problem with new compiled android-9

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Hessam Mohammadi

Jun 25, 2020, 11:38:23 PM6/25/20
to Android-x86
I tried to recompiled new android but it seems there are lots of missing. i installed pie9 64 bit version. please help me through this.
1- google chrome and google play is not installed. I cannot get any app, 
2- web emulator does not work for ANY download, i cannot get anything 
3- wget in terminal emulator is not complete, need to be upgraded for https. but there is not any command to upgrade packages
4- i cannot install/update and upgrade packages
5- adb does not show any devices in powershell when installing pie9 on VMware. for the ISO you provided in download page adb works.
definitely there are some packages are missing because the output size is around 750 MB, while your ISO is 900MB. 
I really need your help

Daniel Cheung

Jun 27, 2020, 10:28:53 PM6/27/20
You have to add OpenGAPPS to the project in order to get Google Play Store.

1. Install "git lfs" and "lzip" first
2. Turn on show hidden files and folder. I think it's Ctrl-H in Ubuntu
3. Review the instructions here
4. Add the projects to android-x86.xml file in .repo/manifests. You don't need arm, arm64, and x86 if you're compiling for 64bit. If you're compiling for 32bit, keep x86 instead of x86_64
<remote name="opengapps" fetch=""  />
<remote name="opengapps-gitlab" fetch=""  />

<project path="vendor/opengapps/build" name="aosp_build" revision="master" remote="opengapps" />

<project path="vendor/opengapps/sources/all" name="all" clone-depth="1" revision="master" remote="opengapps-gitlab" />

<project path="vendor/opengapps/sources/x86_64" name="x86_64" clone-depth="1" revision="master" remote="opengapps-gitlab" />

5. In device/generic/x86_64/ file, add GAPPS_VARIANT := pico near the top and include the file. For 32bit, I believe it's generic/x86/ instead.
# includes the base of Android-x86 platform
$(call inherit-product,device/generic/common/
$(call inherit-product, vendor/opengapps/build/
# Overrides
PRODUCT_NAME := android_x86_64
PRODUCT_BRAND := Android-x86
PRODUCT_MODEL := Generic Android-x86_64
5a. I recommend using pico and then go back to add packages from Google Play later

6. Run "repo sync" again and you will notice a new folder being added /vendor/opengapps/

7. Inside /vendor/opengapps/sources, go into each of the subfolders and run "sudo git lfs install" and then "sudo git lfs pull". This will pull more files off the internet

8. In /vendor/opengapps/build, add a file named "" then inside add the following:
$(call add-clean-step, rm -rf $(PRODUCT_OUT)/system/app/*)
$(call add-clean-step, rm -rf $(PRODUCT_OUT)/system/priv-app/*)

9. In /vendor/opengapps/modules, add a file named "" the inside add the following:
include $(call all-named-subdir-makefiles,$(GAPPS_PRODUCT_PACKAGES))

10. In /vendor/opengapps/build, open the "" and remove "GoogleCamera" and "MarkUpGoogle" lines

11. Compile the Android project like normal and the Google Play service and Play Store should be installed as well. The install wizard should be the first thing you see when you boot up for the first time.

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Hessam Mohammadi

Jul 3, 2020, 12:21:34 PM7/3/20
to Android-x86
Great answer, it worked

Hessam Mohammadi

Jul 4, 2020, 2:20:42 PM7/4/20
to Android-x86
I removed all previous file and got the whole files one more time, this time i see there is no vendor/opengapps/modules . it just build and sources and inside sources there is one module folder which has lots of sub-folder(I don't rememeber how it was last time). is there any problem in my sync or should i create an empty folder called modules? I created inside vendor/opengapps/modules, is it ok? i tride a few times repo sync but modules does not appear.
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Daniel Cheung

Jul 5, 2020, 2:51:59 PM7/5/20
Sorry Step #9 had an error. It should be /vendor/opengapps/build/modules.

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