Synaptics Touchpad to Touchscreen Emulator

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mike r

Jun 3, 2014, 11:10:52 AM6/3/14
Hey All I'm Creating this thread With a More Defined Subject to Try and Draw More Attention to This Problem, Basically Anyone with a PC\Laptop that wants to use an app that requies a touchscreen to control it is out of luck, Plus pinch to Zoom, Etc...

So what I'm trying to do is figure out a way to Make the touchpad into a kind of Touchscreen Emulator, There are a few post sxrattered around that I'll link to from here so anyone intereseted can check it out.....!topic/android-x86/41eilhTzByI!topic/android-x86/24ZdKR0NFPU



Jun 4, 2014, 4:37:14 AM6/4/14
I'm also interested!
In my exploration of the problem i've tried to make a custom idc without luck.. Reading the documentation for idc files I've found that "pointer" devicetype could solve our problems( pointer + basic gestures with 2 fingers) but as today I cannot make it function correctly.

Have you tried to load psmouse? It's basic mouse module , but i can't find it anywhere..
I've modprobed synaptics_i2c( lib/modules/kernel/nameofthekernel/input, if i remember) but even this doesn't work.
I've read that some mouses arent recognised as synaptics, but if you run in console "less proc/bus/input/devices" mine is recognised as "Synaptics ps/2 touchpad"

I hope we solve our problem!

mike r

Jun 5, 2014, 6:23:44 PM6/5/14
Ya that's what mine says, I've also looked into what the devs on the Android emulators use, they just plug in an Android and use the screen and touch keys to talk to the emulator on the PC via USB, which Is a solution but only half, In my mind almost if not all laptops come with some TouchPad it makes sense to have it emulate a touchscreen, hell even an app, not a 1 on the play store I've searched..



Jun 6, 2014, 8:00:35 AM6/6/14
It used to work in honeycomb. In fact, there was a lot of people complaining that the touchpad didn't work like a mouse. The fix at that time was to use a special idc file to make the "touchpad" act like a "pointer", which is what my comment was about in the second thread you linked to. Now, looking at the logcat and comparing it to what it looked like in honeycomb, it appears that an idc file is no longer sourced for these devices. I'm not sure when or how this change occurred.

I too prefer the touchpad experience, but it has not been high enough on my priority list to go digging for a solution. You might find the answer by looking though the logcat to find the component responsible for assigning idc files to input devices ( Seems like it was eventhub or input something). Then, look in the source file (under frameworks/base/....) to see if you can spot any exceptions. I suppose it is also possible that the synaptics drivers was modified, but that is doubtful.

mike r

Jun 6, 2014, 12:42:19 PM6/6/14
Ok, See this is when I get lost, I don't know where to find any of that, I know it probably sux to have to proverbally hold someones hand threw stuff like this, Just need to know where to find these files....and basically what I'm looking for, I'm learning, When I started a couple months ago it took me 3 Weeks just to Side Load a File Manager Into RC1, Cause I had My Phone Hooked to the Computer for Charging, And it was showing 2 Devices and it didn't know which one to send it to, and before that I had the app in Data/Data already and getting errors for that!!! LOL, But I figured it, Now I'm Up to How To Adjust Alsa Drivers, ModProbs, and a few other things....I know where the log cats are in the install so I'll go ahead and run through that for now..

And I know that this touchpad supports multitouch, Funny Enuff, I just re-Installed my Win 7 Os, and the Quick Set Had an Option to Enable Pinch to Zoom on the touchpad.....

Thanks for taking the time.


mike r

Jun 6, 2014, 2:20:20 PM6/6/14
Hey Found something interesting here, And As Per Norm. OVER MY HEAD:


mike r

Jun 6, 2014, 2:46:30 PM6/6/14
Getevent from my system...

mike r

Jun 6, 2014, 2:49:27 PM6/6/14
More Thats OVER MY HEAD, Reason I'm sending this stuff to you is you sound like you know what your doing, I'll do the foot work if you can do the Analyizing....



Jun 7, 2014, 5:08:36 AM6/7/14
from my logcat:

 /EventHub( 1606): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse0, Not a typewriter
I/SystemServer( 1606): Connectivity Service
D/ConnectivityService( 1606): ConnectivityService starting up
D/ConnectivityService( 1606): wifiOnly=false
E/ConnectivityService( 1606): Ignoring protectedNetwork 14
D/CommandListener( 1288): Setting iface cfg
D/CommandListener( 1288): Trying to bring up eth0
D/EventHub( 1606): No input device configuration file found for device 'PS/2 Synaptics TouchPad'.
I/EventHub( 1606): New device: id=6, fd=123, path='/dev/input/event4', name='PS/2 Synaptics TouchPad', classes=0x8, configuration='', keyLayout='', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false, usingSuspendBlockIoctl=true, usingClockIoctl=true
D/EventHub( 1606): No input device configuration file found for device 'AT Translated Set 2 keyboard'.
I/EventHub( 1606): New device: id=7, fd=124, path='/dev/input/event9', name='AT Translated Set 2 keyboard', classes=0x3, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, usingSuspendBlockIoctl=true, usingClockIoctl=true
E/EventHub( 1606): could not open /dev/input/event12, Operation not permitted
D/EventHub( 1606): No input device configuration file found for device 'Acer WMI hotkeys'.
W/EventHub( 1606): Unable to disable kernel key repeat for /dev/input/event11: Function not implemented
I/EventHub( 1606): New device: id=8, fd=125, path='/dev/input/event11', name='Acer WMI hotkeys', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, usingSuspendBlockIoctl=true, usingClockIoctl=true
E/EventHub( 1606): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewrite

