Con$ole O$ topic Moved

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Jan 4, 2015, 8:06:19 PM1/4/15
I'm redirecting Topics That Have to Do with Con$ole O$ over to my forum, for those who want to keep on with it, Me Personally, I  Believe That It needs to be Discussed... I'm not trying to Start ANOTHER thread  with a bunch of BS, Trying to actually get it out of here, this is where it doesn't need to be....



Jan 8, 2015, 6:13:10 PM1/8/15
Kudos for android-x86 from their backers under comments on the kickstarter page...

Laurent about 7 hours ago
I am trying to get this installed on a Dell Venue Pro 11 7130 vPRO............ 
Emails to Console OS several weeks ago have been unanswered...
Only build that actually boot on the Dell (Without touchscreen) is actually the 
latest 4.4r2...

also some not so good comments...!!!

Tony about 2 hours ago

wow, it seems like everyone (and i mean EVERYONE) has lost interest in this project.


Jan 8, 2015, 6:26:16 PM1/8/15

**Slowly Stands Up, Slowly Starts Clapping TILL Everyone at KS is Clapping**



Jan 14, 2015, 1:34:07 AM1/14/15
posted for backers today after hearing nothing since dec 25th.....LOL

Creator Mobile Media Ventures, Inc. about 13 hours ago

What we can say is we're burning the midnight oil to make all of these requests happen. One way or another, they'll happen in the DR2 cycle. We aren't committing to this device or that device at the moment. Much testing lies ahead over the next couple of weeks. Our Lollipop builds are going to be per-device and custom tailored.

We want to thank everyone for their patience. Had we know Lollipop would rewrite most of the underpinnings of the x86 boot stack, firmware, etc - we would have told people up-front. We did tell people during the campaign that Lollipop was a big unknown (as to how much it would delay/rewrite our release cycle), and it turned out to be a gigantic two-by-four to us.

We can't share much more than that, other than to say that our radio silence on this has been to make sure we focus on delivering clarity... and, of course, Console OS itself, without further interruptions to the drivers and underpinnings that it depends on.

reason it's so funny is that android-x86 had a base, and released sources for developers to work on
within 2 days after Google announced/released Lollipop to the public............these backers still believe this stuff from them??? Whatever............


Jan 14, 2015, 4:05:07 PM1/14/15
Ya Read thiat Last night When i was having Insomnia,  Figured on posting next day....LOL...

But Can everyone move this over either to My, Or Another Forum (XDA 8-)  ), IMO....   I really believe Chei Is tired of this on his forum...

Just a Thought, I could be Wrong.....



Jan 17, 2015, 3:25:42 AM1/17/15
don't know how to get to your forum....but see comments here...........

Mike Ross

Jan 17, 2015, 2:23:17 PM1/17/15
LOL, Yup read that a Couple Weeks Ago, LOL 8-), I check in every couple weeks to see what's going on 8-), And the link is under My Name.....Actually Wondering where the rest of the "Reviews" Are lol, His Buddies can't stretch the truth that far without looking bad...

Antony Stone

Jan 17, 2015, 2:51:03 PM1/17/15
On Saturday 17 January 2015 at 20:23:04 (EU time), Mike Ross wrote:

> On 1/17/2015 2:25 AM, jdw6 wrote:
> > don't know how to get to your forum....but see comments here...........

> LOL, Yup read that a Couple Weeks Ago, LOL 8-)

PLEASE can we get rid of these discussions about Console-OS from this list?

This is an Android-x86 list, and that's what people come here to discuss and
hear about.

If you want to talk about something else, please instead do it on a forum/list
which is about that topic.



The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was formed in 1824.
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was not formed
until 1884.
That says something about the British.

Please reply to the list;
please *don't* CC me.

Mike Ross

Jan 17, 2015, 3:13:00 PM1/17/15
On 1/17/2015 1:50 PM, Antony Stone wrote:
On Saturday 17 January 2015 at 20:23:04 (EU time), Mike Ross wrote:

On 1/17/2015 2:25 AM, jdw6 wrote:
don't know how to get to your forum....but see comments here...........

