penalty, but then told me later on, while I was considering that, to
‘Be in the Hearts of Men’. You see, while God has made his judgement
on the issue, he tells me to have mercy, and look at the heart of the
people in such churches, who are really just in error theologically,
and simply don’t know any better.

I have just started collecting old bibles, SVDP in Tuggeranong being a
major place of purchase, were you can get them currently second-hand
for $1. I particularly like finding ‘To Such and Such for your such
and such’ in the front cover with a signed date and year. I am in the
habit of putting my name and purchase date and signing these copies
myself, just next to such markings. I like a record of who has owned
such bibles – I think that is a good idea. In fact, with all the
books I now buy, I sign and date them. For ‘The Da Vinci Code’
paperback I purchased from SVDP I wrote in a little plot idea for a
Robert Langdon story in the front cover. The story is called ‘A
Contract with the Devil’ and is set in Jerusalem.

* * *

I read the ‘Belgariad’ by David Eddings way back in Cooma in around
1987/1988. A friend of the family had given us some books and ‘Pawn
of Prophecy’ was amongst them. I read it as the second fantasy work I
had read, and thought it was amazing. I went off to the library to
find if they had the rest of the saga and was overjoyed to find they
had all 5 books in the series. I read them astutely and thought they
were incredible. This started my collecting of fantasy and science
fiction novels and I read quite a number of works in those years.

Recently David Eddings died (early 2009), and then just a few months
ago I began writing ‘The Belzandramanian’ which is a fanfiction sequel
to David Eddings ‘Belgariad’ and ‘Malloreon’ series. When I posted
the first part of the story to a message board for Eddings on Google I
found out he had died. The Belzandramanian is going to be a major 5
part series, as long as both the Belgariad and Malloreon, which are
both 5 book series. I am working hard on it, and hopefully the
readers will enjoy it.

Anyway, recently my neice Georgia Bridges (my sisters daughter)
started slowly righting a short story on my computer. She is only 10
years old and I thought the story was a good effort for Georgia. I
edited the finally copy, but all the words are hers. You can read it
at the contributing authors section.

Anyway, that’s all for now. All the best to everyone. Daniel

The End of Chapter Five

Chapter Six

(Written Monday 19th of April & Friday 23rd of April 2010 AD/CE)

This morning I have been working on my family tree, getting all the
information out of my mother Mary. I want to ensure I get all the
details I can in case anything unfortunate happens to her before time.

Here is an interesting genealogy, with sources, from internet records
I have put together. From 105 back to 87 is Very Highly reliable,
being part of the records of ancient Ireland which were carefully
kept. Going from 87 back to 37 & 36 is reasonable data in my
opinion. That Niall of the Nine hostages goes back to Milesius is
commonly held to. From 37 back to 13 is questionable, but is the only
data we have. Nennius table of nations, from my mind, may have been
written by himself simply because of the popularity of the biblical
genealogies, and 37 back to 13 which is from this source is highly
questionable because of it. The names may be genuine to some degree
(Perhaps he drew on traditional names floating around the nations) it
is questionable on authenticity, and is probably reactionary to the
Christian faith and demand, but it is all we have so I place it (as
others do) as our official genealogy back to Adam and Eve, but held
with a degree of suspicion. Whatever else, the amount of names going
back to Adam is about the right amount historically.

I was watching Benny Hinn this morning and they talked about
Schizophrenia. The doctor who was on the show had been involved with
research into the condition and claimed it was a lack of ‘Niacin’ in
the diet which caused the lack of Brain nutrition, leading to the
voices and schizophrenic symptoms. Vitamin D was called necessary to
help improve people with this condition.

I ate a lot of breakfast cereal when I was growing up, often twice a
day, but this disappeared in my early 20s, when the depression entered
in and the schizophrenia followed the depression. If what this doctor
says is true, then my lifestyle choices fit the pattern. I will be
trying Niacin for a while from now on and will let you know if my
schizophrenic symptoms improve.

* * *

I have been buying a lot of books and trading cards recently. When I
am unwell I am unfortunately in the habit of destroying some of my
possessions, and have lost many things because of it. But I have been
praying recently that God would help me not to destroy my possessions
and would cure me of schizophrenia. I think, with the new Vitamin D
information, perhaps he has.

Anyway, currently my bookcase is full of books, paperback and
hardback, fiction and non-fiction, and I have a lifetime of reading
ahead of me. I am also going to be collecting things like: CDs,
Records, Trading Cards, Comics, China, Books, Stamps & Coins.

I like collecting things, but presently finding room for them is
starting to become a problem. I have resorted to purchasing large
plastic boxes and storing things under the house.

When I was in my teens living at 6 Bradley Street in Cooma I was given
some fantasy books by a friend of the family, Gerard Bryant. David
Eddings ‘Pawn of Prophecy’ was amongst them, and was the second
fantasy book I read after ‘The Twilight Realm’. My favourite genre of
fiction is usually fantasy, followed by Science Fiction. However, my
own saga about Angels with the term ‘Angelic Spiritual Fiction’ would
now be my favourite genre of fiction, and the stuff I enjoy writing
the most and reading about. I am really hoping that my work ‘The
Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’ becomes the ‘Lord of the Rings’
of Angelic Fiction. Fingers crossed.