Thanks fuzzy7k, the problem effectively is that eventhub can't find appropriate idc files for the touchpad.
I don't have any c skill and a machine capable of compiling now, i'll wait :)
Message has been deleted


Jun 7, 2014, 5:49:40 AM6/7/14

I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0002 Product=0001 Version=0000
N: Name="PS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"
P: Phys=isa0060/serio1/input0
S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input4
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=mouse0 event4
B: EV=7
B: KEY=70000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B: REL=3I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0002 Product=0001 Version=0000

what it means " cannot find driver version " for mouse0, since it is synaptics handler ( this stuff is too complicated for my limited skills , sorry)

mike r

Jun 7, 2014, 9:37:51 AM6/7/14
Ya and Somewhere in the Directorys on the Droid I found "EVENT4" But can't find it again, gonna go re-search, I've been looking for .IDC files and Such, I Downloaded Android IA and Planned on ripping it out of it's guts, But Can't Install it, I Assume Cause I don't have a UEFI (Or Whatever System It uses) and I can't mount the .IMG to Dig through them, If It's in Honeycomb do you remember which Version?? I can't do it till the 13th my data is getting low, But I have a Backup Partition that I made for RC1 when I was installing RC2, I can Install Honeycomb There and Rip It out, Probably Breaking all Kinds of Rules with Android Builds, But If It works, To Me, It's Better then Nothing till a Proper Solution could be found...Still On The Hunt..


mike r

Jun 7, 2014, 9:49:42 AM6/7/14
Hey have a Question, Now ZThe Sysnaptics Touchpoad (Mouse EmulatorA) driver that is installed is EVENT4, Which I found I file (Or Config) Called EVENT4, and I just found this:


And as I understand This is the driver for Linux Touchscreen\Touchpad, And For the life of Me I don't remember seeing that Being Loaded, I'll Check again... But the Question is If\When I find the Right Driver\Module\Whatever, How Would I go about having it install from Boot to test?? I'm Bout ready to just throw it in and try, If I screw it Up I can always but to one of my other OS's and Fix it......


mike r

Jun 7, 2014, 11:09:47 AM6/7/14
Well I Guess This Ends That, Unless Chih-Wei wants to incorporate it in the kernel......

The name "synaptics" is historical and the driver still provides the
synaptics protocol parsing code. Under Linux however, the hardware-
specifics are handled by the kernel and this driver will work for any
touchpad that has a working kernel driver. If your device is recognized
as "PS/2 Mouse" or similar, the kernel driver does not support your
device and this driver will only provide limited functionality.



Jun 7, 2014, 11:42:31 AM6/7/14
That was quoted from the Xorg input driver. Android doesn't use X, so it's irrelevant. However, the synaptic protocol is not enabled in the kernel and it probably should be. I don't know why CW disabled it other than the historical(honeycomb) reason I mentioned earlier.


Jun 7, 2014, 12:05:21 PM6/7/14
D/EventHub( 1606): No input device configuration file found for device 'PS/2 Synaptics TouchPad'.
I/EventHub( 1606): New device: id=6, fd=123, path='/dev/input/event4', name='PS/2 Synaptics TouchPad', classes=0x8, configuration='', keyLayout='', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false, usingSuspendBlockIoctl=true, usingClockIoctl=true

Thanks fuzzy7k, the problem effectively is that eventhub can't find appropriate idc files for the touchpad.
I don't have any c skill and a machine capable of compiling now, i'll wait :)

 Indeed, those were the messages I was referring to. The idc file requires no compiling. You should just be able to create the file /system/usr/idc/PS_2_Synaptics_TouchPad.idc.

e.g. echo "touch.deviceType = touchPad" > /system/usr/idc/PS_2_Synaptics_TouchPad.idc

Make sure the file has the same ownership/permissions as the other files( with chown & chmod).

mike r

Jun 8, 2014, 10:43:15 AM6/8/14
Ok Then I'm reallt confused, and I hate to ask you for a Lesson On OS' but, I see everywhere people sayinf just RIP the driver out of Ubuntu, Linux Distro, Etc...

What is Xorg?
My newly installed ubuntu is suffers from massive slowdowns just by using firefox!

So This Is Off the Ubuntu Website, and As You Can see....Why I'm Confused...Really don't need to know the WHYs on it, But Then were do I find drivers for Android?