LOL, Yup read that a Couple Weeks Ago, LOL 8-)
PLEASE can we get rid of these discussions about Console-OS from this list?

This is an Android-x86 list, and that's what people come here to discuss and 
hear about.

If you want to talk about something else, please instead do it on a forum/list 
which is about that topic.



Agreed, My Apologies.


Jan 17, 2015, 5:46:35 PM1/17/15
did not know where to place it......and you don't have to read any your
not interested in...IMO

Mike Ross

Jan 17, 2015, 6:05:54 PM1/17/15
Ya But They (Like Me) get E-mails on Everything that's posted....  Really No Way To Say I want to Watch this thread and not that one (That I Know Of)...   So I Get It....

Chih-Wei Huang

Jan 19, 2015, 1:23:00 AM1/19/15
to Android-x86
If the discussion is helpful to the android-x86 project,
I won't object it.

In the 25 supported devices claimed by them,
there are several Baytrail based tablets including
Asus T100, Lenovo Miix 2 8, Dell Venue 11 Pro, etc.
They must have been fixed the issues we are faced
on the Baytrail tablets.
Digging into their kernel source can reveal
what they have done.

I have heard the Console OS Developer Release 1 (DR1)
is available for the bakers.
Has anyone tested it on Asus T100 or Lenovo Miix 2 8?
Have they fixed the emmc, hw accel, sensors, bt, etc issues
that are headaches for us?
I'm very interesting in reading their kernel changes.

Since Mr. Price is a person who respects the License very much,
he must have been followed the GNU GPL to
release the kernel source and other GPL components
of DR1 to their bakers.

So anyone has got the DR1 kernel source?
Could you please publish it to the github so we can dig it?
(no doubt you can publish the source to github
since GNU GPL grants you the right)
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Android-x86 project


Jan 19, 2015, 2:37:17 AM1/19/15
each of the 25  devices "they were going to support out of the gates" you mentioned are yet to be supported by DR1...

anytime anyone ask for kernel/code to verify anything exist, the answer seems to always be
that "due to NDA, licensing" nothing can be revealed............

best bet is to just look at Intel's kitkat android-ia source tree...DR1 appears to be a repackaging
of that............


Jan 19, 2015, 2:51:52 AM1/19/15
Oh forgot to mention......their Lollipop release DR2 will most likely be a repackaging
of android-x86 Intel doesn't appear to have one yet for them to use............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chih-Wei Huang

Jan 19, 2015, 2:53:55 AM1/19/15
to Android-x86
2015-01-19 15:37 GMT+08:00 jdw6 <>:
> each of the 25 devices "they were going to support out of the gates" you
> mentioned are yet to be supported by DR1...
> ref:
> anytime anyone ask for kernel/code to verify anything exist, the answer
> seems to always be
> that "due to NDA, licensing" nothing can be revealed............

The kernel source could not be covered by NDA.
Once they released the DR1 image to bakers,
they must release the kernel source to the bakers as well.
This is mandatory by GNU GPL:
The section 4 of GNU GPL says clearly:

" 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License..."

So if they are not compliant the License (i.e, release the source
covered by GPL),
they have no right to ship or distribute the DR1.
Mr. Price must know the fact very clear since
he has great respect for the copyright.

> best bet is to just look at Intel's kitkat android-ia source tree...DR1

Of course I've refer to the android-ia kernel since they released to public.
That's what the 'intel' branch in our repo means.

> appears to be a repackaging
> of that............

We can confirm or deny that once we see the DR1 kernel source.

Mark Kennard

Jan 19, 2015, 6:19:30 AM1/19/15
It would appear that they have no support for the T100 whatsoever as Console OS has no support for 32 bit EFI.

Mike Ross

Jan 19, 2015, 10:56:54 AM1/19/15
LOL, ya he should...

Chih-Wei Huang

Jan 19, 2015, 11:31:34 AM1/19/15
to Android-x86
2015-01-19 19:19 GMT+08:00 Mark Kennard <>:
> It would appear that they have no support for the T100 whatsoever as Console
> OS has no support for 32 bit EFI.