Strangely, when I was very young, living in Berridale in NSW in
Australia where I was brought up, I seem to remember something about
an angel called ‘Ramiel’ for some strange reason. It is quite
possibly just my extensive imagination in rethinking about my past
youth, but that angel name rings a bell for some strange reason. I do
remember we had rosary group meetings back at our Berridale house when
I was very young, and perhaps the Angel’s name was mentioned then.
Or, perhaps, I had angels talking to me when I was very young, and my
mother often said that ‘Do you remember playing with the Angels?’
referring to before I was born. I had a dream about that recently, a
dream which gave me the impression it was referring to a time before
my birth, when I was in heaven. I was living in Cooma, of all places,
and attended St Pats school, and was learning things. The dream
seemed to be a flashback of my time in heaven, and I remember in the
dream certain memories in my mind ‘Clicking’ to what the dream was
showing. They seemed to be part of my inner memories, part of the
very fabric of my being. Interestingly in my dream one of the Nuns
told me ‘Your mother is going somewere and won’t be coming back,’
which the dream communicated to me as my mother going off to be born
into the physical earth. I was at school with my St Pats school-
friends in the dream, and I believe now that there is a world of
dreaming, a world of heaven, which precedes all of our lives before
earth, and which seems to follow it as well.

Talking of dreams, for a number of recent years, tapering off after I
prayed to God about it, I was having the most intense of dreams, ones
in which I often felt like I was really alive in them, and they were
so very real. I often tried to make the dreams last as long as they
could, refusing to wake up in my dreams. I remember many scenes from
many of my dreams, and I have dreamed about many celebrities funnily
enough, as well as family and friends and many other faces I don’t yet

Daniel’s are really supposed to have vivid dreams, and they are
supposed to be interpreted by us as well. That is the gift of the
book of Daniel for those who bear this name. Further, Daniel’s are
supposed to be judges because Daniel means ‘Judge of God’ which means
‘God’s appointed Judge’ (To Judge others, not meaning Judging God

* * *

That’s all for now. I will write more later.

The End of Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

(Written Saturday the 24th of April 2010 CE/AD)

I have decided in the last few days to try and keep a more
comprehensive journal/autobiography on a far more regular basis. I
want to record all the various activities I get up to so that in
latter years for myself and any interested parties they can get a very
detailed account of my life.

Yesterday I was down at Chess for the Leisure Activities run by Mental
Health Tuggeranong. The people who attend the various activities
usually suffer from Mental Illnesses such as Depression, Anxiety,
Bipolar, Schizo-effective disorder and Schizophrenia. This seems to
be the general type of disorders they deal with for MHT.
Conversations centre around a range of subjects, but naturally
medication and the conditions are often talked about. Currently
Risperdal and Seraquel are talked about as commonly used drugs by
various people in the centre, and I am currently on a Risperdal Consta
(injection) of 50 mg over every 2 weeks. When I first started on the
medication back in the 1990s, first using Olanzapine from memory, I
was on tablets. However I was never faithful to the tablets, as I
couldn’t find consistency in taking them, and was hospitalized for my
psychotic attacks a number of times. Eventually they put me on
injections, and they have worked much better and I find it easier to
remember getting a fortnightly injection as it is less often.

I am reasonably ok at Chess, and have played it for many years. In
fact, way back in Berridale when I was very young I remember my father
Cyril teaching me the game and playing it with me. I used to play
with Matthew to start with (I think) but definitely with Gregory over
the years as we grew up. Greg has also become quite good at the
game. Greg had a book called ‘The Chess Player’s Bible’ which Matt
borrowed, but when Greg moved to Perth with Christie after selling
their Calwell house just recently, he left the book behind with Matt
and Matt didn’t want it so I asked Greg if I could have it and he gave
it to me. Fortunately it is a good book and I am gradually learning
strategy from it. I also had a big chess book given to me for either
a birthday or Christmas present when I was younger, and I never really
studied it in youth, apart from what they called ‘Pitfall number one’
which gave me a basic strategy to get a quick checkmate. But it only
works against new players as experienced players spot it pretty
quickly. I had a really nice chess set when I was a kid with big
carved out pieces, which I managed to get from SVDP in Cooma were Dad
worked and mum occasionally did volunteer work. Unfortunately I left
it behind one time at a Galong spiritual retreat which Mum and Dad
took the family on to the Catholic Monastery in Galong NSW (Up Past
Yass). I recall going at least twice to this place I think, and one
of the times I saw the movie ‘Highlander’ which became my favourite
movie as a kid. In fact it was Troy Bobbin who took some of the kids
to rent a video and I chose Highlander. Troy later became a priest
and I was at his ordination. And when I was very young at a SVDP Camp
on a property near Jerangle Troy Bobbin was an older boy who
befriended me and we did an ‘Act’ together in the ‘Talent Night’ with
another guy. It was a great camp and we played ‘Spotlight’ on one of
the nights, with a torch out on the grass at night, with the object to
make it down the grass to the base without being seen. I can’t
remember for sure if I made it all the way down or not. I also
remember walking to a river from the property. I remember asking ‘How
long it would take us’ and was told it was one mile to the river and
would take us about an hour, which was accurate. There was also a
room which had people writing over the wall there names and band names
and things like that, and I am pretty sure I remember writing ‘The
Village People’ because along with Abba and Kiss they were about the
only bands I had heard about at the time. I think a lot of the kids
wrote about ‘Kiss’ on the wall, as they were a big thing at the time.
I remember we had hot Milo for supper after dinner, and we slept in
dorms. We had a big ‘Envelope’ hunt and I found a lot of them, and
when they gave out awards at the end of the time there I was called
‘The great Envelope Hunter’ or something like that. It was mostly
kids from Canberra and Queanbeyan and other regions who were on the
camp, but I went with some other kids from my family. We also used to
play in a hayshed on the hay, but I spotted a spider on the wall, and
they took us out. But I later went and looked at the spider and it
was dead so we started playing there again. I remember we were
walking on a road and someone tuned in a radio and said ‘We have 2XL’
which was and still is the Cooma radio station. And I remember when I
got there looking in my bag and looking at my socks and my bathroom
items, as mum always had a toothbrush and toothpaste and soap put
aside for us when we went on camps. This camp was in the 1980s while
we were living in Cooma, and probably the mid to early 1980s. Anyway,
I remember visiting an elderly lady in Cooma East which my mother knew
and we played on my elaborate chess set. I won the game, but she had
confused the Queen for the Bishop in the set, which is why I probably
won. But I was so young and ambitious back then that I wouldn’t have
let her take the move back probably – I have softened, though, but
still have a degree of that attitude in me.

