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Systems Level Android Developer

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Dan Roscoe

Mar 13, 2013, 4:37:11 PM3/13/13

Hello all

I am looking for an Android/Linux developer.  This position is in Eagan, Minnesota and it is a contract to hire position.  I have listed the Job description below, if you think you might be interested please Email or call me.



Thank you for your time have a great day!!!


General Description:

Looking for a strong systems level programmer to build security and related application solutions on the Android OS for phones, tablets and more, as well as some Linux systems. Knowledge of systems level programming required in C & C++ for management of the biometric, encryption and device interface code bases, as well as Java / Dalvik.


The focus of the application is a secure implementation of  biometric services on phones and other devices running Android or Linux. An initial version of the client is available today on Google Play (WEB-key Client). The focus of this project is to expand it capabilities, expand its security integrations, and improve the front end user interface and graphics. Much of the work is done in the NDK (Native Development Kit) for Android, with only the upper UI and communications layers remaining in Dalvik.

The project is challenging to implement a universal device and user manager for the various phones, OS version, fingerprint readers, drivers and more of the various platforms currently on the market, and also soon to be available. Have a chance to work with industry prototypes and help really make it a powerful solution. The product is a fingerprint biometric authentication client for your phone or mobile device.


Key Knowledge Areas:

·         Linux system and kernel programming Java & Dalvik languages

·         Android NDK programming Android security measures and app security

·         C & C++ Programming Software system design

·         Memory Management Multi-Threaded Parallel Processing

·         Programming for Speed Error Management / Handling in deployments

·         User Interface Design and Development Network protocols (TCP/IP, SSL, etc)

·         Encryption, Key Management Trusted Platform Computing or similar

·         Device Driver Interfaces Documentation and Communications


Candidate Must Have:

·         The majority of the skills listed above

·         Be a college graduate in the field of Computer Science or similar

·         Be able to speak, understand and write English fluently

·         Be able to effectively interact with a computer for programming and fingerprint tests on devices

·         Be able to work in general business hours. Hours are flexible, but overlap time is important

·         Be able to work in small teams – be a self starter and help discover solutions

·         Must have references and valid work experience in a similar scope of task

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