Tried working with one of these the other day, it seems there is a need for a "nwfermi_daemon", which is closed source. There are a few floating around, but the x86 ones seem dynamically linked and won't run on Android X86. I was able to find an arm edition at, which will work after enabling nativebridge. That said, I still have not been able to get the touchscreen to respond correctly. It responds, but not in the way you'd expect of desire. It seems to act more like a keyboard than anything, tapping around on the upper left hand side of the initial setup screen will make the language list scroll, then tapping again at the bottom of the left side will make it stop or scroll the other way. its very weird, and not at all what we want, but at least its a sign of life.
Running strings against nwfermi_daemon shows a couple of secret options
/instanceid will select which device (usually 0, which is the default)
/rawmouse is an option but I have not had much luck with it
/daemon to fork it
/dbgprint for some less-than-helpful debugging messages
/nocalib is still unknown.