Size of text (Title, label, left stats, etc.)

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Ran Cohen

Nov 14, 2016, 4:25:42 AM11/14/16
to Androidplot

The text size of the text labels is really small. I tried to look on how to enlarge it in LineAndPointFormatter or XYPlot but found nothing. How can I do it? 

See that it the picture, I have "Percent", "Game #" and "Correct Characters" labels but they are barely readable (and also the stats 0.0, 22.2, 44.4, 66.7, 88.9);

Ran Cohen

Nov 17, 2016, 1:07:24 AM11/17/16
to Androidplot
But how do I do it? My code is based on the (old) code here, that doesn't say how to make the labels bigger. Now I got 1.2.2, and after removing 'setRangeBottomMax' or 'setTicksPerRangeLabel' there are no numbers on the left at all.
Also, please notice that the code attached created the graph attached. So the code created a graph with no text on the left (the range) or the bottom (the domain), and the text on it is really small ("setDomainLabel" or "setRangeLabel" or "In CTOR"). How do I add numbers or make the text bigger?
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