That's a trivial issue.
I have posted a patch to enable 32-bit EFI build for android-ia
at least half a year ago in both android-ia and android-x86 list.
They just need to use git command to apply my patch.
How hard should they work on an already solved issue?

Mark Kennard

Jan 19, 2015, 3:11:43 PM1/19/15
On Tuesday, 20 January 2015 05:31:34 UTC+13, Chih-Wei Huang wrote:
> How hard should they work on an already solved issue?

I think they're trying to reinvent the wheel sometimes. DR1 was allegedly a rebadged Android-IA, but if they had any sense and wanted to do it right, they would fork both Android-IA and Android-x86 and use the ground work that has already been done to give support to the wide range of devices that x86 supports, and then apply all their proprietary Console OS mods on top of that. It would have saved them so much time trying to get everything going again.

I can only assume they have done it this way either to say they did it the hard way, or so that they don't get called copycats. Either way in its current state, Console OS doesn't have anything that can benefit x86. Our best chances right now is that T100 3.4 kernel that you found.


Jan 20, 2015, 12:26:06 PM1/20/15
We're Stars, LOL

Creator Mobile Media Ventures, Inc. 3 days ago

Hello everyone, we're actually getting a lot of divergent questions here. It will take time to go through and answer them.

And that's part of the problem. We have thousands of backers and only a few of us. We can't answer every email and question directly. We are working hard to get support forums up - just like Google, we're going to ask you to do a better job of supporting each other than we can do ourselves.

As to claims we are "ripping off" a project, they are false. Two or three people have been running a libelous campaign against Console OS. They have been warned by sites like XDA-Developers and the threads have been closed due to their vulgar behavior - behavior that has extended to posting (illegally) identifying information of Console OS team members.

We post updates on Twitter because, in addition to Kickstarter backers, we have tens of thousands of people on wait lists. We do have a major site refresh coming soon, and as we have announced, we will be moving away from Kickstarter as a support tool - as all successful Kickstarters do.

But, to answer claims that we are "ripping off" or "regurgitating" the project, we'll be happy to do so yet again. Frankly, we wish people would read FAQs. We have clearly said we are not doing that, and that our code base is unique. We do share the standard Intel Android kernel when in use on Intel devices. This ensures we provide the best support possible for Intel devices. Intel is the largest contributor to the Linux kernel, it only makes sense to use their open source components. We also licensed several other components that are closed source, which is why Console OS does many Android features so well... and open source offerings like do not.

Finally, we know you want more information about when and how Lollipop will roll out. Please keep in mind, that aside from Google's own Nexus Player, no x86 Android device has shipped with Lollipop commercially. We should not be held to a higher standard that Samsung, LG, etc. We are doing the best we can with seventy-eight grand, and we have not taken another penny since. When we do, we will be opening the doors up wider with newer and better releases, and we do promise to keep you updated when we will not be running afoul of NDAs.

That's about all we can say. If there was anyone "blocking" us from the the access to the tools that we needed to ship Console OS, we would be telling you - and you would probably be shutting down their switchboards. That simply isn't happening - we're moving as fast as we can to Lollipop, as anything else would cause us to burn up your backer dollars.




Jan 20, 2015, 12:45:51 PM1/20/15
I checked the Con$ole O$ Wiki, and it says:

Source Code

Kernel source code and other requested/shared source code will be shared here. We expect kernel sources to go live here within a week of the first release of DR1.

Source :!topic/android-x86/aDjaNwkTOC4

I'm pretty sure it's been well over a week since DR1 was released, Maybe we just need to ask him, By Certified Mail, To get it....


Christopher Price

Jan 24, 2015, 1:36:48 PM1/24/15
One of the main reasons we didn't enable 32-bit UEFI is that there are major bootloader changes we have planned and it would require a wipe and reinstall.

Additionally there were GPU issues that would not simply be installed by parking a UEFI32 bootloader file. We affirmed this previously when asked by backers in a private chat, but I guess we didn't tell non-backers before in-depth.

That may be trivial for folks on this forum, we're trying to build something ordinary people can buy in store - which will greatly legitimize Android on the PC and give Android-x86's code a much needed shot in the arm.

