installation and orientation

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Brian Croll

Apr 21, 2014, 11:51:18 AM4/21/14
Hello, I like the idea of having my desktop OS the same as my phone so i tried the 4.4 rc1 iso and although i have a spare 15gb partition on my only HDD formatted with ext4 it couldn't recognise it.Does it have to be the only OS on the drive? and if not does it install grub or other partition manager?. Another problem i had was when using the live mode certain apps would turn the display on it's side and once turned i could not get it the right way up again without rebooting. Any help and info would be appreciated it would be nice to have android on my desktop (even with google being able to snoop at everything i do with their T&C's)Thanks Brian.

ps. It's an acer aspire T180 3ghz CPU 3Gb RAM and a dell 19" flatscreen display.

michael colvin

Apr 22, 2014, 3:38:47 PM4/22/14
You need a EXT3 partition.  Lock the screen rotation before using any apps if it dose turn it will unturn after it exits. Also the app Rotation locker can help.

midi jari

Apr 22, 2014, 5:37:16 PM4/22/14
check if you don't have GPT disk (guid formatted disk) if yes follow this tutorial, if you have MBR then just do as michael told you :)

Brian Croll

Apr 27, 2014, 11:21:49 AM4/27/14
Thanks for info, I take it that you mean use a rotation locker app to prevent the screen turning? only someone (not a specialist) said to me that you can stop the rotation without an app, but that is all he heard so i don't know if it is true or if the person he heard it from meant by adding some programming code or a setting somewhere? Anyway i am not a programmer so if you don't know of a setting change that works i will try the app. Next thing is that you suggest an ext3 partition, is it because android does not recognize ext4? Lastly, do you have any info regarding installing it next to other OS's, i.e. Does it install grub or other OS manager or should i install it then boot into my linux OS with a CD like super grub, then update grub from there, providing android is recognized by grub. Sorry for all the questions but would prefer to know these things beforehand as i would ideally like to be able to boot into pear linux, win7 and android. Thanks again for your time, Brian.

michael colvin

Apr 28, 2014, 1:10:32 AM4/28/14
I do believe Rotation Locker will stop the screen from rotating do a long press on the horizontal button and it starts a back ground process.  I'm pretty sure there is some way to stop screen rotation.  I have an iMito MX1 and nothing has ever rotated the screen on it, but I don't know how they stopped it from working.  In the game Zenbound the aspect ratio gets all screwed up, so I suspect they just lie about what format the screen is in.

José Pinto

Apr 28, 2014, 10:29:51 AM4/28/14

I use Rotation Locker and do a long press on the horizontal button.
However, as it starts a background process, I have to repeat the process every time I start Android X86.
Is it possible to autostart Rotation Locker in horizontal orientation?

michael colvin

Apr 29, 2014, 5:19:08 AM4/29/14
It would probably have to be a feature built in the app.  There a contact the developer link on the app page. You could all ways ask him nicely.
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