Regarding the issue with Bluetooth, I work with an RTL8822CU adapter with AOSP 10, and it's not working on my side as well.
I suggest to try to commect via the Terminal with the following commands: << hciconfig >> ( will see on which interface the Bluetooth adapter is connected), << hciconfig interface up >> ( where interface is the BT interface on which the adapter is connected), << hcitool scan >> (to see what are the devices ready to connect), << hcitool cc BTaddr >> ( to connect to the device which have the Bluetooth address) and << hcitool auth BTaddr >> (to authenticate to the connection). Also, you can harvest the logs via adb command or dmesg and using grep option (for Linux)
Moreover, In my findings, after I configured the drivers (somehow) and it built successfully, I discovered that when I unplug the adapter (it's and USB adapter) the Bluethooth app crashes form 15 to 15 seconds. So, I'm thinking that it's a problem there as well.
Regarding the Taskbar app launcher, I recommend to use Quickstep. Or you can install another Launcher from F-droid marketplace.
Regarding the Screenshots, try using the Vulkan mode option in the GRUB menu. I discovered this workaround somewhere on this forum/group of discussions.
Please, if you find something please post here, since I am very interested about this topic (the BT).