I suggest to proceed in this way:
0. Recheck: install all the required packages for Android Build System to work
1. Start from a working android-x86_64_defconfig for 64bit iso or android-x86_defconfig file, if you are building x86 32bit iso
2. Apply the config changes you need
3. Save your defconfig_file it to /home/daniel/android-x86/kernel/arch/x86/configs/defconfig_file and avoid using subfolders,
TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG definitionwill search the file in there
4. If you encounter errors about locale in Ubuntu 18.04 bionic beaver, use this command prior to building:
export LC_ALL=C
5. commands to build with ad hoc defconfig_file should look like this:
cd /home/daniel/android-x86
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch android_x86-userdebug && make -j4 iso_img TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG=defconfig_file
The problem in your buildlog file is clear:
FAILED: /home/daniel/android-x86/out/target/product/x86/obj/kernel/.config
/bin/bash -c "(mkdir -p /home/daniel/android-x86/out/target/product/x86/obj/kernel && cat kernel/arch/x86/configs/myconfig device/generic/common/selinux_diffconfig > /home/daniel/android-x86/out/target/product/x86/obj/kernel/.config ) && (ln -sf ../../../../../../external /home/daniel/android-x86/out/target/product/x86/obj/kernel ) && (make -j3 -C kernel O=/home/daniel/android-x86/out/target/product/x86/obj/kernel ARCH=x86 CROSS_COMPILE=\" /home/daniel/android-x86/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-android-4.9/bin/x86_64-linux-android-\" oldnoconfig )"
cat: kernel/arch/x86/configs/myconfig: Is a directory
.config file could not be generated because of the highlighted error,
if TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG=myconfig was used, then myconfig must be a file.