About the accusation of "Console OS"

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Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 28, 2015, 9:37:08 AM12/28/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
After I posted more evidences of the "Console OS" scam,
Christopher Price responded another long story:


Briefly speaking, he claimed when they
attempted to work with me by a proposed project,
I demanded him to pay me $50,000 in order to
contribute and cooperate. He refused the shakedown
and decided to fork Android-x86.

A funny story. Isn't it?

Well, what I can confirm is:
Yes, I've sent him that email before.

Do I really need to explain it?
I'm too busy and lazy now.

Just curious.
How many people do believe the story?
How many people do really think I asked
"the bribery" from the "Console OS"?
Raise your hands, please!

Or, is there anyone with clear-headed
who can read my words in that email correctly?

Android-x86 project


Dec 28, 2015, 10:03:18 AM12/28/15
to Android-x86
The email clearly states 'donate'. I'm absolutely on your side. You need not explain yourself. Your hard work says it all.

Antony Stone

Dec 28, 2015, 10:59:01 AM12/28/15
to andro...@googlegroups.com
On Monday 28 December 2015 at 15:36:53, Chih-Wei Huang wrote:

> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mmv/console-os-dual-boot-android-remas
> tered-for-the-pc/posts/1453171

> Or, is there anyone with clear-headed
> who can read my words in that email correctly?

It says to me:

1. I (Chih-Wei) don't believe ConsoleOS is real, and I don't trust your (CP)
request to work together.

2. If you wish to persuade me otherwise, give some of the money you raised
through Kickstarter to my project, which you're asking to get the benefit of
working with. Also place your code on a public repository so everyone can see
what you're actually doing and the contributions you're making.

CP's choice not to accept this offer is fine - he can continue to do his own
development work on his own project if he wants to; however:

- he has so far shown no results whatsoever, which tells me he is not even
trying - with or without the $70k, anyone who's trying to work on Android
would have produced *something* of use by now (no, I don't mean a bootable
image, I just mean something simple like a hardware driver)

- the Android-x86 project has in the meantime released several working (more
or less, depending on the hardware one tries to run it on) images, plus
instructions for building one's own images, and helped various people convert
or write drivers to contribute to the project.

Results (working code, stuff people can use) means far more than words, emails
and websites with empty promises.

Android-x86 has achieved impressive things.

Console OS is vapourware, and the people who backed it have been cheated.


"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home."

- Ken Olsen, President of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, later consumed
by Compaq, later merged with HP)

Please reply to the list;
please *don't* CC me.


Dec 28, 2015, 11:12:11 AM12/28/15
to Android-x86

Ryan Humphrey

Dec 28, 2015, 11:30:24 AM12/28/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
Are you fucking kidding me?!  So here's Android-x86.org...  minding their own, coming out with truly game changing software.  Suddenly, on a completely different planet, Console OS and their kickstarter utterly fail.  Hard.  Instead of accepting defeat, they go to *you* for help.  You, rightfully, trust them only as much as how far you could physically throw them with your own arms.  Now they're vilifying *YOU* in all of this??  What a total disgrace.  It shows how pitiful their business practices are.  My advice?  Ignore them until they go away.  You had nothing to do with their failure and you can't be held responsible for it now.  You have no obligation to them, no matter how they use the internet to bully you into working for them.

Miker R

Dec 28, 2015, 11:33:13 AM12/28/15
to Android-x86
Love That Article from Android Police, Hit the nail on the head there!!!!


Miker R

Dec 28, 2015, 11:33:21 AM12/28/15
to Android-x86
Love That Article from Android Police, Hit the nail on the head there!!!!


On Monday, December 28, 2015 at 10:12:11 AM UTC-6, fgdn17 wrote:

Miker R

Dec 28, 2015, 11:35:33 AM12/28/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
Ya but it Fun to Make his life hell untill he Implodes, LOL, And with C.W. Dropping Support On 5.1 He's screwed on his Promises of Deliviering 5.x, Wait and see, He's gonna Jump to 6.x, He's not gonna have a choice, Then his Backers will Know for SURE about his B.S.