It's a balancing act.

Christopher Price

Christopher Price

Jan 24, 2015, 2:12:45 PM1/24/15
Frankly Mike, we didn't get a single request after telling people that the same kernel was available at - something we noted from day one of our Kickstarter. But, I will make sure that someone uploads that by end of day.

We will be investing in and offering sponsorship for improvements to code, some starting within the next month if things go well (still waiting to hear back from Chih-Wei on a couple of emails I've sent). There's no need to take the tact you have been.

We aren't leaving, and it will only hurt the community to keep insulting us (the dollar signs are quite childish). It will simply degrade this forum, and the whole effort of Android on the PC, needlessly. So, try to work with us... rather than against us. There shouldn't be enemies here - getting Android onto installed/retail PCs is something that helps everyone, and we're maintaining the commercial builds that will make that happen.

Christopher Price

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 2:18:20 PM1/24/15
Chris I don't WANT you to Leave, I want the Copyright Bullcrap To End.... That's ALL, Your biting the Hand That Fed you, And Me And A Few Others Have seen this that's all.....

Christopher Price

Jan 24, 2015, 2:21:18 PM1/24/15
You’re not making any sense. Console OS adds closed source components and drivers that we can’t share. It’s a closed source offering that brings commercial attention to the Android on x86 ecosystem.

Putting it another way, if we could open-source Console OS, we probably would. There are drivers and bits that we’re not allowed to just post for download.

Beyond that, there’s no “copyright” concern. As I mentioned, we’re going to be sponsoring components of that we want to improve, integrate, and we’ll be sharing a lot of those contributions - especially those we pay people in the community to focus on.

Christopher Price

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Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 2:24:00 PM1/24/15
BUT Chris, You Came In Trying to Shut down Play Store, Libhoudini, Etc,Etc Do you understand that in this project, That's not gonna Fly?

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 2:24:58 PM1/24/15
So Do It But Don't stop us.....

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 2:30:04 PM1/24/15
On 1/24/2015 1:21 PM, Christopher Price wrote:
And I'll Be Waiting on the source Code your Using Under the GNU Licensing Agreement you Signed Up For......  I'll Be Checking through out the rest of today, But I believe that that was supposed to be available before your release. or At Least at the same time...

Christopher Price

Jan 24, 2015, 2:34:32 PM1/24/15
I will not be silenced from advocating that should remain committed to open-source compliance, as its charter stated. Having a commercial product and a fully-open-source-complaint project in the ecosystem is a win-win for everyone.

Anyone is free to do what they wish with a downloaded copy of, including installing Google Play or Houdini if they feel they are sufficiently licensed to do so.

I won’t be silenced on one subject, or shouted down, simply by participating in another. Frankly some are surprised I’m still even talking to you after you were threatened with a permanent ban on XDA for the same peppering tact.

To address your other post(s), the GPL requires you to provide kernel source upon the first request. This is the first request I’ve received, and it will be posted by the end of the day.

Christopher Price

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Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 2:37:09 PM1/24/15
Ok Whatever Get The Source Code up....

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 2:38:59 PM1/24/15
On 1/24/2015 1:34 PM, Christopher Price wrote:
Your trying to Make a Case Against Us I Know, Keep trying, Your Breaking Your Agreement With the GNU License, So Fix It While You Got The Chance....

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 2:42:02 PM1/24/15
On 1/24/2015 1:34 PM, Christopher Price wrote:
I won’t be silenced on one subject, or shouted down, simply by participating in another. Frankly some are surprised I’m still even talking to you after you were threatened with a permanent ban on XDA for the same peppering tact.
And Frankly, You Did that, You WAH WAH to them, E Mote didn't do a damn thing wrong I've been a member of XDA since 2012 You?

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 2:45:06 PM1/24/15
On 1/24/2015 1:12 PM, Christopher Price wrote:
And no Mr. Price The Dollar Signs Is So I Don't Promote your Product......


Antony Stone

Jan 24, 2015, 2:47:21 PM1/24/15
I've said this before, and I'll say it again if I need to - PLEASE can we keep
the discussions on this list focused on Android-x86, and not some other topic
that people may feel like having a personal disagreement about, but is almost
certainly of no interest to the majority of people on this list.