Thanks for the Time, Doing the best I can, After this gonna work on the Wi-Fi Hard Blocked Bug...IF I can ever get RFKILL working....


Chih-Wei Huang

Jun 8, 2014, 11:43:06 AM6/8/14
to Android-x86
2014-06-07 23:42 GMT+08:00 fuzzy7k <>:
> That was quoted from the Xorg input driver. Android doesn't use X, so it's
> irrelevant. However, the synaptic protocol is not enabled in the kernel and
> it probably should be. I don't know why CW disabled it other than the
> historical(honeycomb) reason I mentioned earlier.

Well, I didn't remember, either.
Probably I hope it behaves like a mouse.
Anyway, you may try to enable it to see what happens.


Jun 8, 2014, 1:30:41 PM6/8/14
unfortunately i've just tried to add an idc file without success..


Jun 9, 2014, 11:40:21 AM6/9/14

On Sunday, June 8, 2014 10:43:15 AM UTC-4, mike r wrote:
Ok Then I'm reallt confused, and I hate to ask you for a Lesson On OS' but, I see everywhere people sayinf just RIP the driver out of Ubuntu, Linux Distro,  Etc...

Usually this doesn't work unless the kernel is the same version. Firmware is another story and usually works.

What is Xorg?

Google it, actually, the X server would have been more accurate for me to say. About the only thing Android has in common with Ubuntu is the Linux kernel.

So This Is Off the Ubuntu Website, and As You Can see....Why I'm Confused...Really don't need to know the WHYs on it, But Then were do I find drivers for Android?

Unless they are proprietary, they are included in the kernel source tree. Enabling one that is not there amounts to checking a box, recompiling the kernel, and moving to your installation. In userspace, Android uses the common event interface for input devices, which would be something like xf86-input-evdev in ubuntu.

Thanks for the Time, Doing the best I can,  After this gonna work on the Wi-Fi Hard Blocked Bug...IF I can ever get RFKILL working....

Have you tried /system/xbin/busybox rfkill?



Jun 9, 2014, 12:00:57 PM6/9/14

On Sunday, June 8, 2014 1:30:41 PM UTC-4, Meerio wrote:
unfortunately i've just tried to add an idc file without success..

Same here. I also tried enabling the synaptics protocol in the kernel. Funny thing is, on my end, the kernel reports my device as "ImPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad". The Im stands for intellimouse. It used to be Syn. But, that doesn't explain why EventHub isn't using the idc files we are giving it. Well it might, the Im protocol may be strictly relative coordinates. I also tried giving it a keylayout and keychars file in case it needed all three. In any case, it doesn't say "Error loading input device configuration file for device '%s'.  ", it says "No input device configuration file found for device '%s'.". I'll look more in frameworks/base/services/input/EventHub.cpp if I come up with the time, but it's probably time for a bug report to google, or at least a question on the android-porting google group.
Message has been deleted

mike r

Jun 10, 2014, 10:28:51 AM6/10/14
Ya it's not there, I have I .zip I found called "The Ultimate Busybox Package", That has it (and a bunch more). but it's a Flash .zip and I can't figure (Or Even Know if I can) SideLoad It With ADB, On The Sysnaptics Touch Pad, Mine Is Identified as a PS/2 also...So let me ask, If I where it get the Source code for a "Linux" Drive Would I be able to Compile It to a working Android Driver? If the kernal version is correct? I've been all over the "EVENT4", The .IDC files, And Searching for the .IDC driver...

And on That, I did find a program (driver, app, something, gotta look again) That DEVS are using on Android Emulator Apps (ADK), and they use an Actual Android phone hooked up VIA USB to send the proper readings of touchscreen activity to the emulator, so they can test their APPS with REAL touch screen input, Now In my mind, There should be a way to maybe disect that get the Touchpad Input, Convert ot over to Tocuhscreen Input and send it on where it needs to go to get it done...



Jun 10, 2014, 1:29:48 PM6/10/14
EVENT4 is not the name of the input device. These event numbers are very volatile and can change if a usb device is plugged in, or even from one boot to the next with no hardware changes.

mike r

Jun 11, 2014, 12:08:01 PM6/11/14
OK that's good to know, thought it was static. And ya found nothing useful there.

Am correct that the IDC files are basically config files for the driver?



Jun 12, 2014, 5:42:10 AM6/12/14
That's a fair assesment. Except, it would be for the userspace driver. I think our problem is with the kernel driver. Normally, udev can be used to configure the driver upon loading (e.g. set tap click, horizontal & vertical scroll areas, etc.) Android doesn't use udev, but mdev. The problem is either there, or in EventHub, best guess.


Jun 12, 2014, 6:50:02 AM6/12/14
I made an oops after enabling the Synaptics protocol in the kernel. I thought I was syncing to the wrong place. Enabling CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SYNAPTICS does indeed bring back the SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad name, indicating that it is using the Synaptics protocol.


