ASus EEE PC Sheashell

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Peter beks

Jan 25, 2015, 11:29:10 AM1/25/15
You guys are doing a Great Job!

It was about a year ago that I met android x86, being a total noob with Linux and terminal commands and that sort of stuff I started with this piece:
Flash was kinda a must back then, everything worked fine except the webcam and mic and scrolling true the menu's was kinda buggy/slow

after I had used it for about 3-4 months I decided to put it down, till this this week: I gave it second try with Android-x86 4.4-r2

What works:

Wifi (tested 2 different chips, both work)
usb keyboard
touchpad (with multi-touch)
extra usb hub
usb webcam (tried 3, 2 worked 1might be to old to support uvc)
usb mouse
usb memory stick mounted as sd-card
vga port ( normal screen is non existing atm)

what does not work:

Practically nothing, except for some internal/software side stuff,

libhoudini: it seems to be integrated but it does not help a lot or not at all. I observed some of the topics about this, but the bigger ' characters' seem to lost interest at some point?
is it because most apps moved to armv7? or did I failed to enable it? or is there still some work in progress?

OpenGL: I'm observing the problem right now, tried different x86 apps and games (antutu benchmark/realracing3/asphalt8) but logcat shows the same exception over and over: fatal exception glthread 144

Some Specs:

Intel Atom N570 @ 1.66GHz 4 cores SSE 3 
2 gb ram
model 1015PX ? (according to hardware info inside android)


The Android x86 projects knocked me of my shoes.... again..... it's amazing what u guys have done so far!
we'll see far u (as a community) can take it, all I know is my asus net-book pc just got a second life as a pseudo tablet and I think.... He likes it !


Jan 25, 2015, 1:22:52 PM1/25/15
Hi Peter,

You can also give a try on a test version Android-x86 developers and enthusiasts like me are working on (Mesa 10.4.2 + kernel 3.18.2)

This is the topic we're discussing it now:

And this is the img files built by group member rgb

I've tested the 32 bits he (rgb) made available on a hardware similar to yours (Asus 1015PE Seashell - Atom N550 / 2 cores)

I could run a complete test on Antutu using this img. All worked (3D partially, scene lacks texture rendering and it's very slow, about 1fps - But this is not a hardware meant for 3D)
I've tested an Unity/OpenGL game called "Mussoumano", and it worked

Browsing and integrated camera worked as well.

If you have a chance, git a try on it. If possible, try also the 64 bits kernel version


Peter beks

Jan 25, 2015, 3:17:30 PM1/25/15
Thanks for the reply pstglia, I will try the 32-bit version first,
If I understand correctly I won't have benefit from 64-bit since I don't have that much of memory and driver support is logically behind? (this is an assumption from someone only familiar with windows 32/64 bit discussions)

I won't mind trying it for testing purposes later on, I'll let u now soon how the 32-bits version worked out for me

Peter beks

Jan 25, 2015, 4:06:21 PM1/25/15
Thanks for your reply, tried the 32 version, it started and seems to work like a charm, I'm off to try the 64 bits version because I just read that gapps are included in that one (so I'm kindly tricked into that XD)

I'll let you know later on

On Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 7:22:52 PM UTC+1, pstglia wrote:


Jan 26, 2015, 10:57:35 AM1/26/15
rgb has included gapps for 32 bits today. You can download it if you wish
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