Yesterday I got to chess in the morning. Adrian Harry Chan (I found
out his middle name was Harry recently, and at the pool on Thursday,
the day before yesterday, I have been teasing him calling him ‘Harry
Potter’ and making wizard jokes) is the guy who picks me up in the MHT
Van to take me to Swimming on Thursday afternoons and Chess on Friday
mornings. I go each week and he usually picks me up around 10 to 11
in the morning, as sometimes he is early and sometimes a bit later. I
played one game of chess with a guy called ‘Roary’ and I just lost,
but it was a close game. Later I played Scrabble with Rebecca Hill
and Tony Beer and another guy called Shane. It was the first time I
had played Scrabble in the group, and they have been playing it for
years, but I am not usually interested in Scrabble. I was trying hard
in the game to win, and fortunately got my letters out in the end
before the others, so ended up winning, to which I was grateful. But
I probably won’t play scrabble that much more any more – it doesn’t
usually interest me a great deal. I knew Rebecca Hill before getting
involved with the MHT leisure program activities, having remembered
her face from visits to Vision Pentecostal Christian Fellowship, were
she attends, in Fyshwick. I couldn’t actually remembered were I first
place her, but when we started talking for the first time and she
mentioned Vision I knew it had been there were I had seen her.
Rebecca works in Parliament House in Canberra in the mail room I
think. She is in her mid 20s. Tony is in his 50s I think and no
longer works. I receive the Disability Support Pension from
Centrelink and a lot of people who attend the activities are also on
the DSP, but not everyone. Names I know well now from the programs
are ‘Rebecca Hill’, ‘Tony Beer’, ‘Marcus CCC’, ‘Marcus Low’, ‘Alun
Dorahy’, ‘Michael Laird’, ‘Matthew Sanderson’, ‘Steve Mansfield’,
‘Jenny Cutting’, ‘Tania’ , ‘Elizabeth’, ‘Scott’, ‘Des’, ‘Rodney’,
‘Isaac’, ‘Kevin’, ‘Richard Glinka’, ‘Andrew Wojick’, ‘Richard’, and
the workers ‘Carmel’ and ‘John’ and ‘Laura’ and ‘Adrian Chan’. They
are all nice people and I am slowly developing some good friendships
amongst them. Yesterday, though, I surfed the internet as they have a
PC for the centre with internet access which I use quite often. I
don’t have the internet connected at home at the moment, so use it in
the library, in the hyperdome and at the centre mostly, as well as at
some places in Civic occasionally. Apart from that I chatted a bit.
I also printed off ‘I Love You, Always and Forever’, which is a short
story I wrote the day before (Thursday Night) for Marcus CCC,
dedicating it to him. Marcus CCC is a very generous and kind person
and has been shouting me meals for a few weeks at some Tuggeranong
Restaurants simply because he is so generous and I usually spend my
money of my allowance all on the Thursday I get it, rarely trying to
make it last for the fortnight. I told him I need to shout him as
well but he asked ‘Just dedicate a Noahide Books story to me’ so I
wrote it out and printed off 3 copies yesterday. Carmel, Matthew
Sanderson, Rebecca Hill and Marcus read the story yesterday and they
all liked it, getting some smiles about the second Marcus. Of course,
this is the story in the previous chapter of this autobiography.