Jun 12, 2014, 7:16:02 AM6/12/14
So, I've confirmed that enabling the Synaptics protocol in the kernel qualifies it for an idc query. My idc file was read, but no user input. I went back and verified this same state back to ics. Works in pointer mode(3), but not in touchPad mode(2). It may be something as simple as a config line, or the driver/hardware may lack something that it expects.


Jun 13, 2014, 10:05:28 AM6/13/14
So, the only thing that changed between honeycomb and ics was the way touchPad devices are handled. Now, touchPad devices are gesture mode devices. In what context, I do not know. I was not able to get any gestures to work. However, setting the deviceType to touchScreen provides the functionality we are looking for.

The only matter to clear up is how to implement this without torquing off everyone who wants a cursor.

If we just enable the Synaptics protocol, the GenericTouch.idc file will be used, which sets the deviceType to touchScreen. I think the best thing to do would be to enable the Synaptics protocol, and delete GenericTouch.idc. That is, unless the GenericTouch.idc is still needed, but I think the input system has matured enough to properly identify & configure devices with more accuracy than that file.

This is probably something that should wait until what comes after kitkat, but honestly, I like that result better than the current default. It shows spots for touch events. Spots are nicer to look at and easier to see than the tiny black & white cursor. What do you think Chih-Wei?

Until this is sorted out, in the kernel config you need to set


  and put the following in

touch.deviceType = touchScreen
touch.orientationAware = 0
device.internal = 1
Message has been deleted

mike r

Jun 13, 2014, 11:38:04 AM6/13/14
Ok, Got the IDC File Created, I guess from what i've read that to change the kernel config I have to re-compile? Which I can't do as I'm on a limited Data plan... And I'd have to Learn to, LOL, Anyway if I'm incorrect and it's a config file located in the Root Directorys somewhere, Please let me know, Thanks.


Cristian Gonzalez

Jun 16, 2014, 4:03:39 PM6/16/14
if someone can give us a synaptic enabled kernel or image i will gladly test it!.

Chih-Wei Huang

Jun 16, 2014, 10:19:19 PM6/16/14
to Android-x86
2014-06-13 22:05 GMT+08:00 fuzzy7k <>:
> So, the only thing that changed between honeycomb and ics was the way
> touchPad devices are handled. Now, touchPad devices are gesture mode
> devices. In what context, I do not know. I was not able to get any gestures
> to work. However, setting the deviceType to touchScreen provides the
> functionality we are looking for.
> The only matter to clear up is how to implement this without torquing off
> everyone who wants a cursor.
> If we just enable the Synaptics protocol, the GenericTouch.idc file will be
> used, which sets the deviceType to touchScreen. I think the best thing to do
> would be to enable the Synaptics protocol, and delete GenericTouch.idc. That
> is, unless the GenericTouch.idc is still needed, but I think the input
> system has matured enough to properly identify & configure devices with more
> accuracy than that file.

We could try to remove it.
But it needs more testing.

> This is probably something that should wait until what comes after kitkat,
> but honestly, I like that result better than the current default. It shows
> spots for touch events. Spots are nicer to look at and easier to see than
> the tiny black & white cursor. What do you think Chih-Wei?
> Until this is sorted out, in the kernel config you need to set

OK. I recall why I disabled it.
Without a correct idc, the touchpad can't work correct,
neither as a mouse nor a touchpad.
So I just chose the safer way before.

I just tried to enable all PS/2 mouse protocol extensions
in the kernel config and tested on my old EeePC 901/1000.
With the correct idc, the multi-touch gestures works almost well,
except the rotation seems to be reversed.
The idc I created is ETPS_2_Elantech_Touchpad.idc:

touch.deviceType = default
touch.orientationAware = 1
touch.gestureMode = spots

Different than yours...

> and put the following in
> /system/usr/idc/SynPS_2_Synaptics_TouchPad.idc:
> touch.deviceType = touchScreen
> touch.orientationAware = 0
> device.internal = 1

I doubt this is correct.
It's almost the same as GenericTouch.idc.
I also tried this setting in my Elantech touchpad.
It works like a touchscreen, no spots, not good.

Android-x86 project

mike r

Jun 17, 2014, 10:38:57 AM6/17/14
Is the Kernel Config in the system, or do we have to recompile the ISO???

AND I don't know how other systems work, But I have a PS2 Mouse I use, So having the touchpad do the touchscreen emulation is completely Ideal, and I would Imagine it is for most everyone....


mike r

Jun 17, 2014, 11:26:57 AM6/17/14

Some Help Please,  Instructions on how to set this up or an ISO,  Please............



Jun 18, 2014, 7:25:06 AM6/18/14
Mine should not be a default. The original poster wanted a way to test apps that require a touchscreen on devices that do not have a touchscreen.

Your's looks like the default with no idc file, except, I think orientationAware is 0 for everything but touchScreen devices. Setting it to 0 on touchpads that are acting like touchScreens allows for practical movement of the cursor when the display is rotated sideways or upside down, if i remember correctly.

Have you tried deleted your file along with GenericTouch.idc? That would be the default, which would allow users to customize if they want.

