How to edit grub menu

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Aug 23, 2014, 7:15:31 AM8/23/14
HI, please can someone explain how can i edit grub menu so that windows is the first boot item in the list, and second how to add this line permanently to the grub menu vga=791, what happen is i have to insert this line everytime i boot android x86 4.4 rc2. thank you.


Aug 25, 2014, 4:59:49 AM8/25/14
My method : 
1-use another linux system on livecd( lubuntu for me )
2-go to the root of the disk, there's a folder called grub
3- open it and open AS ROOT the file menu.lst 
4- there are some different text blocks that are the  grub entries, and on the top there's a variable that represents wich text block grub will boot by default ( sorry i don't have the pc with me and don't remember the name , i hope you find it) , change it in order to match the position that windows has in grub.
5- add to the kernel line of androidx86 entries ( in the same way you do at boot) the vga command

Antony Stone

Aug 25, 2014, 9:39:35 AM8/25/14
Boot into Android's debug mode, and wait until you see:

Type 'exit' to continue booting...

Running busybox ash...
/android #

At this point, type the following commands:

mount -o remount,rw /mnt
vi /mnt/grub/menu.lst

If you're familiar with the vi editor, I'm sure you can work out what to do
from here.

If not...

Use the cursor keys to get to the first line starting with "kernel" - it should
be the one which does not say "debug mode" in the title just above it.

Move along to where you see vga= , press insert, and change the setting to

Press escape to return to command mode.

If you want to change the order of the entries, try the following:

- place the cursor on the first line of a section you want to move
- type Shift-V
- move the cursor to the last line you want to move
- press d
- the section will disappear
- move the cursor to the line just above where you want to move the section
- press p to paste the section in at this location

Type ":wq" (it'll appear at the bottom of the screen) to write the file and
quit the editor.

Then type "sync" and reboot the machine with "reboot -f".

Hope that helps,


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