android-x86 on ECS Liva

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Nov 12, 2014, 11:35:23 PM11/12/14
I recently purchased the ECS Liva, a Bay Trail-M mini-computer which successfully runs Ubuntu (with questionable WiFi compatibility).  Should I expect compatibility issues with its graphics chipset and/or WiFi (BCM43142 chipset, if I read correctly)?

Because it's UEFI, I've had trouble booting it with anything other than android-ia.  I'd prefer using android-x86 which has Google Play, but have found the custom build process rather daunting.  Is it a fool's errand to try running android-x86 kitkat on the Liva?  To start, I found this thread about running android-x86 on the Asus T100, but it's unclear where baytrail related files are in the repository.  (The thread links patches to the baytrail files, but where are the base files?)

Anyway, regardless of the baytrail files, I still need to have a build of the generic kitkat x86, but I've only gotten as far as:

Warning: AndroidManifest.xml already defines minSdkVersion (in; using existing value in manifest.
Warning: AndroidManifest.xml already defines targetSdkVersion (in; using existing value in manifest.
warning: no entries written for drawable/ic_view_photosphere
Install: out/target/product/x86/system/app/Exchange2.odex
Install: out/target/product/x86/system/app/Exchange2.apk
Processing target/product/x86/obj/APPS/Email_intermediates/package.apk
Install: out/target/product/x86/system/app/Email.odex
Install: out/target/product/x86/system/app/Email.apk
collect2: error: ld terminated with signal 9 [Killed]
make: *** [out/target/product/x86/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libwebviewchromium_intermediates/LINKED/] Error 1

but no output ISO.  Repeated running "make -j4 iso_img TARGET_PRODUCT=android_x86" seems to inch me forward, but I'm skeptical that I'm actually going to have a working build.

BTW, I'm building in a VirtualBox VM with 4GB RAM, which I'm starting to suspect is insufficient...
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