Why Jesus is NOT the Messiah by Karaite Noahide Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

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Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Mar 11, 2011, 10:36:46 PM3/11/11
to Angel Fantasy
Why Jesus is not the Messiah

Dear Christopher (and whoever reads this)

This email is a deliberate attempt to proselytize you to Noahide
faith. There is no point in pretending otherwise. The main reason I
am doing this is because you have a reasonable interest in Christian
faith, but are also willing to listen to an opposing critical point of

I was brought up Roman Catholic and attended the Catholic Church,
first in Berridale and then in Cooma until about 16 years of age. At
this point I left the church, not because of any belief reasons, but
because of boredom.

However, at that stage, the truth was I didn’t really have any thing
approaching a realistic faith in God, despite having been an altar
boy. I probably believed in God, but didn’t care about religion
really, and gradually became agnostic primarily until about 22 to 23
years of age. In that time period I started, soon after leaving the
church somewhat in 1988, but mainly upon arriving in Macarthur in late
1990, going into great thinking about the existence of God. I
questioned things greatly, but usually concluded that while God
probably didn’t exist, it couldn’t be proven either way, so
agnosticism was the realistic belief. This may sound strange, but I
never gave evolution the slightest thought, and while I didn’t believe
in God at the time, I didn’t believe in evolution either. The thought
of it never once crossed my mind.

Growing up I stole a lot from my mothers purse – mainly money for
lollies, and stickers and, later on in my mid teens, for arcade
money. This persisted and I didn’t completely quit until about 20,
when I got convictions on the issue. However, while studying at Lake
Tuggeranong in 1990 and 1991 I stole (it might have been just a little
later) a book on philosophy for beginners. Within this book were
arguments for the existence of God.

Some of them made no sense (the so called ontological argument I
didn’t really understand and thought was stupid (and still do)), but
one argument which made a great deal of sense was the argument from
design. Basically, this argument goes that nature and life is such an
incredibly complex design with such beauty apparent in it, that this
is testimony to a creator and designer of sovereign power. I remember
a time looking at the sky and looking at nature and, gradually, came
to completely agree with this argument. It was a very good one as I
saw it, and concluded that God did exist. However, now that I know
what my belief was, this would have been called ‘Deist Creationism’
as opposed to ‘deist evolutionary creationism’. I had no fixed time
of how old earth was, nor any beliefs about the first human beings,
but I believed in creationism. I still, though, had no real views on
evolution, but definitely believed a creator was behind it all.

From about 1990 to 1995 I suffered severe depression. When studying
at CIT from 1993 to 1995 at the Reid Campus in Civic I applied myself
to my studies with a decent effort for about the first time in my
student life. It was the first time I really studied properly and
tried to do well in school. The depression was always bothering me.

At this time I was drawing crosses a lot on my notebooks, not out of
any religious beliefs, but I was doing it. I was also writing 666’s a
lot, and sometimes my own quirky 667’s. I got the 666 idea first of
all from Iron Maiden’s number of the beast album, which I had listened
to since Cooma years, but I had been familiar with the number earlier
since omen movies and so on.

But I wasn’t into any antichrist ideas, because I was simply deistic.
If you had asked me at the time about an Antichrist I would have said
that was stupid.

There was a girl called ‘Ariel Cheng’ who was studying at CIT with
me. She was asian, from Taiwan, extremely cute and slim (and had a
beautiful butt, which God showed me from behind once – in retrospect I
think it was actually God who made me look, for various reasons – at
the time, and still now, I was quite conservative about females). She
was a pentecostal, and attended Assembly of God church.