Carmel had been speaking over the last little while about some tickets
to Canberra Raiders football matches she had been able to acquire.
She rang up the raiders and told them she wanted some free tickets for
the leisure program and they were happy enough to provide her with 4
tickets for each match to various matches. I wanted 3 copies of the
up coming Bulldogs match (as I have gone for the Bulldogs, I am pretty
sure, since the late 1970s when living in Berridale) but Paul McNally
from the programs, who is also a big Bulldogs fan claimed two of
them. But I decided to take the two anyway. Last year me, my brother
Gregory and my brother in law Alan and his son Ronan, all of us being
Bulldogs fans, went to the match between the Bulldogs and the Raiders,
which the Bulldogs thankfully won. It was the third Rugby League ARL/
NRL match I had ever been to, the previous two being the same lineup,
Raiders versus Bulldogs at Bruce Stadium in Belconnen. Third time is
the charm, because the Bulldogs lost the first two matches I saw live,
but we won the third one I saw. Anyway, Greg is now in Perth so I
don’t need the fourth ticket, but I really wanted a third for young
Ronan. We have decided (as I rang Alan just this morning) to try and
get a ticket for Ronan in the same section as ourselves on one of the
next numbers, as soon as the tickets go on sale to the general
public. If we can’t get one near us I will simply buy any child’s
ticket, and he can sit on Alan’s knee (which Alan suggested). It
should be a good enough solution. But the tickets were free so I
can’t complain. I am looking at the tickets right now and they are
‘Section Bay 14, Row PP, Seats 25 & 26’. They have the dates of
Friday 25 – Monday 28 Jun 2010 on them because I think the Raiders
don’t set the date till closer to the time, but Alan says (after
looking the match up online) that it is for the Monday Night, the 28th
of June. When I was a kid back in the very early 1980s and late 1970s
I went for the Bulldogs always as my first time, but because Newtown
Jets were also in blue (navy blue I think) I went for them as my
second team. They left the competition after 1981 I think, but I
found out they were in the Metropolitan cup as it was called, and are
now still a team in the NSWRL competition, and I support them as my
second team. Just a few years ago I decided the Raiders would be my
third team as I was naturalized an Australian Citizen in Canberra, so
I now go for the Canberra Raiders as my third Rugby League team in
Australia. Of course, I go for the two Hull teams in the Super League
competition in England. And I am anxiously waiting on the final 4
games of the Premier League Soccer competition in England, because I
support the Hull City Tigers and they are third last at the moment,
facing relegation. They only made it to the Premier League for the
first time ever 2 years ago, after having been a club for over 100
years in the lower grade competitions. But they rose a lot in the
last few years, having come from the fourth division of the overall
competition (Ie Premier, Champions, I think 1st division and then 2nd
division this being the fourth division I am talking about) and rising
all the way up to Premier league in about 6 or 7 years. But they are
finding Premier League challenging, as it should be. They are an ok
side though, and even if they return to Champions next year, I think
they have an excellent chance of returning to Premier League the
following season. I go for the ‘Hull Ionian’s’ Rugby Union side, but
haven’t gotten around to viewing the website that much, but intend
to. I follow the English Cricket side very passionately and might
finally see some of my first Test Match this year in the up and coming
Ashes series against the Aussies in Australia. England currently
holds the Ashes winning the last series in England 2 – 1 in 2007, but
I don’t expect it to be an easy fight in the up and coming series.
England will have to fight like hell to beat the Aussies in Australia,
but I am hoping and praying for the best of results for us. I chose
some Aussie Rules sides from the competitions apart from the VFL when
I was a kid, and I still support ‘Glenelg’ in the South Australian
competition and ‘Subiaco’ in the Western Australian competition. They
will likely always be the teams I support in those competitions. In
Australian basketball I went for the Canberra Cannons in the NBL, but
they haven’t been in it for a while. But I won’t choose another side,
and will support any future Canberra team, hopefully still called the
Canberra Cannons. In the Super 14 Rugby Union competition I support
the ACT Brumbies as my first team, but support the 3 other Aussie
sides (NSW, Queensland and the Western Force) in all their games
against the Kiwi and the South African Rugby Union sides. I think
this year an Australian team might just win the competition. In the
local ACTAFL competition I go for Queanbeyan, because when I was
younger they were called the ‘Queanbeyan Honey Bunny Tigers’ because
‘Honey Bunny’ were their sponsors I guess. But I won’t change my team
of choice, even though I will now go for Tuggeranong as my second team
in the ACTAFL. In the Canberra Rugby Union competition I go for the
Tuggeranong Vikings, and I support Tuggeranong in the Canberra Rugby
League competition (I think they are called the Buffaloes). In the
big AFL competition I have gone for Hawthorn since the early 1980s and
will always have them as my number one team. Speaking of the Canberra
Cannons, Phil Smythe was my favourite Basketball player as a Kid and
he played for the Cannons for years, but then went off to the Adelaide
36ers. Anyway, from the free-throw line he hardly ever missed and I
thought he was great. He wasn’t a tall player, but was pretty good.
I remember he came to St Pats High when I was a kid and was showing us
basketball tips. I didn’t get a chance to talk to him, but I was
pretty chuffed in having seen him. I actually played basketball for
St Pats in Primary school but only played a few games. I don’t think
we ever won, and I was hopeless. I think I wore a red t shirt with
number 15 on it. We were slaughtered once about 55 nil, but only had
a few players on the team as the rest of the team hadn’t shown up. It
was up at the Cooma basketball stadium, just up near the old St Pats
infant school near the Snowy Hydro Electric Corporation, not far from
were I lived. Right next to it is the Indoor Cricket centre were I
played in the 1989 competition with my gang team and we won the B
grade competition and I was selected to play in the A Grade comp that

* * *

Mum has gone off shopping with Brigid my sister this morning.
Currently it is school holidays and Madalene and Jayden and Georgia
are down at the Chakola farm with their father David. Mum usually
goes shopping on Sunday after 10 am church with Trish Kirby. Trish
has been a friend of the family for many years now, and probably mum’s
best friend. She is a mature lady and teaches Catholic lessons to the
school of religion I think it is, or perhaps RCIA or something like
that. Mum also taught the kids in schools for a little while. Trish
has a degree in Theology from Australian Catholic University at the
Signadou Campus in Watson in North Canberra. I studied Primary
Teaching there in the early 2000s, but only completed 3 quarters of my
first year subjects, giving up on it. I convinced myself that I
wasn’t going to give the kids my best effort, but I think I’d had
enough of study by then. Rebecca Bourke was a girl who stood out in
my studies at ACU and we did a project together and I visited her
place once in Belconnen. She had a cat with one eye. I remember
talking to her about Noahide faith a few times.

Right at this moment I am listening to Delta Goodrem’s album,
‘Innocent Eyes’ and the song ‘Running Away’ is playing, which is track
number 11. Delta’s boyfriend (they might now be married, but I am not
sure) Brian McFadden currently has the number one song in Australia.
The song is ok, but I don’t think it is that great, and I only think
it is number one because of his relationship with Delta, as she is
very popular in Australia. She had 4 number ones from her Innocent
Eyes album, which was a record. I think it was Kylie Minogue who had
the previous record with 3 number ones from her first album back in
the 1980s.