Thank you,


Most people are aware that the Universe is big.

- Paul Davies, Professor of Theoretical Physics


Jan 24, 2015, 2:54:06 PM1/24/15
I'm sorry, this time it's not my fault, I apologized before and am again, But I Must respond.....

Christopher Price

Jan 24, 2015, 2:57:32 PM1/24/15
Um, nobody from the Console OS team is starting these threads. You have started every thread about Console OS nearly.

Aside from one post announcing Console OS, I’ve not brought Console OS once, except as an ancillary reference in answering questions relevant to

I have no plans to bring Console OS topics here. However, when people make disparaging remarks or simply incorrect information - you can bet someone will pass the the link, and I’ll respond.

We would not be preparing to offer tens of thousands of dollars in code bounties for improvement, if we were against the project. I will not allow ridiculous claims that I am “against this project” because I have pointed out flaws in it. You need to stop, you have made your opinions clear. We’ve heard them. It’s old, really.

Christopher Price

On Jan 24, 2015, at 11:54 AM, Miker1029 <> wrote:

I'm sorry, this time it's not my fault, I apologized before and am again, But I Must respond.....


Jan 24, 2015, 3:07:59 PM1/24/15
I'm From Missouri SHOW ME! 8-)


Jan 24, 2015, 3:12:43 PM1/24/15
And I'm gonna make a point that your system is Bullshit, And I'm gonna do my best to make sure everyone knows it....


Jan 24, 2015, 3:16:37 PM1/24/15
Man, You Know, You TALK ALOT!, But That;s all I've seen, In the Past year, You haven't done nothing but port an Already Existing code, With Your own Home Brewed Installer, And I Might add, Is Breaking peoples OS' that don't know how to restore them, So your Fing More things up then fixing...



Christopher Price

Jan 24, 2015, 3:20:01 PM1/24/15
That simply is not correct. Of the dozens of devices we support, we’ve only de-certified one. The vast majority of Kickstarter backers that have a system we already support, are finding it works very well, especially for a first developer release.

Furthermore, our “custom installer” is a fork of IAGO, which you are welcomed to audit at - there’s no need for animosity… especially when it is very misplaced.

Christopher Price


Jan 24, 2015, 3:21:46 PM1/24/15
And I Will Be Expecting Your Source Code Release, Posted here.... As Your A Part Of This Community....

Mike 8-D

Christopher Price

Jan 24, 2015, 3:27:17 PM1/24/15
I will not encourage off-topic discussion by discussing the kernel source here. However, since you have peppered this forum with numerous request (today alone), I can confirm that the kernel source is available on the Console OS Wiki.

We responded to your formal GPL request within/less-than/about 24 hours, let alone the customary week.

Please refrain from discussing it further here, as it is totally off-topic. I hope this thread can finally die now - along with the hateposting about Console OS on this forum.

Christopher Price

> On Jan 24, 2015, at 12:21 PM, Miker1029 <> wrote:
> And I Will Be Expecting Your Source Code Release, Posted here.... As Your A Part Of This Community....
> Mike 8-D


Jan 24, 2015, 3:29:22 PM1/24/15
Um, Chris, I Clicked that link you provided, Reminded me Of Download sites I don't want nothing to do with, Got one That Don't Wanna Steal my info?


Jan 24, 2015, 3:29:22 PM1/24/15

Christopher Price

Jan 24, 2015, 3:36:50 PM1/24/15
Our kernel sources are hosted by Google, same company hosting this very mail list. No registration or "user info" is required to download the sources.

Frankly I'm surprised you are having this issue. Reach out to me off-list if you need more assistance.

Christopher Price

On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Miker1029 <> wrote:
Um, Chris, I Clicked that link you provided, Reminded me Of Download sites I don't want nothing to do with, Got one That Don't Wanna Steal my info?

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 3:39:48 PM1/24/15
On 1/24/2015 2:27 PM, Christopher Price wrote:
I will not encourage off-topic discussion by discussing the kernel source here. However, since you have peppered this forum with numerous request (today alone), I can confirm that the kernel source is available on the Console OS Wiki.