I didn’t know it at the time, but she was witnessing to me with her
quiet and peaceful nature. There was one time in class when everyone
was giving a speech and the wind was howling madly. When she stood up
the wind stopped and when she had finished the speech the wind started
again. For me it was a pivotal thing, and I suspected God was behind

And then, one night in my room in Macarthur, the depression became so
bad that I needed to see someone, and I could only think of Ariel. I
rang her up at the YWAM centre in Watson, and asked if I could visit
her the following day. I did, and all the day travelling from
Macarthur to Watson I could feel very heavy depression on me. Funnily
enough, when I got to the YWAM grounds, the darkness left, and inside
the centre I felt peace.

We spoke for a while, I told her a few things, and then I left. When
I was getting away from the grounds the darkness returned.

I had had enough.

I bought a Good News Bible from Woden Christian Bookshop on the way
home, and then got off the bus and went to the catholic church were my
family goes. It was closed I think, but I sat at the doors and read
the entire book of Job. It was then I felt the goodness of God and
that the God of the Bible was the real and true God.

That night I went crazy over fears of hell and my sins, and the
following day, after seeing a priest, I went off alone and ended up
jumping off a bridge near parliament house without any shoes on. This
was my first schizophrenic episode.

I hurt my back a little, and busted my foot. My face also suffered.
They ended up putting screws in my foot and a metal place in my face.
You can still see the slight scar on my face, especially in photos.

However, I healed very quickly, and was soon raring to go.

NOW, the depression for the next 6 months was still there, but it was
a bit diminished. It wasn’t as bad. I started going back to the
Catholic church for 6 months, but upon returning to CIT for the final
semester, I started talking to Tammy Saunders, and soon attended my
first Potters House service, in November 1995.

You pretty much know most of the rest.

I questioned the Trinity pretty quickly in Potters house, and I
remember asking God in prayer in the Potters House prayer room if he
was a Trinity.

So, I was witnessed to by the UPC witnessing team in Woden (it was Ann
Kim, Danielle Rohrlach, and probably Othon Sarantos which I ran into).

I visithed the church one afternoon, borrowed ‘The Oneness of God’ and
started reading it. I remember being at Tuggeranong Bus Terminal and
thinking ‘This is probably true’ about the book. I think I did that,
because the Trinity wasn’t working for me.

John Downs baptized me in the name of Jesus, and after the first
service I met Paul Saberton.

Paul introduced me to ‘Father & Son’ doctrine on God, and after about
a year, going through Trinity, Oneness, Arian (Jehovah’s Witness)
doctrine, I concluded Paul was about right.

Father and Son teaches that God the Father is the true God, has
existed eternally alone, until his first creative act of begetting a
son after his nature. The only real difference between Arianism and
Father & Son is that our doctrine taught the full deity of the son as
well – a subtle but important difference.

Nobody really believed us at the time, and still don’t, but I am quite
sure this is the doctrine of the New Testament. The whole revelation
of the first Christians was that Jesus was the ‘SON OF GOD’. It
wasn’t the idea that he was ‘GOD the SON’, or that he was God
himself. It was that he was God’s begotten son.

That doctrine God confused by early theologians as they searched for a
way of harmonizing problematic beliefs and scriptures all up.
Essentially the church took on the Catholic name, lost its
foundational belief about God, and got really confused. I know that
you would say the Catholic church is still like that, which they are
doctrinally, but otherwise most catholics are just normal people.

Well, I ended up leaving UPC in July 1998 and, upon moving to Hughes
about that time, just near yourself, I started occasionally going to
the Hughes Baptist church, mainly to have a church to go to.

The fallout with Saberton came as soon as he preached Branham’s
serpent seed doctrine. I listened to Branhamism initially, but I knew
that wasn’t for me. Thus, in January 1999, with a lot of scripture
being read each night, I was basically thinking about trying to form
my own little cell church, had witnessed to Aaron Goodsell, Peter
Fletcher, Andrew Funnell, Brenton and perhaps a few others about my
viewpoints on God, and was slowly working towards that agenda – Church
of the Living God, as it was going to be called.

