Re: run LUNCH to specify target

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Dmitry Sutyagin

Feb 20, 2016, 4:18:12 AM2/20/16
to Android-x86
I'd recommend to manually edit my gapps integration script to workaround this problem, or just manually setting export $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT = "put correct path here", as I'm not sure why lunch gives you that error - maybe something has changed recently and there is no $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT env variable anymore, not sure. Please also check all posts in the original thread.

On Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 2:37:33 AM UTC+3, Kevin Peterson wrote:
A colleague and I are trying to add GAPP to a build using this guide:!topic/android-x86/nbq1VkAJqdo

when I run the script (after I've build it successfully without GAPPS) it says:

"Please specify product by running "lunch [...]" to set $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT variable"

When I run
>> lunch android_x86-user  or variation of it (in the gapps folder, it says android_x86-user is not found. Tried running in root of source too)

Sorry if this is a dumb question :/ 
What am I doing wrong?

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Hypo Turtle

Feb 20, 2016, 3:19:54 PM2/20/16
to Android-x86
Pretty much, ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT should have been set by when doing a full compile (== same as $OUT).

If doing it separate / setting the variable after the fact then if you look at the script in more detail to pinpoint what you should set:

rsync -r combined/ ../../out/target/product/$product/system

So setting ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=ANYTHINGATALL/$product_folder_name would work
ie. the important bit is the part after the /.

On Saturday, 20 February 2016 18:58:24 UTC, Kevin Peterson wrote:
> Interesting! So in your script (attached, the 2nd version you modified) under:
> product=`echo "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev`
> We should set "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=path of outputted .iso file in OUT folder?"also read the thread and has some great info thanks man :) I guess I just need to pass this step and everything else should work. I'm doing this on Kitkat so I put the Kitkat GAPP version. 
> really appreciate the quick reply and thank you for making this script!
> -KP
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Hypo Turtle

Feb 21, 2016, 7:08:10 PM2/21/16
to Android-x86
I believe you should be setting:

Manually check though if there is a system folder inside out/target/product/x86/

I believe the procedure is
make ...
sh (which copies the gapps stuff to the open system folder and removes the system.img/sfs that were previously make'd)
make ... (again which should skip all the previoysly doe stuff and just remake system.img/sfs)

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