Because of my Schizophrenia I destroy things I own a lot when I am
psychotic, but have been concentrating a lot and praying a lot for
this to end. In my current CD collection at home I own:

Delta Goodrem – Innocent Eyes

Dio – The Very Beast of Dio

Kelly Clarkson – One Minute CD Single

Dream – He Loves U Not CD Single

Cheryl Cole – 3 Words

Kate Miller-Heidke – Curiouser

Madonna – Something to Remember

AC DC – Let there be Rock

Billie Piper – Walk of Life

Tina Arena – In Deep

Cascada – Platinum

I am hoping this CD collection now lasts, and the psychosis diminishes
and I return to normal.

Some of my very favourite Albums of all time (and I have listened to
hundreds of them) are:

Bon Jovi – New Jersey

Bon Jovi – Slippery When Wet

Def Leppard – Hysteria

Madonna – Something to Remember

Cheri Keaggy – Child of the Father

Cheri Keaggy – My Faith will Stay

DC Talk – Jesus Freak

Rihanna – Good Girl Gone Bad

Lisa Loeb – Tails

Lisa Loeb – Firecracker

Lisa Loeb – The Way it Really Is

Kings X – Faith Hope Love

Spice Girls – Greatest Hits

Britney Spears – the Singles Collection

AC DC – Back in Black

Queensryche – Empire

Helloween – Chameleon

Helloween – Keeper of the 7 keys Part II

Iron Maiden – Fear of the Dark

Boom Crash Opera – These Here are Crazy Times

Queen – Absolute Queen

Seal – Seal

Jewel – Pieces of You

Alanis Morisette – Jagged Little Pill

Avril Lavigne – The Best Damn Thing

Taylor Swift – Fearless

Kelly Clarkson – Breakaway

& many more

* * *

I am catching up with my friends Chris White and Robert Preston
tomorrow at Woden plaza food court at midday. I have known Chris and
Rob since Potters house days in 1996 and while I see Rob every few
weeks and have done ever since potters house days, I only catch up
with Chris every year or so. But we speak a bit more often over the
phone. Chris is married to an Asian lady named Ann who he met at a
party. She was married at the time but had problems with her husband
and I remember Chris saying she might divorce him, which she actually
did and married Chris. Chris was dating another older Asian lady
called Nim prior to this, but had problems with her.

Chris likes to talk about issues relating to the book of Revelation in
the New Testament, as does his twin brother Brenton who now lives in
Townsville and works, I guess, still as a painter. Chris is a good
guy, with a savage sense of humour, but is friendly and easy to get
along with. We were going to live together briefly, but I had to pull
out for personal reasons. Chris and Brenton are identical twins, but
Brenton was in the habit of wearing a short beard so you could always
tell them apart. Brenton also started using a diet shake or something
like that and thinned down a lot, but Chris is still a little stocky
like myself. I am currently 154 KGs, but hope to lose at least one
kilo for my next weigh in with my mental health psychiatrist who
weighs me when we meet up. I have been doing more exercise in the
last few weeks and am being more faithful to it. I hope to get down
to 153 or 152 and over the next few years intend to work carefully to
eventually get under 100 KGs if I can. I am getting a bit more in
control of my diet as a grow up and mature so things are looking good
in the long term.

Chris plays the keyboard somewhat and might be quite good by now. I
started playing the keyboard seriously back in Lake Tuggeranong
College were I studied music, and ended up composing a lot of my own
basic classical pieces. We don’t have a keyboard at home anymore and
when Greg moved to Perth he took his piano with him. But when I have
access to a piano or keyboard I usually sit down and play an
improvised piece – just messing around, which is all I really need to
do anymore with it.

Robert Preston is married to ‘Michelle’. They don’t have any kids
together, but Robert has a daughter called ‘Rachael’ from a previous
relationship, who now has a daughter of her own so Robert is now a
Grandfather. Rob is about 40, just a few years older than me. He
lives in Weston Creek.

For years now we have been seeing each other every few weeks, and
often go on outings. We used to go canoeing a lot when he had a
canoe, but most of the time we head down to KFC in Tuggeranong or some
other place for a meal and chat. He has helped me move my stuff a lot
and is a good and faithful friend.

* * *

Well, I have spoken about my dreams before, and I thought I would
share some of the things I have dreamed about of famous people.

Freddy Mercury from Queen singing a song ‘Life is Like a Jigsaw, It’s
Unreal’, which he never sung on earth.

Bon Jovi singing a song with the line ‘If the People say its alright,
well its alright’ which they have never sung on earth.

A Bon Jovi song which I now remember dreaming about before when I was
a kid, from the New Jersey Era of songwriting, but which they never
sang on earth.

Queen singing a song ‘Queen says Fuck’ which they have never sung on

Def Leppard singing a song about me as Lucifer which they have never
sung on earth.

At least 2 other very cool Def Leppard videos I saw in my dreams, but
the band on earth do not sing.

In a dream snippets of a Kasey Chambers album, going quickly through
many of the songs. They were very cool, but I don’t think she has
released them on earth.

Well, that is all for today. I hope to write again very soon.

The End of Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

(Written on Monday the Third of May & Tuesday the Fourth of May 2010

Here are some of my suggestions.

Noahides (and everyone else for that matter) should strive to maintain
permanent genealogical records. And with the advent of the online
world and computer memory we have the ability to store practically
endless amounts of information, meaning:

People should take it as a lifelong obligation to keep a record of
their life in autobiographical form and arrange for this to be kept
permanently in the family record. A good idea is to arrange for a
free or or
website and put all your relevant information into these web-pages and
arrange for your offspring to permanently have the password details
for accessing these websites and maintaining these websites. These
websites can in turn link to their offspring, and so on, for all
future generations. It is also a good idea for all your life’s story
to be placed on such websites for future generations to read about.
Every child of Noah has an interesting life story and all peoples
lives are worth reading about.