January 1999
It was one afternoon, Saturday probably, and I was in my flat in
Hughes. I was going through another of what had become common intense
thoughts sessions on theology. And then there it was. It came into
my mind that, in truth, I didn’t really believe in Jesus.

I didn’t know what to think, but the idea was there that the Jesus was
wasn’t the right way. I don’t know what was behind it, and didn’t
have a clearly formulated rationale reason – it was just the basic
idea, perhaps because of lack of a real church which taught the truth
as I saw it, that Christianity was probably wrong.

At this time it was definitely no scripture reason. It wasn’t an
argument using any biblical text. It was just the idea that the Jesus
way was not right.

The following day this viewpoint was still with me, and off I went on
a long walk, making my way to Fyshwick of all places. It was in
Fyshwick that an event occurred twice. It happened 2 times, and has
never happened since.

The event was this:

It was very sudden, very quick, and was over just as instantaneously.
It is what I call a complete genuine and fair dinkum revelation from
the Almighty one. The revelation was given with a nature which made
you absolutely know according to a spirit of absolute almighty truth
that worship of Jesus as God the father in oneness terminology was an
absolute abomination, and carried an extreme death penalty because of
it. I understand, now, that such a belief was a gross violation of
truth. Jesus is NOT God the father – that is a falsity and a complete
error and lie. It is WRONG.

This revelation happened twice, about 20 minutes apart from each
other, at two different locations in Fyshwick.

That was, in a way, when Christianity died in me. Jesus couldn’t
really ever be seriously touched again.

Now, further things happened since then.

God spoke to me in Goulburn in a hotel room ( I still remember which
hotel room ) and said either ‘Build on my rock’ or ‘Build on the
rock’. It was definitely either of those two sentences – I can not
completely remember if it was ‘MY’ rock or ‘THE’ rock. However, what
was completely clear was the intimation which came across as clear as
day in the request – he gave my mind the ability to completely
understand what he meant. His rock was ‘Israel’. Further, he spoke
in such a way as to show he had an enormous history with Israel and
loved them beyond measure.

His voice had these qualities.

• Absolute flawless truth

• Without error

• Extremely THICK – Like many voices added together as one voice, but
only one sounding voice – in other words a very heavy or thick voice,
but not many voices. The voice of the Almighty, in other words.

• Extreme LOVING CONCERN for myself

• Golden Lightning in texture. Like rushing waters, as Ezekiel speaks
of. The same sort of voice.

• A nature which was Infinite in knowledge, and he gave my mind the
ability to perceive the aspect of his infinite nature he desired me
to. My mind was able to comprehend and know this as truth.

• A nature which was also Almighty in power – you could tell this from
his voice.

• Like a computer voice – but an Almighty LIVING Computer voice.

• CENTRALITY. His voice showed that he was at the CENTRE of all
things. I don’t know what this really means yet, but God is the
CENTRE of all that is.

All of those qualities were able to be perceived by myself at that

Now this happened not long after the revelations in Fyshwick, and had
concluded what I had already begun to know after reading such books as
‘Gospel Truth’ on the historical Jesus. Israel is his people – he has
never changed his mind – and Christianity doesn’t have to come into
the equation.

Now, since then he has spoken to me twice more.

The second time was in response to a sudden rush of blood to my head
in my room in judging the oneness people as probably deserving the
death penalty theoretically. God spoke to my in a very similar voice
– you knew it was him – with subtle differences about the voice – he
was using a different tone I think. This time he said ‘Be In The
Hearts of Men’. Those exact words. He was basically telling me, have
mercy on the Oneness people and judge them more accurate. They don’t
know they are wrong, and they are trying to be holy. So while oneness
could technically carry the death penalty, as great as God’s judgement
is, so is his mercy.

The final time he spoke to me was later still, with intimate and
affectionate love, but I can’t remember what he said. Again it was
very brief.

There are a lot more things I could say, but I want to leave you with
these FACTS as far as I am 100% completely and utterly concerned.

