Network problem (bug ?)

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Tarek S

Apr 10, 2014, 5:11:44 AM4/10/14
Hello to all,

I am facing a kind of bug or problem with Android-86x kitkat version, and I am sending you this mail to know if it's a real bug or a simple problem of configuration that you may help me to solve.
When I install android kitkat on virtual box, I am not able to configure it because when android starts for the first time, I choose skip wifi (my pc is connected via lan), then it's blocked at a page looking for network as it seems with a message "Connecting" and after few minutes i get blank page that I have no network so I can get any forward to finish installing the emulator....For me the bug is that even if i don't have a network connection, it should however let me configure android ! 
Now to solve this maybe I should to make some network configuration to get internet into my vm, i tired but I couldn't know how because i am new to android and you have any idea please of what should I do exactly ? i posted details and print screen here so if you can visit you will understand more my problem.

I hope to get an answer from your side because since more than 2 days am blocked and can't configure my emulator.

Chih-Wei Huang

Apr 16, 2014, 10:33:15 PM4/16/14
to Android-x86

Skipping wifi is correct to set up android-x86 in a virtualbox.
I don't know why you got problems.

From your screenshot the Ethernet has got IP correctly.
I see no reason why it can't work.
The only explanation is your virtualbox was blocked
by your network environment (firewall, proxy, ...)
You should check that.

There are already some videos on the Youtube that teach you
how to use android-x86 on virtualbox. Just take a look, say

As shown in the video, the internet works fine.
No any special configuration is needed.

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