I think it would be a good idea if the United Nations formed a
worldwide family tree department and attempted to have as many willing
nations contribute their genealogical records to form a permanent
family tree for mankind. These should be kept in an online
environment, accessible by the general public, with the opportunity
for people to contribute their own autobiographical information as
well as family photos and videos. I think this is an area of
Government input which citizens would welcome and not object to paying
tax dollars for the maintenance of. Wouldn’t it have been awesome
growing up if you could have accessed an online database of your
family tree and read about all the exploits of your great-great-great
grandfather or your great-great-great-grandmother, and so on, all kept
in an online autobiographical and biographical section.

* * * * *

4th of May

It was raining this afternoon. Thunder was booming in long bursts at
a distance, and lightning struck. I have always liked the rain – it
brings forth feelings of security when locked inside my home, safe
away from the harsher realities of the fury of nature.

God created nature and, I suppose, in many ways it reflects God
himself and not just his fertile imagination. He is a God of wonder
and power, of fury and might. When he appeared to Israel at Mt Sinai
he surrounded the top of the mountain with thunder and lightning.
What this meant to the Israelites was a witness of a God of Power and
Might – a God not soon to be forgotten.

Perhaps one of the strongest testimonies to the truth of the God of
Israel is in how so many of the other deities, which the Hebrew God
calls ‘idol’s’ have come and gone and been all but forgotten by the
world. Sure, we still bandy about the Roman and Greek god names in
legendary story telling, but nobody seriously believes in their
existence any more. And as for all the ancient Canaanite gods most
people can’t even name one.

Yahweh, the Lord, the God of Israel, seems to have stayed around in
the imagination of humankind for some reason. For some reason this
particular deity has imprinted himself on the hearts and minds of
humans with the belief that he is the true God and creator of all that

Either, for some strange reason, this particular religion has some
sort of appeal which speaks to many, or it just may be what it claims
– the truth.

When Yahweh spoke to me in a dream in Goulburn about a decade ago he
spoke with a voice which emanated pure, flawless truth. It is not
just a voice which I sensed I could trust and would not lie to me in
this sense, but you could sense the literal spiritual truth of the
voice. That is what Yahweh himself is like – pure, unadulterated

I believe Yahweh is ONE – that is how he communicated himself to me.
He is not some confusing triune deity of the majority of Christian
belief. He is a being of singular nature in the same way human
beings, made in his image, are likewise one singular human person.
And, in fact, the New Testament teaches this truth as did the
Christian church to begin with.

* * * * *

I lived in Cooma from 1980 to 1990 – the decade. My family lived at 6
Bradley Street in Cooma. The family attended the Catholic Church
every Sunday for the whole decade, whereas I myself left the church in
about 1988, no longer believing in Christianity and not really
believing in God very much. The Catholic Church in Cooma is St
Patrick’s Church, and I attended St Patrick’s school from Kindergarten
through to Year 10, first travelling in from Berridale and then
walking to school every day from 6 Bradley street. In 1989 I attended
Monaro High School in year 11 for one year, before the family moved to
Canberra in late 1989 I think (or possibly very early 1990).

I still have strong memories of year 11 in Cooma. For the previous
couple of years I had finally found friendships, never having found
any at St Pats of any reasonable length, making new friends with the
kids from the public school system who I have talked about already.
We used to hang at Peter Dradrach’s house mostly, but were very rarely
at my house or occasionally at Damien Asanovsci or Michael Werle or
Michael Gratwick’s house. Peter had a Commodore 64 computer and we
played it constantly in the late 1980s, also going to the Arcade
parlour all the time at this point. We played various arcade games at
the arcade parlour which was on Bombala street a couple of hundred
metres down the road from Peter’s house. And, of course, just down
from his house was the Rotary Oval were we did our cricket training,
playing in the nets a heck of a lot over a few summers. In 1989, the
year before I left for Canberra, it was the time we played the Indoor
cricket competition and won the B Grade competition. It was a time
when my life was very full with my friendships, friendships which had
not really been there in a major way in earlier years, perhaps apart
from Peter Collins who lived opposite us on 6 Bradley Street, and I
grew up a lot and found out about people and relationships. In year
11 Louise Roseman had a crush on me and carved ‘Xad’ onto her arm
which was my nickname from computer arcade games and fantasy games (a
shortened version of my made up ‘Xaddadaxx’).

Berridale was my very early youth, from 1972 to 1980. Cooma was my
childhood from 1980 to 1990. But I achieved proper adulthood and
became a man living in Canberra from 1990 onwards, and that is were
most of my fundamental spiritual growth and maturity came from.

I had pinched a lot growing up, and in our gang we pinched things from
shops a bit. We were not innocent lambs of God. But I always knew
our particular group, which listened to a lot of heavy metal and hard
rock from the 1980s, were still good kids and we were not an
aggressive gang in any way and we never really made any trouble for
people. A very few minor incidents but never any real problems.
Looking back we were ok kids and in my relationship with God today he
never brings up any problems from my youth. I was a little bit of a
devil, but I was alright in the end.

