Want to integrate the ublox serial GPS into my AOSP oreo 8.1 Source for our Intel X86 based Tablet. As per the hardware/gps/Read.md file , i followed as per below integration.
1. added below to init.sh
function init_hal_gps()
set_property ro.kernel.android.gps ttyS0
set_property ro.kernel.android.gpsttybaud 9600
2. added below to system/core/rootdir/ueventd.rc
/dev/ttyS0 0660 system radio
3. Added below line in hardware/gps/gps.c to see debug logs in logcat after booting.
#define GPS_DEBUG 1
4. Rebuilt the ISO and installed on target, now im able to see the NMEA messages when i do cat /dev/ttyS0 , infact the GPS receiver gets 3D fix.. i'm able to see correct lat/lon and 8 satellites in view through NMEA messages.
6. The logcat is also not throwing not even one debug message from gps.c file... wen i do : logcat | grep gps_serial , how do i enable prints??
What am i missing, why is my location service not working???????