If everything works the way it should, worst case scenario is that some people do not like the spots. Best case scenario, people love the spots, and some users who actually have multitouch capable touchpads gain multitouch functionality. Plus, everyone is free customize the pad the way they like it, including going back to the classic arrow pointer.


Jun 18, 2014, 7:32:59 AM6/18/14
The kernel config is in the project source code. Technically, you only need to recompile the kernel, not the entire iso. The compiled kernel is only 4M, so I've uploaded mine for you to test.

mike r

Jun 18, 2014, 9:12:55 AM6/18/14
Ok, Got the file, Now Gonna Search around to use how to Install\Impliment\Run\Load\Execute, But this is the file name that was on the download, just wanted to make sure it was correct..



mike r

Jun 18, 2014, 10:23:01 AM6/18/14
Thank you,It works, I don't have the on screen circles you mentioned I tried adding the touchgesture and it didn't do anything but I'm not picky, It works, also I do have Zoom In and Out gestures Working...

On A Side note,  How wouold a Decompile the kernel if I want to do what you've done,  Or Recomnpile from the source, I have,  ADK, SDK, and A Few Other Compilers Installed....

mike r

Jun 18, 2014, 11:50:34 AM6/18/14
Hey Fuzzy Is this Close to where I Need to Be? Still Not Understanding how to Just Download The KERNEL Sopurce But I Am Reading and Bouncing around.....;a=tree;f=drivers/hid;h=97e48ff439be8afeaf1531b2cbac5164a41718e0;hb=android-3.10


mike r

Jun 18, 2014, 12:21:19 PM6/18/14
Ok i got it....

touch.deviceType = default
touch.orientationAware = 1
device.internal = 1
touch.gestureMode = spots

I Can't get ONE Browser To ATTACH and PASTE, Gotta Use Firefox To Attach and Dolphin to Paste, So Attachment Next...


On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6:32:59 AM UTC-5, fuzzy7k wrote:

mike r

Jun 18, 2014, 12:23:24 PM6/18/14

mike r

Jun 18, 2014, 12:39:00 PM6/18/14
Ok Spoke to soon......If I Use:

touch.deviceType = default

I get My Circles on screen but when you SELECT (TAP) it doesn't take.

if I Use:

touch.deviceType = touchScreen

I Loose my circles and get my SELECT (TAP) Back....


mike r

Jun 18, 2014, 12:41:19 PM6/18/14
I Think I Might know what It could be, Using Touch Explorer to test, When I Have the TAP Working the 1 (Signaling a TAP and HOLD) Stays on, When the Tap Isn't working the 1 turns on and off REAL Fast.....


Chih-Wei Huang

Jun 18, 2014, 10:40:06 PM6/18/14
to Android-x86
2014-06-18 19:25 GMT+08:00 fuzzy7k <>:
> Mine should not be a default. The original poster wanted a way to test apps
> that require a touchscreen on devices that do not have a touchscreen.

If I set it to touchScreen, the touchpad just works like a touchscreen,
i.e., each tap maps exactly to a pointer on the screen,
(so I have to guess which point to tap if I want to tap an icon)
and dragging makes the screen slide.
Not good for me.

I think 'default' let the system choose the best one.
It's the same as 'pointer' on mine.
It works like a mouse, but the pointer is a spot.

> Your's looks like the default with no idc file, except, I think

No, the key setting is
touch.gestureMode = spots

Without it my cursor is the traditional arrow.
(probably your default is spots so you don't need it)

> orientationAware is 0 for everything but touchScreen devices. Setting it to
> 0 on touchpads that are acting like touchScreens allows for practical
> movement of the cursor when the display is rotated sideways or upside down,
> if i remember correctly.

The Google document says:
* If the value is 1, touch positions reported by the touch device are
rotated whenever the display orientation changes.
* If the value is 0, touch positions reported by the touch device are
immune to display orientation changes.

But I'm not sure how to understand it correctly.
I can just say if I set to 0 (the default value), the cursor movement is rotated
that makes it hard to use. 1 gives me the better user experience.

> Have you tried deleted your file along with GenericTouch.idc? That would be
> the default, which would allow users to customize if they want.

GenericTouch.idc is the latest resort, i.e.,
only takes effect if no matched idc found.
It won't affect users who want to do customization.

I also tried to delete it and my touchscreen still works as expected.
But it's too early to say it's ok to remove it -- I need to see
more test results on different devices.
Anyway, I think the best approach is keeping it in the current stable stage,
then try to remove it in the next development cycle.

> If everything works the way it should, worst case scenario is that some
> people do not like the spots. Best case scenario, people love the spots, and
> some users who actually have multitouch capable touchpads gain multitouch
> functionality. Plus, everyone is free customize the pad the way they like
> it, including going back to the classic arrow pointer.

Please provide the best idc that works on your system you think.
I'll include it.


Jun 19, 2014, 5:59:57 AM6/19/14
Hey Fuzzy Is this Close to where I Need to Be?  Still Not Understanding how to Just Download The KERNEL Sopurce But I Am Reading and Bouncing around.....;a=tree;f=drivers/hid;h=97e48ff439be8afeaf1531b2cbac5164a41718e0;hb=android-3.10


You need to look at the documentation section about modifying the kernel. On the main site.