I liked Louise a bit, but I liked Jenny Cheetham more, who was a girl
in my year (Louise was a bit younger) who was from the Public system,
as I never knew her in St Pats, and while I never dated her or
anything like that, my heart really yearned for her for a few weeks.
I met her again in a Revival Fellowship meeting in Tuggeranong a few
years back after she returned from New Zealand for her dad’s funeral.
She had changed, and my feelings for her were not the same, but I
still liked her quite a lot. She’d been married since, but had
divorced. But she was keeping her married name so there was no future
for us possibly. Besides, she didn’t agree in any way with my Noahide
beliefs, and I was possibly too antagonistic in some of the things I
said to her. But such is life – it is never always smooth sailing.

* * * * *

That is all for now. I will write again in a while.

Best wishes to those reading this ongoing work. Daniel.

The End of Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

10th of June 2010 AD/CE / 6174 SC

Today was the 10th of June 2010 AD/CE or 6174 SC as I like to call
it. I have decided today that Haven Noahide Fellowship should keep
historical records in an online format as well as in a published paper
format as our own history of the world and Noahide relevant issues.

Here are my activities for this day.

Just after 2.30 this morning I went down to the service station at the
Chisholm shops to use the St George ATM. My money sometimes comes in
after 3.30 in the morning, but sometimes after 2.30. Today it was in
after 2.30. I bought a cottage pie from the station (which I do a lot
on Thursday mornings, early, when I go for my money) as well as a
glass bottle of Coca Cola, which is currently sitting on my desk near
my, now having been drunk). I purchased the CD’s from the Service
station of ‘AC/DC – Back in Black’ as well as ‘Queen – Absolute
Greatest.’ They both cost over $20. They had a copy of Metallica’s
self titled album, and later on when I was at home I was thinking over
how the ‘Back in Black’ album and ‘Metallica’s’ self titled album were
basically flawless albums as I saw it, both with black covers, and
both having symbols relating to Satan. I spent time when I got home,
first listening to the Queen album, and listening to most tracks until
about track 10 when I skipped them a little and changed to the AC/DC
album. I remember looking at the songwriters for the various Queen
songs and noting, as I have noted in the past when I had most Queen
CDs at a time, that each of the four members of the band had written
at least one decent hit, and that each member contributed to a real
band as I saw it. I remember looking at the picture from the First
Greatest hits album in the folio and thinking it was a classic photo.

Later on, just after 6, I headed off to the bus stop to catch the
early bus to Tuggeranong. I caught the 67. The 65 comes at a very
similar time each morning, and I usually prefer this one as it gets to
Greenway just a little bit quicker. There was a girl at the bus stop
who I recognized from yesterday, and she asked the 67 bus driver about
the 65. I caught the 65 yesterday with her and she got off at
Mackillop catholic school. I think she is a teacher or something.

When I got to Tuggeranong Hyperdome I ordered a Caramel latte and
noticed the girl who worked there again. I have been g0ing to the
coffee shop on Anketell street on the Hyperdome which is open from
about 6 and there has usually been a guy working at that time. But
the last couple of times it has been a girl. She is of average looks
and I thought about her as a potential girlfriend as I do about all
the girls on the bus and who I see in the streets. I measure them up
and assess wether I would be interested. She was medium in looks, and
I didn’t really fancy her.

I ordered a grande $5 latte and went into the hyperdome to use the
Internet. There are Internet stalls which take coins and credit cards
which you can use whenever the Hyperdome is open. I have a username,
which I can’t tell here, and a password I use all the time now.

When online I emailed Naomi Samadi from Haven Noahide Fellowship in
India. I also paid my regular credit card bills for my go
MasterCard. One bill was just over $70 and the other I paid just over
$92. The bills come each month.

After that I think I did some updating to my Noahide websites, as well
as checking my email and my myspace accounts. Most days I check my
webhits for my Noahide Books website, and I can’t remember how many I
got today but they were a decent amount of hits.

After that I went shopping. I bought 4 magazines and 2 scratchies
from the Hyperdome Newsagent. The Magazines were ‘Goddess Number
One’ (X 2 copies), Heart of the Earthmother Volume 3 (I also have
number 1 and 2) and a copy of Antiques and Collectable. On one of the
scratchies I won $4 which is the amount I had spent on them. I rarely
win a decent amount. Then I went off to Revolution CD with the plan
of buying some CDs, but instead I bought a milkshake and went to the
library. Oh, earlier, after the magazines, I bought 3 cds and 2 cd
holders from Kmart. The cds were a double pack of Avril Lavigne (Let
Go & Under My Skin) and Evanescence ‘Fallen’. The CD holders cost $5
each and are durable plastic ones.

When I got to the library I spent ages printing off, for the first
time with the exception of Ye Olde Devil and Morning Stars, a printing
each of Volumes 0 to 10 as well as volume 13. So most of the saga is
now officially printed in A4. The printings are in my room here in
Macarthur. I spent a lot of money on the printings, and went to my
bank to get out extra funds to print as much as possible. I will
finish off the final printings soon.

I got home, wrote a few more stories, updated my website and then
returned to Tuggeranong to upload the updates as well as printing off
‘The Rainbow Bible’ with the little money I had left. This was the
actual first printing ever of my ‘Rainbow Bible’. On the way to
Greenway for the second time I was having fun giving funny names to
various trees and signs and other things, just for the sake of humour
and the voice which speaks to me using my voice. I think it is God or
a spirit or something, and not my subconscious. Remember, I am a

When I got home I had my dinner (which was stew, and quite nice) and
did some more work, wrote volume 20 of the Noahide version of the
Chronicles, and then started typing this chapter. While typing this
chapter I have been listening to my CD Cascada ‘Platinum’. And that
is were I am up to, so I will finish this chapter now.

