Re: Android workshop at Open Source Bridge

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A.J. Robertson

no llegida,
11 de març 2013, 13:57:3511/3/13
That would be awesome. I'd even have a couple of friends to brings.


On Friday, March 8, 2013 11:04:10 AM UTC-8, Jesse Hallett wrote:
Hello everybody,

I'm thinking of submitting a proposal to Open Source Bridge for a "mod your Android" session.  I'm thinking of a presentation on what's involved in installing a third-party ROM followed by a hack session during which attendees are encouraged to mod their phones.  I know that installing custom software on a phone or tablet is a complicated process.  I think that a supportive environment could give people who have been reluctant to try an opportunity to take control of their devices.

Would anyone like to help organize the session?  It would be helpful to have more people on hand who have experience modding phones or tablets.  If you are interested we could submit a joint proposal together.

Jesse Hallett
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