1) The Christian belief that Jesus is God the Father or God the Son or
God in any form is 100% and a lie. Jesus is NOT God.

2) Israel is God’s people, and he has never let them go or changed his
mind about them. Any Christian belief which teaches otherwise is
completely wrong.

Because of facts 1 and 2 I postulate this:

You probably need not worry about any Christian teachings on salvation
or the necessity of being a Christian. If you read such books as
‘Gospel Truth’ by Russel Shorto or ‘The Jew and The Christian
Missionary’ by Gerald Sigal, it becomes apparent that Christian faith
is probably not the complete truth that it claims to be.

After many prayers, God has never given me any hint or indication that
he wants me to embrace Christian faith. That is a fact.

So, as far as I am concerned, Christianity is Just NOT needed.

Alright, the alternative to Christian faith is either Judaism of your
branch of choice if you still believe in the One God of Abraham or,
You can just be yourself. In being yourself, Noahide becomes an
option. It can be simple, basic and easy, and you don’t really have
to worry about anything more than being a peaceful person and living
by the laws of the land. There is one kosher law for noahides – don’t
eat blood. The rest is basic common sense.

My assembly is ‘Haven Noahide Fellowship’ and the website is


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
Canberra, Australia

Scriptures of relevance

Isaiah 11
The main scripture for delineating the role of the messiah. This king
from the root of Jesse arises and preaches righteousness. In his
lifetime Mt Zion is redeemed, with the Lion dwelling with the Lamb.
The important thing to do is read Isaiah 11 as a whole – what become
clear the more you read it is that there is no reasonable way to twist
this chapter into a first and second coming. To do that would be
perverting the scriptures.

SO – the beginning of the chapter makes it quite clear this is the
Messiahs FIRST advent. With no justification for two comings, the
peace of Zion which arises in the Messiah’s FIRST advent teaches the
plain truth. JESUS was NOT the MESSIAH.

Matthew 1 and 1 Chronicles
The genealogies contradict. The Christian genealogy adds extra names,
like ‘Admin’.

The Virgin Birth Myth. With the utter nonsense of a supposed virgin
birth, which is a corruption of Isaiah 7:14 in context, Christianity
shows it quite clearly that Jesus is NOT physically descended from
David in their fabulous mythology. This 100% precludes the
possibility of Jesus being the Messiah in their own stupid doctrine.
An ‘ADOPTED’ son of David is just a joke.

Now, Isaiah 7:14 identifies the child as ‘Emmanuel’. Simply read on
further. Before the child knows the difference between right and
wrong, the two kings of Syria and Northern Israel will be dead. The
timing for the birth of this child is in no way connected to Jesus
birth centuries later. The churchmen who put this into the NT were
idiots, and it is only stupid and thick, nutty Christian pastors who
maintain this doctrine. Educated ‘Historical-Jesus’ based scholars
have gotten over this lunacy.

Jesus was NOT accepted by Israel as the Messiah.
As simple as that. He is NOT the messiah.

Now, before you Christian wannabes get your knickers in knot and go
off spouting Isaiah 53 like so many Christian fools in the centuries
before you, READ – and I actually mean bother to check the scriptures
first, which you idiots rarely do in any real investigative detail
anyway – READ Isaiah 40 to 53. Come on, dude. Go on do it.

NOW did you see how many times God called JACOB/ISRAEL HIS SERVANT.
Over half a dozen times. SO when we get to Isaiah 53 it is 100 bloody
% clear that Israel is the suffering servant. NOT the Jesus heretic.

Now, church, the servant is rejected. YOU DO REMEMBER YOU HAVE

NOW I could say a hell of a lot more, but Christians who actually have
intelligence (Which is Rare for those dunderheads) can go check out
www.messiahtruth.com and GET THE HELL OVER IT.

Daniel ‘The truthteller’ Daly
Jesus??? Yeh right!!! Get a life!!!

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