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Need dev to do Android version of iPhone app...

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Charles Nutter

Apr 2, 2013, 12:46:58 PM4/2/13
Hi there! Dunno what this group's policy on job/contract/gig postings is, so if I'm out of line feel free to smack me about.

A friend of mine is looking for a dev to build the Android version of an iPhone app for his whatever. Here's the info I have from him:

"I need an Android/Blackberry developer asap. Since both platforms are coded in Java I understand an Android app is 80% of what you need for Blackberry. I have an app nearly ready for iPhone and it has a webservice which can be tapped into for access to the data.

The description of the app is a contact database that acts as if it were your native device’s contact database."

He's an interesting guy to work with, but he's always been good for the dough in the past. Email me privately if you're interested.


- Charlie
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