Mike Ross

Jun 19, 2014, 6:01:13 AM6/19/14

Ok Thanks I'll do that today..


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Jun 19, 2014, 6:38:42 AM6/19/14

> orientationAware is 0 for everything but touchScreen devices. Setting it to
> 0 on touchpads that are acting like touchScreens allows for practical
> movement of the cursor when the display is rotated sideways or upside down,
> if i remember correctly.

The Google document says:
* If the value is 1, touch positions reported by the touch device are
rotated whenever the display orientation changes.
* If the value is 0, touch positions reported by the touch device are
immune to display orientation changes.

But I'm not sure how to understand it correctly.
I can just say if I set to 0 (the default value), the cursor movement is rotated
that makes it hard to use. 1 gives me the better user experience.

Yea, different devices + different ways users use them makes it impossible to have a default that everybody thinks is perfect. I suppose a UI config method would be ideal, but that's a project for somebody who hates the CLI.

> Have you tried deleted your file along with GenericTouch.idc? That would be
> the default, which would allow users to customize if they want.

GenericTouch.idc is the latest resort, i.e.,
only takes effect if no matched idc found.
It won't affect users who want to do customization.

Yes, but if we enable touchpad protocols without deleting it, everyone without a custom config will have their touchpad configured as a touchscreen. As you said, less than ideal.

I also tried to delete it and my touchscreen still works as expected.
But it's too early to say it's ok to remove it -- I need to see
more test results on different devices.
Anyway, I think the best approach is keeping it in the current stable stage,
then try to remove it in the next development cycle.

That's kind of what I was thinking.

mike r

Jun 19, 2014, 6:44:51 AM6/19/14
Ya that is what mine is doing, Do you know if there would be a way to have it in touchscreen mode (When it slides the screen when you move your finger), But have a circle appear at the location of the touch, I can see how the Circles are kinda like a mouse, When you touch say the left side of the touchpad, then the right side (Lifting finger of pad), the circle stays at the same spot, Where as when it's in the other mode you do that and it actually goes to the spot on the screen that you touch the pad, I.E. If I touch top left it Highlights Top left, If I lift my finger off the pad and touch Bottom right, it highlights bottom right, But this also makes it were I have to guess were on the Touchpad I have to touch to hit something on the screen....If there could be some kind ok Marker that atleast you know your close to hitting what you want it'd help, And I'm not sure there is a setting for that.....



Jun 19, 2014, 6:52:04 AM6/19/14
Go to the dev options app, down to Input and select "Show Touches".

mike r

Jun 19, 2014, 6:53:03 AM6/19/14
This Is My Current IDC Setup.

touch.gestureMode = spots

touch.deviceType = touchScreen
touch.orientationAware = 0
device.internal = 1

This Is the one that you have to Guess were the icon is at....

if i change touch.deviceType to default, It gives the circles, Kinda Acts like a Mouse (With Pinch Zoom Working), But in SOME apps when you tap a button, it doesn't register as a tap, And It's strange, In the SAME APP, One Button will work but another button won't, Like it's looking for a certain keycode that it's not getting, But in the devicetype touchScreen it's getting all the keycodes exactly as it wants them....


mike r

Jun 19, 2014, 6:54:02 AM6/19/14
Freaking Brillant, Forgot that was there!!



mike r

Jun 19, 2014, 6:56:24 AM6/19/14
No Kidding and got my Circles back, F'ING Beuatiful!


mike r

Jun 19, 2014, 7:23:39 AM6/19/14
I'll Tell ya I can't see why anyone without a touch screen wouldn't want this setup like this....It's Perfect....By the way noticed you all talking about the generic idc, I've had mine renamed so it wpouldn't load for a couple weeks, If it helps any...


Cristian Gonzalez

Jun 19, 2014, 8:27:36 PM6/19/14
My synaptics is detected as Vendor 0002 Device 0007 Version 01b1
(cat /proc/bus/input/devices to found your synaptics device)

Great Work! Thanks

Using the Synaptics Ps/2 Enabled kernel and with this idc file

name of the file: Vendor_0002_Product_0007.idc
place it on /system/usr/idc

i like this setup :

# touch.deviceType = touchScreen | touchPad | pointer | default
touch.deviceType = default

# orientationAware
# touch.orientationAware = 0 or 1
touch.orientationAware = 0

# gestureMode
# Definition: touch.gestureMode = pointer | spots | default
touch.gestureMode = pointer

# Definition: device.internal = 0 | 1
device.internal = 1

Chih-Wei Huang

Jun 19, 2014, 10:53:30 PM6/19/14
to Android-x86
2014-06-20 8:27 GMT+08:00 Cristian Gonzalez <>:
> My synaptics is detected as Vendor 0002 Device 0007 Version 01b1
> (cat /proc/bus/input/devices to found your synaptics device)
> Great Work! Thanks
> Using the Synaptics Ps/2 Enabled kernel and with this idc file
> name of the file: Vendor_0002_Product_0007.idc

Please use the filename from your device name, e.g.,

cat /proc/bus/input/devices | grep PS
N: Name="ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad"

Then replace all all characters in the device name
other than '0'-'9', 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '-' or '_' by '_'.

