How to send / Receive text message with Telegram bot

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Mauritz Zondagh

Apr 26, 2018, 11:40:47 AM4/26/18
to DroidScript
Hi, I followed Alex.Symbroson example for sending a simple text message via Telegram. I do not get it to work, can someone please help me.
I installed Telegram on my phone, requested a bot, named it, with username and received a token.
So this token is the address to whom i want to send my message (token = address) from my Droidscript app?

Here is my code (Alex sample txt code inserted into Droidscript app)

var token = "I removed my BOT token from here for the purpose of posting it in the public domain",
    addr = ""+token+"/",
    offset = 1,
    chatid = "" //chat id of the bot chat
var msg = {"chat_id":chatid, "text":"MY MESSAGE I WANT TO SEND"}
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  txt = app.CreateText( "Hello" );
  txt.SetTextSize( 32 );
  lay.AddChild( txt );
  app.AddLayout( lay );



function newHttpRequest(type,func,asset)
  var httpRequest=new XMLHttpRequest();

function handle(msgs)
  if(msgs) msgs.forEach( function(msg)
    if(msg.update_id>offset) offset=msg.update_id


The alert message displays error : {"ok:false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: message text is empty"} followed by message box displaying undefined

Thanks in advance.


Apr 26, 2018, 12:42:19 PM4/26/18
to DroidScript
Hi Mauritz,

The problem is that the content type json header is missing - so you need to add 'httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");'

Note that I couldn't get sending files (files, images, stickers) working when I tried it in the past. But it would be nice if you'd tell me if you have found a solution for that :)
btw here's an updated version of the template:

var token = "<BOT_TOKEN>", / /your telegram bot token from the BotFather

    addr = ""+token+"/",
    offset = 1, // will be overridden by getUpdates
    chatid = "<BOT_CHAT_ID>"; // chat id of the bot chat

var msg = {"chat_id": chatid, "text": "My Text"};
function OnStart() {
    newHttpRequest("get", "getUpdates", null, handleUpdates);
    newHttpRequest("post", "sendMessage", msg, handleResult);

function newHttpRequest(type, func, asset, callback) {
    var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
    httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if(httpRequest.readyState == 4 && callback)
    };, addr + func, true);
    httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

function handleUpdates(result) {
    if(result.ok) {
        result.result.forEach(function(msg) {
            alert("update:\n" + JSON.stringify(msg));
            if(msg.update_id >= offset)
                offset = msg.update_id + 1;
    } else
        alert("Telegram error " + result.error_code + ":\n" + result.description);

function handleResult(result) {
        alert("result:\n" + JSON.stringify(result.result));
        alert("Telegram error " + result.error_code + ":\n" + result.description);

Mauritz Zondagh

Apr 26, 2018, 1:06:40 PM4/26/18
to DroidScript
Hi Alex,

I am only starting with this - trying to send a message. Probably sending a file would be a next step. If i get something going with a file, i will definitely  post a example on the group.

If i use your new template, what is the CHAT ID? Where do i get this?

    chatid = "<BOT_CHAT_ID>"; // chat id of the bot chat

I get a error "chat not found", if i make the chat ID 0 or 1. Just tried :)



Apr 26, 2018, 1:09:04 PM4/26/18
to DroidScript
You can get it by posting something into your bot chat and then calling getUpdates - there you'll see your chat id

Mauritz Zondagh

Apr 26, 2018, 1:38:41 PM4/26/18
to DroidScript
OK, could not get the id with getUpdates. Not sure where to use it and how.
However, Google provided a answer. 
Type the following into your browser
Look at the results in browser and your will see messages, all with the same id e.g.
This id is your chat ID.

And Voila, a message popped up into Telegram!!



Apr 26, 2018, 2:09:32 PM4/26/18
to DroidScript
You just had to call newHttpRequest("get", "getUpdates", null, handleUpdates); like in my example - normally the result should show every update and also the sender chat id

Mauritz Zondagh

Apr 26, 2018, 2:58:21 PM4/26/18
to DroidScript
Thanks, i have it working now
With your example, can send and receive, just need to do the parsing. :)

Alessio Arangia

Apr 5, 2022, 9:05:08 AM4/5/22
to DroidScript
Ciao, ho seguito il vostro esempio e ricevu msg su telegram, ma se io volessi mandare una richiesta su telegram di info e una risposta con dei valori di variabili? grazie in anticipo
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