Gapps for Lollipop 5.1

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Ivan Vishev

Jun 7, 2015, 10:17:08 PM6/7/15
HI Guys,

i am new to Android Development and maybe asking some dumb questions, sorry for that.
I have downloaded, build and installed the latest source code for Lollipop. Everything works fine(didn't try everything jet).
Now i would like to have gapps to download the apps i need, use maps and so on.

So the first question is:
1. Is it right, that all you need to do to install gapps is to copy them to /system folder on the target device?

I've tried to install some different gapps (also for cyanogenmode 12.1). Most of them just doesn't work at all. Some crushes as far as i try to type my username. The last one i've tried let me log in but i cannot install any update due to this error: "%appname could not be downloaded due to an error. (963)"

2. Is it enough just to install the gapps .apks or should i do something else on purpose to run google services?

3. Is it right that not every gapps can work on x86? How do the gapps work for android x86(4.4.2 for example)

4. What gapps should i use for actual Lollipop (5.1.1)?

5. How can i put the gapps (and other apps too) to my iso image? I want to have everything after installing my iso to device.

Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards,


Mario Holzinger

Jun 8, 2015, 4:18:22 AM6/8/15

1. Yes copy the GApps content to out/target/product/x86/system and rebuild your image (make iso_img TARGET_PRODUCT=android_x86)
2. No (my experience) I tried to install it under my android installation using *.apk files but it do not work
3. No 4.4.x (KitKat) needs an other package than 5.0.x (Lollipop) and also 5.1.x (Lollipop) needs an new Version on my side
4. look into my GDrive there is a GApps Folder with the correct folderstructure (
5. See point 1, for me its the easiest way to includ my GApps

Ivan Vishev

Jun 8, 2015, 5:57:21 AM6/8/15
Hi Mario,

thanks for your answer.

The question 3 was more about system architecture (intel x86 vs arm). And of course more questions :)
1) Where did you get the gapps for Lollipop?
2) What is the difference between gapps for Lollipop and let say kitkat. 
3) How can i optimize gapps to run them on my system?


Mario Holzinger

Jun 8, 2015, 6:23:16 AM6/8/15

1. I use the GApps that can be found (Google) and that suits ARM and also X86 architecture without modification. I prefer a small package to have the Play Store on board. Everithing else can be installed afterwards.
2. the versions are not compatible to each other. If you include Kitkat GApps in a Lollipop image it will not work (FC = forced to close)
3. I do not know any kind of optimisation for that package.

What i did is searching around the net (ParanoidAndroid or CyanogenMod) to find a GApp zip that suits my Android version.
Than extract the contend of the zip file and restructure the folders to get alliegned to my system/ folder
Thats all

There are a few files included in the zip file that are not necessarry, so I only search for folders that can also be found in system/ after a complete build process to determine which one are needed and what is junk in the zip file.


Ivan Vishev

Jun 8, 2015, 10:46:05 AM6/8/15
Thanks again Mario!

To 1):
Does that apply to all gapps( compatibility arm vs x86). In which case it doesn't work? Only if the app uses NDK?

I didn't find any official sources for gapps from google. Does that mean, that everything  i can do is to copy them from Android official source? In other word where are the coming from this gapps?



Mario Holzinger

Jun 8, 2015, 11:21:38 AM6/8/15

I dont know if GApps always works with arm and x86, but as long as I build my own images it does. :-)

There is no official source for GApps, as far as I understand they come preinstalled on original device images (mobile phone, tablets)
Maybe some more experianced users extract the files directly from the images and pack them into the downloadable zip files for the rest of us.

Ivan Vishev

Jun 9, 2015, 5:17:09 AM6/9/15
And again some troubles:(
I've installed your gapps, the installation works fine, but if i try to download any app i get the error message 963.

Download starting again and again. Sometime it just hanging and nothing happaning the download line just runs and runs.