We responded to your formal GPL request within/less-than/about 24 hours, let alone the customary week.

Please refrain from discussing it further here, as it is totally off-topic. I hope this thread can finally die now - along with the hateposting about Console OS on this forum.

Christopher Price

On Jan 24, 2015, at 12:21 PM, Miker1029 <> wrote:

And I Will Be Expecting Your Source Code Release, Posted here.... As Your A Part Of This Community....

Mike 8-D

Bro That's all you ever say you did it at XDA now your doing it here , Are you not Intelligent Enuff To See that you do the Same Things Over And Over and expecting Different Results?

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 3:47:43 PM1/24/15
On 1/24/2015 2:36 PM, Christopher Price wrote:
Our kernel sources are hosted by Google, same company hosting this very mail list. No registration or "user info" is required to download the sources.

Frankly I'm surprised you are having this issue. Reach out to me off-list if you need more assistance.

Christopher Price

On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Miker1029 <> wrote:
Um, Chris, I Clicked that link you provided, Reminded me Of Download sites I don't want nothing to do with, Got one That Don't Wanna Steal my info?
Oh No, Sir, You Must Supply From Your Distribution You MUST!  Your Are The One, So I'm Still Waiting for the link to 'your' source code...

Christopher Price

Jan 24, 2015, 3:50:07 PM1/24/15
We are hosting the file on Google's servers. This is fully permitted under GPLv2 - thousands of companies share GPL code disclosures on Google Drive/Code. I will not argue this topic with you here further... it is totally off-topic to this site.

You made your GPL request, the file is now available for public download. Stop grasping at straws and please let this thread die.

Christopher Price

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 3:59:46 PM1/24/15
Umm, A Link would be good,,,,

Christopher Price

Jan 24, 2015, 4:03:32 PM1/24/15
to -> Release Notes -> Scroll to Source Code

We expect to set up a separate Source Code section on the Wiki as DR2 ships, allowing you to access older versions too. Hence the links will change over the next couple of weeks.

Christopher Price

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 4:05:12 PM1/24/15
No I want the link to the source as per GNU licensing agreements,,
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Christopher Price

Jan 24, 2015, 4:11:06 PM1/24/15
You already linked to the page. I've now provided multiple sets of instructions. I will provide you will more specific instructions off-list. Please stop posting about it here further, it is totally off-topic to

Christopher Price

Ravid Maduni

Jan 24, 2015, 4:12:44 PM1/24/15
to that's was easy

בתאריך יום שבת, 24 בינואר 2015 בשעה 23:05:12 UTC+2, מאת Miker1029:

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 4:14:16 PM1/24/15
Do You actually understand OFF topic???   This My Thread And totally on topic, your off topic....

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 4:18:11 PM1/24/15
On 1/24/2015 2:50 PM, Christopher Price wrote:
Got it, good work....

Mike Ross

Jan 24, 2015, 4:20:00 PM1/24/15
As long as you stay current on your GNU Your good,,,


Jan 25, 2015, 2:12:08 AM1/25/15
ya but.....why so many of the folders/files have been changed to the timestamp of when he posted......

ie.... files/folders have been reverted to the original android-ia kernel, NOT THE CONSOLEOS KERNEL....

pretty slick trick, scamming the system that says "you must post it" but NO ONE ENFORCES what you actually post....

he posted the originally android-ia kernel, and had to backport some folders/ you aren't getting the ConsoleOS DR1 kernel....

typical scammer...........

Rinaldo Jonathan

Jan 25, 2015, 2:15:06 AM1/25/15
to android-x86

Give applause to our typical scammer!

*everyone starts clapping in front of their PC*


Jan 25, 2015, 2:19:21 AM1/25/15
thanks Chris

Chih-Wei Huang

Jan 25, 2015, 5:55:59 AM1/25/15
to Android-x86

Oh! I just spent one day with my family. The list blew up.
Why couldn't you give me a period of peace time?

Now please stop any post in the thread.
You have been warned.

I will take some actions when I'm back home.

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