Dec 28, 2015, 11:39:56 AM12/28/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
First two sentences in that email were the summary, rest of it was just "Go away!". I hope this situation won't affect this community though. I like the work you guys do here.

28 Aralık 2015 Pazartesi 16:37:08 UTC+2 tarihinde Chih-Wei Huang yazdı:

George Turner

Dec 28, 2015, 11:43:49 AM12/28/15
to andro...@googlegroups.com
Probably best to say nothing at this point. Awareness about Console OS has been raised. Anything they attempt to deliver will be scrutinized.

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Dec 28, 2015, 5:24:54 PM12/28/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
and some of us started calling him out at the end of last year....

the one that always got me though from his June 2014 Kickstarter campaign was the following....

- We’ve taken Android apart, and put it back together for your PC. Console OS is a fork of Android designed 
to take everything that has made mobile awesome and bring it back to your PC.

- Production-grade Android on the Desktop
worked for the past 18 months to make sure everything from (optional) multi-touch to Miracast works great."

check page 2 entry #12 here:

I've always questions what they were actually doing for those 18 months they supposedly work on
all those "features"........LOL

Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 29, 2015, 2:25:26 PM12/29/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
2015-12-29 0:39 GMT+08:00 hashirt <hash...@gmail.com>:
> First two sentences in that email were the summary, rest of it was just "Go
> away!". I hope this situation won't affect this community though. I like the
> work you guys do here.

Bingo! You are my confidant.

Christopher Price continued sending me emails
to asking for "cooperate" after the 5.1-rc1 released.
I was pestered beyond endurance.

That reply is a test to him. It set a high barrier to him on purpose.
I asked him to show something real instead of just vague language.
if he has the sincere intention to cooperate this time.
He could argue that $50k is too much, how about $500?
Then I'll probably say ok. But he just refused.
The refusal proves he is still insincere.

I clearly said "donate android-x86.org",
not "pay me the money".
Claiming I blackmail from "Console OS"
is a ridiculous and vicious slander.
The twisting is another proof of how a nasty guy he is.

Apparently Christopher Price tried to murder
my personality to hide his inability to deliver.
He tried to redirect the whole "arguments"
into a personal resentment between he and me.

Please note it's not an "arguments" between he and me.
It's the arguments between the facts and lies.
It's the arguments between the justice and cheating.

I'm not the first or only guy to accuse him.
My post attracted public attention because
I have good repution in the open source community.
Indeed I'm betting my repution with him.
If he can disproof I was wrong, I'm done.

The only correct way to disproof my words is
to show what he have done for his backers.
For example, create a video to demo the
"Console OS" features his team has developed,
put the code his team developed to github, etc.

He didn't do these but just attacked my character.
That's another proof to show I'm damn correct!!

I don't need money to run this project.

If I need money, I definitely won't spend much of
my spare time on this almost useless project.
I'd rather do something more worthful.

Even if I want to make money via Android-x86,
I can commercialize and sell it like someone did
(e.g., http://andex.exton.net/ )
instead of making it free.

Or I can just initiate another Kickstart campaign
to collect money -- I guess I can collect more than
$50,00 easily.

People who have followed android-x86 these years
could probably know PayPal blocks the android-x86
donation since 2012. (due to a funny region restriction
reason that I can't understand completely)
I should try to fix it as soon as possible if I want money.
But I haven't yet. Some people gave me suggestions
to move the donation platform to others.
But I'm just too lazy to try it.

The http://www.android-x86.org has ads revenue.
It was setup and controlled by other members.
I don't know how much the revenue is for these
years and I never asked it. I don't care.

The thing that drives me to do the project is
my passion to the open source movement.

I'd like to share my fruitful results to others.

I am glad and honored to work with other developers
who have the same passion like me.

Even saying that, if anyone wants to donate, I'll be happy.
It's a clear message to say you like our work.
You can transfer money to my PayPal account directly.
(only donation button was blocked, direct transfer is ok)
I didn't use these money. But if any developer need it,
(e.g., to buy something for testing), just ask.

Anyway, you can choose to believe me or not.
I don't care.
Indeed you don't need to believe me.
Just believe the fact you see.

