How to enabled the installation of more apps on the x64 Lollipop?

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Thomas Hoberg

Feb 19, 2015, 2:42:14 PM2/19/15
3rd post, dunno what happened to the first two…

I got the 64-bit 5.0.2 running on an HP notebook with a core i5 dual-hyperthreaded with 12GB RAM and 250GB SSD and it’s quite nice to see 11GB of RAM and more than 200GB of storage free :-)

So of course I want to load it with pretty much everything, only, well there is lots of application that won’t show on searches and with the ones I have installed on other devices there quite a lot which say that they are “not compatible with this device”.

Actually quite a few applications which install and work with the 32-bit KK Android-86, are simply no longer shown or won’t install if you try to load them as APKs.

Can’t find any hint in the logs as to what’s keeping them from installing nor did I ever quite understand the mechanics between the play store app and the play store itself to select which applications will be shown as compatible or not.

I can't see any capabilities such as OpenGL support missing and I believe there is full backward compatibility for Java, native ARM (via binary translation) as well as x86-32bit,right?

My hope is that it’s nothing more than fixing a couple of entries in the build.prop file, so does anyone have any suggestions?


Feb 19, 2015, 4:38:38 PM2/19/15

IMO. And from what I've heard. There just aren't a lot of 64 bit apps..


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Fajar A. Nugraha

Feb 19, 2015, 4:40:53 PM2/19/15

On Feb 20, 2015 4:27 AM, "Thomas Hoberg" <> wrote:

> I can't see any capabilities such as OpenGL support missing and I believe there is full backward compatibility for Java, native ARM (via binary translation) as well as x86-32bit,right?

No. IIRC libhoudini does not work (and is not included) on lolipop build, thus no native arm support. Kitkat should be ok.


Thomas Hoberg

Feb 19, 2015, 5:56:13 PM2/19/15

Thanks for pointing that. Didn't know what it was called but now that you mentioned libhoudini I just realized what sort of a rats nest I've stepped into....

From the sound of it it's bound to come sooner or later which is fine with me.

In the mean time I'm just happy it's working as well as it does and see how far I can push it on my Trinity and Kaveri APUs as well as my BayTrail.

All these €70 mini-itx mainboards with Bay Trail or Kabini SoCs have me itching to buy them while I'm waiting for an affordable ARM v8 board with 8/16GB RAM and KVM/Xen support :-)
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