So Name="ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad"
==> ETPS_2_Elantech_Touchpad.idc

Then give me the filename.

> place it on /system/usr/idc
> i like this setup :
> # touch.deviceType = touchScreen | touchPad | pointer | default
> touch.deviceType = default
> # orientationAware
> # touch.orientationAware = 0 or 1
> touch.orientationAware = 0
> # gestureMode
> # Definition: touch.gestureMode = pointer | spots | default
> touch.gestureMode = pointer

You'd like it to be a traditional arrow cursor rather than a spot?

mike r

Jun 20, 2014, 8:42:28 AM6/20/14
Good Morning, Just wondering if there is a way to kinda fine tune, the touch pressue, movement speed, Etc, Just getting picky now, But curious, Kinda worried about using the calibrate tool, I've used one before and it really made things worse not better...



Cristian Gonzalez

Jun 20, 2014, 8:13:38 PM6/20/14
This file name works on my Lenovo ideapad flex 14


Thanks KitKat is delicious!

Cristian Gonzalez

Jun 20, 2014, 8:15:43 PM6/20/14
About the arrows, i think is more coherent with my other Oses Ubuntu/Windows. The spots are also too big and dont give me minimun presition.

Alberto Raffaele Casale

Jun 30, 2014, 10:11:29 AM6/30/14
I have an Acer d255 with synaptics trackpad.
What are the steps to follow to a full working trackpad?

Il giorno martedì 3 giugno 2014 17:10:52 UTC+2, mike r ha scritto:
Hey All I'm Creating this thread With a More Defined Subject to Try and Draw More Attention to This Problem, Basically Anyone with a PC\Laptop that wants to use an app that requies a touchscreen to control it is out of luck, Plus pinch to Zoom, Etc...

So what I'm trying to do is figure out a way to Make the touchpad into a kind of Touchscreen Emulator,  There are a few post sxrattered around that I'll link to from here so anyone intereseted can check it out.....!topic/android-x86/41eilhTzByI!topic/android-x86/24ZdKR0NFPU


mike r

Jul 1, 2014, 10:56:28 AM7/1/14
Best To direct this to Fuzzy, He's the Pro On This..


mike r

Jul 31, 2014, 4:25:00 PM7/31/14
Hey Fuzzy7k Long time No Talk, Can you re-upload that Kernel For the Synaptics touch pad touch screen,  Had Overlaping Partitions on my system so had to do a complete re-install of all os'  And due to limited space and time transfering everything from 1 puter to other over ethernet My Kernel got lost in the mix...Got all My APPS, Sure 'Ill be missing more in the furture, lol, But did get Win7,Winxp,Mint17,Android, All installed on an AHCI.. instead of ATA, had to slipstream xp blah blah blah, 2 Days Later here I am....

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6:32:59 AM UTC-5, fuzzy7k wrote:

mike r

Jul 31, 2014, 4:26:41 PM7/31/14
Ok N/M Some Reason it was telling me the file wasn't there, closed the pop up and hit DL anyway and it worked......
TY Anyway


Jan 6, 2015, 10:49:08 AM1/6/15
Hey All,

Hate to Bring this UP AGAIN 9-),  But Now that We have Lollipop out and About,  Can someone tell me HOW I CAN Compile the Kernel with the Touchpad Acting As a TouchScreen Emulator??

What I need to know is what I need to Change in the Kernel to Do this,  Fuzzy7k Did it for me Back when I 1st installed 4.4-RC2 (And I've been using it ever since).

And any help in compiling JUST the 5.0 Kernel as I'm on a Limited Data Plan,  And I've been wanting to try this for Awhile,  SO once I know what I need to change in the Kernel to Compile it this way, I'll go to the Site and read up on Compiling the Kernel....

Thanks for Any Help!

Android - X86 Forums


Jan 6, 2015, 6:41:12 PM1/6/15
Lol And By 5.0 Kernel I MEANT Lollipops 5.0's Kernel.....For Intel ALL....



Jan 6, 2015, 11:04:33 PM1/6/15
Hey fuzzy7k,

You still around???  Need some help if you could take the time....

Chih-Wei Huang

Jan 6, 2015, 11:13:47 PM1/6/15
to Android-x86
2015-01-07 12:04 GMT+08:00 Miker1029 <>:
> Hey fuzzy7k,
> You still around??? Need some help if you could take the time....

Does the 4.4-r2 release work for you?

I don't think you need to recompile the kernel.
The current kernel should have contained all
necessary changes you need.

Probably you just missed some idc file.
Just copy the workable idc file you need to lollipop-x86.
(and submit it to the list so I can include it in next release)

Mike Ross

Jan 6, 2015, 11:22:57 PM1/6/15
Haven't tried it yet, I'm on the End of My Data Plan, But I will Download it and Check... Will let you know about 10 Days....