Mario Holzinger

Jun 9, 2015, 5:26:17 AM6/9/15
I cant remember if the erroro number was 963, but ther is an reqirement for GApps from 5.0.x Lollipop that it requires to install everithing at a EXT4 formated partition.
EXT2 and EXT3 do not work anymore with an error when downloading apps from Google Playstore

Ivan Vishev

Jun 9, 2015, 5:30:22 AM6/9/15
Thanks for the fastest answer i've ever became!=)
I try to install on ext3, thats why i have the problems.
But if i choose to format the disk as ext4 i get a warning that i can't use grub and need grub2.
So you can guess my next question:

How to install grub2?


Mario Holzinger

Jun 9, 2015, 6:08:46 AM6/9/15
Good question.

I have Ubuntu installed also so grub2 is automaticlly installed on may system. (my SP2 is also my build maschine)
I started with 

at the beginning that points to an ubuntu installation for grub

Ivan Vishev

Jun 9, 2015, 6:37:25 AM6/9/15
I'am trying to install grub2 from ubuntu live.
Did you made any changes to grub entries so that Android is also available in boot list?

Mario Holzinger

Jun 9, 2015, 7:34:06 AM6/9/15
I use this to mod my entries

Its a GUI for easy Grub configuration


Jun 9, 2015, 10:44:00 PM6/9/15

What's your main is?

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Jun 9, 2015, 10:51:53 PM6/9/15


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Ivan Vishev

Jun 10, 2015, 5:54:23 AM6/10/15
Hi Miker!

I have no OS. Only Android on my device. 


Jun 10, 2015, 6:50:47 AM6/10/15

Well as fae as I know as I know the latest installer should work fine for formatting ext4... If not install  Linux lived to some kind of external storage that can attach to your device... If none of that. Then haven't got a clue...

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Ivan Vishev

Jun 10, 2015, 7:03:14 AM6/10/15

The last installer also works fine for formatting in ext4, but if you format in ext4 you have to install grub2 manually. The installer can only install grub (0.97).
I've tried to install grub from ubuntu live cd but it didn't work due to different error. If you have some good guide or a how to how to install grub2 it would be great!



Jun 10, 2015, 7:25:05 AM6/10/15

No unfortunately I used grub2win odd that the new installer doesn't handle grub2 tho. 

Ivan Vishev

Jun 12, 2015, 10:37:12 AM6/12/15
Hi everybody!

Now i'm facing the problem, that after i've dropped the gapps to the system folder( just copied system folder from gapps to system folder form android) Android doesn't see it. I have no apps installed. No one!
Any idea why or how to solve the problem? 


Jeff Singleton

Jun 16, 2015, 10:40:05 AM6/16/15
Hoping I can add some info to help debug things.

First...are you building lollipop-x86 as 64-bit or 32-bit?

List of issues I have hit, more detailed info below:
  1. The lollipop-x86 branch 64-bit is not quite stable, and does not come with the android-4.0.0 kernel branch and does not seem to be fully rooted.
  2. I have built both 64-bit and 32-bit without trying to add gapps or anything else, and then doing same with some manual modifications after installing.
  3. I have also tried fetching android-4.0.0 into the 5.1.1 tree locally, and basically got the same results
  4. I have also tried fetching the Mesa 10.6 in hopes of building a more stable graphics i915 driver
  5. Errors seen with DEBUG enabled shows something about not being able to find any ext2/3/4 VD boot partitions, but gives me the ash prompt and typing exit (twice) does finally boot.
  6. Wireless still does not Obtain an IP after authenticating, only setting a static IP works. (this is a problem in kitkat-x86 and lollipop-x86)
(Lollipop 64-bit)
  • The 64 bit boots from ISO created USB, but only with DEBUG=2 is added to the kernel init line in grub which allows me to type exit at the ash prompt (twice)
  • Then it finally boots, but despite having #SuperUser in the settings does not seem to actually be rooted
  • Attempting to fix this manually using a script I found online that can be used within Android or even done from a Linux OS.
    • This totally breaks things, Android wont even boot
  • Running the script after successfully booting and from within Android root terminal (Alt+F1), the script says the system is not rooted, despite 'whoami' stating I was root.
  • Typing 'su' at a root terminal prompt reports the was 64-bit and su was built 32-bit (weird) - and then I found 'su' was actually had a PID.
(Lollipop 32-bit)
  • The 32-bit boots to the infamous black screen unless DEBUG=2 is added to the kernel init line in grub and then stops with the Loading Boot Commands (or something close to that)
  • I tried this with the default kernel source pulled in (v3.10.8) and manually fetching kernel source (v4.0.0) and got the same results
So I am OK with the testing thus far...because at least I can get the 64-bit Lollipop built and will install. I think I need to try that one again, but will try to modify my kernel config first to make sure the 32-bit stuff is enabled so that my Kernel space and User space are separated - it definitely does not do this automatically, no matter what is in my device make files.