JJ Meijer

Dec 29, 2015, 3:16:21 PM12/29/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
A lot of respect to you! Also every time I read something mr Price writes it just becomes more clear how this guy has no idea what he is talking about. Does he even know what "Android" is?

Op dinsdag 29 december 2015 20:25:26 UTC+1 schreef Chih-Wei Huang:

Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 30, 2015, 10:04:09 AM12/30/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
Thanks to someone pointed me the long discussion at Reddit.

Christopher Price continued lying like:

"As we said in our reply, we respect Chih-Wei Huang's technical contributions.
But we certainly would have been willing to split our effort between mainlining
code vs forking, had he not demanded money to review our *pull requests*.
The Android-x86.org project is free to mainline our contributions..."


Total bullshit!

Where are the "pull requests"?
The only thing he sent me is the crap graph:

Anyone knows how to "pull" from it??

Anyway, to give him another last chance to prove himself,
I'm going to ask him to send me the "pull requests"


Dec 30, 2015, 10:11:45 AM12/30/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
Fully against stealing!
That man actions are crapt!

Scam,yes, but let me add another angle...

I believe there is something to take into account from the full story.

Why the June 2014 Kickstarter campaign was so successfull?

I believe there are lots of people interested in being able to use the code but have not the leading edge techncal knowledge that developers have. And there is not a clear and easy information for those.

See for example

These people are not a simple windows end users - running linux and virtualboxor hyper-v
You know, how many help replies? --> 0 as per today.
[yeah we know MESA, Gpt, etc.... build some usable user instructions on how to implement the code! Why not build up a wiki explaining how to use it? -- I would try to do it but my knowledge is not enough. I am still trying to find out if GAPPS are included or not, and how to add them ... but for that i would be confortable making test with a trials environment such as virtualbox ...]

How many times i have read... solve it yourself and share the solution (and do not be a nuisance I have coding to do).

Documenation ...
here.> http://www.android-x86.org/documents

it is just a joke. It is old and not explaining which version ...

The scam is based in the same basis as Exton ... give money you will be able to use it...

So, cut the grass under those "alternative" solutions. Help the user!!

Bernard Dime

Dec 30, 2015, 10:40:04 AM12/30/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
Until Christopher stops embellishing each and every piece of writing he puts out on the internet, people will continue to call him out. Claiming things to make an argument or project sound bigger than it is can be enticing, but it surely comes back to bite you in the ass. And when you make stuff up as much as you do, Christopher, it's hard to keep your story straight, because you slip up and make contradictory statements. This is one of them, here's another:

While we tried, and spent far more than raised via Kickstarter, to take on maintaining Android-IA… we realized Intel had simply cut back support too much. 

You had just replied the other day that you're going to ship the remaining thousands of dollars worth of physical goods you owe backers once Lollipop ships using the rest of the funds. How do you expect to do that if you've spent everything already?

Keep your story straight. 

Android-IA mailing list

Bernard Dime

Dec 30, 2015, 10:52:58 AM12/30/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
Please tell me where I twisted anything (screenshot attached). You'll likely go edit the post, but it's already been archived.


Dec 30, 2015, 1:04:27 PM12/30/15
to Android-x86, andro...@lists.01.org
Scam,yes, but let me add another angle...

I believe there is something to take into account from the full story.

Why the June 2014 Kickstarter campaign was so successfull?

I believe there are lots of people interested in being able to use the code but have not the leading edge techncal knowledge that developers have. And there is not a clear and easy information for those.

See for example

This person is not a simple windows end user. He is running linux and virtualbox.
You know, how many help replies? --> 0 as per today.
[yeah we know MESA, Gpt, etc.... build some usable user instructions on how to implement the code! Why not build up a wiki explaining how to use it? -- I would try to do it but my knowledge is not enough. I am still trying to find out if GAPPS are included or not, and how to add them ... but for that i would be confortable making test with a trials environment such as virtualbox ...]

How many times i have read... solve it yourself and share the solution (and do not be a nuisance I have coding to do).

The scam is based in the same basis as Exton ... you will be able to use it...
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