The End of Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

11th of June 2010 CE/AD / 6174 SC

Today’s Activities

Very tired last night. Slept erratically as usual. Got up this
morning when Adrian Chan arrived and went off for my weekly chess club
at the Mental Health Leisure Program at the Southern Cross Stadium in
Greenway near the Hyperdome. Didn’t actually play any chess today but
mostly used the Internet and uploaded latest writings from late last
night. Brought along 3 CDs to play at the centre – AC/DC ‘Back in
Black’, Daughtry, Rogue Traders ‘Better in the Dark’. They were well
received by most. Had pizza for lunch with the group and a can of
Coke – Adrian paid for me, and I promised to pay him back later. We
used to go to a café down next to Lake Tuggeranong College for lunch
but that is currently being remodelled.

Met Justin Angold, who is a Noahide, and I gave him the time and date
for the first meeting of Haven Noahide Fellowship in Canberra, which
is scheduled for the 3rd of July on Saturday from 11-11:30 till late
in the afternoon. I am going to pray for a reasonable turnout, but it
might end up just being me and Justin. But that is ok, because it has
to start somewhere.

This afternoon I listened to Queen ‘Absolute Greatest’ again and had a
nap. I was quite tired. Then later I reorganized the Index page for
Noahide Books and removed Volume 20 & 21 which were 2 Daniel stories
and have instead put them into a new title called ‘Anthology’ which
will be the Noahide Version of the Anthology tales for Chronicles of
the Children of Destiny. I have now 2 versions for the Chronicles of
the Children of Destiny. The Jewish Version which is now complete
from Volume Zero to Volume Thirteen. The Noahide Version uses the
same first 5 volumes (zero to four) and then includes ‘Ye Olde Devil’
but then goes into ‘Rachel’s Lament’ with Rachel Smith INSTEAD of
Rachel Rothchild who was in ‘Rachel Daughter of Eve’. Thus, the
Noahide Version of the Chronicles is a separate universal tale. ‘Lucy
Smith’ is part of the ‘Jewish Version’ while ‘Lucy Potter’ is part of
the ‘Noahide Version’.

I also began ‘Valandriel’s Little Adventure’ which I will finish

Currently I am listening to ‘The Offspring – Splinter’ and the song
‘Hit That’ is playing. I bought the CD Single when the album first
came out, but just bought the album recently from Sanity records at
the Hyperdome for $10.

I was listening also to Avril Lavigne’s ‘Let Go’ album today and I
noticed some quite interesting lyrics in the song ‘Things I’ll never
say.’ Quite cool, Avril. Quite cool.

That will do for today.

The End of Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

12th & 13th of June 6174 SC (2010 AD/CE)

The 12th – Activities

Went to library in Erindale today to update websites. Met William
Chol on the bus, an African guy who goes to Lake Tuggeranong College,
who introduced himself to me at the bus stop the other week. He
invited me to his house in the afternoon to watch some world cup
soccer, but I was too busy. At the library I began ‘Haven Noahide
Fellowship World News’ ( ) and intend
to update this page as regularly as possible. It is just Haven’s
record of world affairs. I get the data from the Newspaper. When I
got home I put together some new Chronicles of the Children of Destiny
websites. I started which
has some original material in the Chronicles intended for Catholics,
as well as which has some
original material in the Chronicles intended for Christians. I also
have some planned for other religious groups which I am currently
working on. These differing versions are for the specific religious
groups they are written for, with their beliefs and doctrines taken
into consideration. I returned to the library later in the day and
uploaded those two websites with their documents, if people want to
check them out. There is some original info on them, but not a huge
amount yet. When I got home I did a lot more writing, and then went
to bed. I listened to various CDs from my collection throughout the

The 13th – Activities

Didn’t do much today. Quite tired. I was going to go to the library,
but decided to put it off until tomorrow, when I can also drop in to
the leisure program in Greenway. I worked on ‘Archangel Michael’
which is one of the volumes for
being the intended website for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Also, last night
I wrote a short sequel to ‘The Gathering’ called ‘New Conflicts.’
Both of these stories will feature on the JW’s website.

Currently I am listening to Kelly Clarkson’s album ‘All I ever
Wanted.’ My nieces Madalene and Georgia have stayed over for the
weekend and have been playing video games and watching movies.
Nothing much else happened today.

The End of Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Final Chapter

This is the final chapter of my initial autobiography. This
autobiography now goes into the foundational ‘Rainbow Bible’ of Haven
Noahide Fellowship. If you are familiar with the Bible you will know
it has historical information of early Israel. In the fledgling
Noahide world Haven feels itself responsible to produce an ongoing
series of Bibles on a decade by decade basis, filled with spiritual
wisdom and historical information on all the children of Noah –

It is the intention of myself and Haven that the first ‘Rainbow Bible’
be produced sometime in 2011 CE/AD (or 6175 SC). After this point the
second Rainbow Bible in 2016 AD/CE (or 6180 SC) and the third in 2026
AD/CE (or 6190 SC)and the fourth in 2036 AD/CE (or 6200 SC) and so on
and so forth forever.

For the 2016 Rainbow Bible I will be revising this autobiography and
rewriting it in a more comprehensive and historically chronological
manner, including all the history of my life as well from 2011 up till

For more information on ‘The Archives of Haven Noahide Fellowship’
please read Sermon 50 in the Spiritual Devotional Series of the
‘Rainbow Bible’.

I will now leave off the writing of this autobiography, which will be
published in the Rainbow Bible 2011 edition.

Good bye for now.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

22nd of June 2010 AD/CE / 6174 SC

29 Merriman Crescent

Macarthur ACT 2904


The End of Chapter Twelve

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