As for the Gapps, I have not tried to copy the files into my out folder tree prior to building the ISO image, but copying the files manually after booting into Lollipop-X86 using the updater-script as a guide of where everything goes and setting the proper permissions causes my Lollipop-X86 to no longer boot.

So hopefully, I will get the lollipop 64-bit built with the 32-bit user space separated. I am trying also to not build for any specific hardware to make testing by others a bit easier. 

Just for the record:
  • My build system is an AMD FX6300 (AM3+) with 32GB DDR3 Ram running Debian 8.1 AMD64
  • My laptop is an ASUS Q302LA with i915 GPU and Intel iwlwifi (iwlmvm) shared bluetooth chipset, running Kali Limux with a 64GB partition set aside just for Androidx86. 
Let you know how my next build turns out.

David Wheatcroft

Jun 16, 2015, 5:49:51 PM6/16/15
Check permissions. I'm feeling too lazy to look up what they should be, just look at an apk that is already there and apply the same permissions.

Ivan Vishev

Jun 19, 2015, 3:55:42 AM6/19/15
Thanks for your answer!
True story, i changed the permissons and it work fine.

Ivan Vishev

Jun 19, 2015, 4:31:29 AM6/19/15
I post just it to answer my own questions and to summarize my experiences 

1) Yes, its enough to put the .apk files to /system folder (and to correct sub-folders). But here you may face a bit of problems.
- first of all you have to put the apps to correct folders. There is a difference between /app and /priv-app. priv-app has more rights.
- you have to set right permission to yout apk. i don't know if its correct but i set following permissions to whole  /system folder: -rwxr-xr-x (755). If you don't set it correctly, apps just doesn't appear on desktop or doesn't run correctly.
- the most important thing for me was the hint from Mario Holzinger, that Lollipop apps run ONLY on EXT4!
5) To put the gapps to your .iso image you just put them to android-x86/out/target/product/x86  directory and start "make" again ( the gapps gain then the right permissions)and

Thanks to Mario Holzinger and David Wheatcroft for really helpful hints!

Kamalakar Agashe

Oct 3, 2015, 10:41:51 AM10/3/15
to Android-x86
I installed GAPPS by adding folders/files from this zip file to my Lollipop install on ext4 partition in /system folder maintaining the structure and permission.
It is working but occasionally crashes with blinking CapsLk on keyboard (it is Lenovo G50-45 Laptop with radeon) and system reboots. The keyboard keys do not work on grub2 menu and the default Ubuntu boots after wait time.


Ossi Uusimaa

May 20, 2016, 2:37:45 AM5/20/16
to Android-x86
Could you make a GAPPS folder for Marshmallow also? I tried to make it myself from OpenGapps pico zip-file but I don't know if it is right

Ossi Uusimaa

May 21, 2016, 4:24:19 AM5/21/16
to Android-x86
I can't get Play Store working. Here is Android 6.0 GAPPS 64-bit (pico).
How moved the file to /system and check permissons but Google Play Service keeps crashing. I'm able to use Youtube etc. but not Play Store.
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