Power button and sleep

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May 23, 2019, 4:43:33 PM5/23/19
to Android-x86
I know this topic has been covered a few times in the past but it seems the old advises no longer applies in my case. Back with version 7.1 R2, I can use sleep.state=none to power off the screen but keep the device on (battery drains). However, with 8.1 R1, this parameter in build.prop no longer works. My tablet would power off the screen but refuse to power the screen back on. Furthermore, it would become difficult to force power off the device. Holding the power button for 30+ seconds may or may not power it off. I'm not sure if my custom kernel configuration has anything to do with this.

1. CPU type Atom is turned on
2. Suspend to RAM is turned on
3. Hibernation is off
4. Opportunistic sleep is on
5. Surface 3 GPIO is turned on
6. Support for Cherry Trail PMIC are on along with other Intel platforms

Since my tablet uses a Z8300 Cherry Trail CPU, I guess it's closest to a Surface tablet. Yes, I know Cherry Trail power management got pretty poor support in the old kernel but now that we're on 4.19, just want to see if people have better luck with sleep with this CPU platform.

youling 257

May 24, 2019, 5:19:14 AM5/24/19
to Android-x86
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