Guillermo Bianchi

Jan 8, 2015, 2:40:04 PM1/8/15
Hmm, I just found this. I actually was looking for the exact opposite: I have a Synaptics touchpad, which since 4.4-r1 is being detected as a touchscreen emulator, and I want my old mouse back, as the emulator freezes if I use the physical click button (Which I use a lot)

Guillermo Bianchi

Jan 8, 2015, 2:41:56 PM1/8/15
I want to correct one thing: I want to find a fix for that bug, or a way to get the old behaviour back, as at least then it didn have any errors...

Mike Ross

Jan 8, 2015, 8:34:51 PM1/8/15

I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in the Kernel Config if you can find someone who knows what/where you can just recompile the Kernel,  I do know on 4.4 RC2 It's a Beautiful thing, I use the Pad To ZOOM, Play Games/Apps that can't/Don't use mouse,  And I use the Mouse like Windows.... Loved It, Will Be DLing the New Release in about a week.....


Jan 14, 2015, 4:09:04 PM1/14/15
Actually, Fuzzy Set me up with the KERNEL for 4.4 RC2 for touchpad as touchscreen, I've been using it for Months,  I was looking for a way to do it In Lollipop 5.0....
Unless I'm Misunderstanding, But I'm ready to Download if that is what I need...



Jan 16, 2015, 8:22:09 AM1/16/15
Sorry guys, I've still not had time to play 5.0 on my hardware. CW should be right, all you should need is your idc from the working system. But, CW, you don't want that idc as we've previously discussed.

Chih-Wei Huang

Jan 18, 2015, 10:58:26 PM1/18/15
to Android-x86
2015-01-16 21:22 GMT+08:00 fuzzy7k <>:
> Sorry guys, I've still not had time to play 5.0 on my hardware. CW should be
> right, all you should need is your idc from the working system. But, CW, you
> don't want that idc as we've previously discussed.

Did you mean the GenericTouch.idc?
It's removed in lollipop-x86.


Jan 19, 2015, 9:09:00 AM1/19/15
No, I mean the idc that makes the touchpad function like a blind touchscreen.


Jan 22, 2015, 7:51:13 PM1/22/15

Ok I Think I Might be confused, if it's the IDC file from my Current system, Why Did the kernel you compiled make it work??,  Or Do You Mean I need to Compile the Kernel with this IDC file (Last I remembered the IDC files where just like setup files for a device...)

In Any case I'm ready to do what I need to, to get it done....

Thanks, Mike


Jan 23, 2015, 9:45:05 AM1/23/15
Because the synaptics driver was not enabled. It is now.

Mike Ross

Jan 23, 2015, 10:27:09 AM1/23/15
On 1/23/2015 8:45 AM, fuzzy7k wrote:
Because the synaptics driver was not enabled. It is now.

Ok, I get it,  So Just Copy My IDC Over from 4.4 to 5.0?  Or should I hunt out a new one?

Daniel Vincent

Apr 13, 2015, 6:08:44 PM4/13/15
I am trying to solve this problem

Basically some games are unplayble because they dont react to mouse controls.
So I presume reason is that android-x86 doesnt have touch/tap support.
So I though advice here should solve it, eventhough I am using a mouse and dont have laptop with touchpad.
So I tried editing files idc files, I even created new one with my mouse name I found by following instructions here, name is COOLER MASTER CM STORM SENTINEL Z3RO-G so I named the files COOLER_MASTER_CM_STORM_SENTINEL_Z3RO-G.idc and put recomended lines I found here in it, but to no avail. Touch simply doesnt work.
I didn't touch the kernel, since it was said that in new 4.4 rc2 it isn't needed.

So what am I doing wrong, and is it even posible to make android-x86 support touch with standard pc mouse without touchpad ???
Any advice is welcome here,thanks
Message has been deleted


Apr 13, 2015, 6:17:13 PM4/13/15
>Basically some games are unplayable because they don't react to mouse controls. 
>So I presume reason is that android-x86 doesn't have touch/tap support. 

seems like faulty logic NO.....???

some games work fine with mouse controls, some games don' the problem is with android-x86...???

Maybe the issue is with the games that don't react to mouse controls because they are designed for multi-touch environments only....and
others are designed for full touch / mouse / game controls/etc.

Daniel Vincent

Apr 14, 2015, 4:45:00 AM4/14/15

rbg, no problem is that simply tap / touch doesnt work in android x86, and is required for some games.

For example, if I go to dev options and enable show touches, nothing shows. If that would show, games would work
So I though there is solution here, because touches did show for Mike and other members. So I dont understand why I cant make it work, unless workarounds here are only for touchpads and not mouse ?
What can we do so that touces show if we only have normal pc mouse ??? 

The Black Death

Apr 14, 2015, 5:34:36 AM4/14/15
I don't think there is a MOD pr APP to do what your trying to do, Which was the main problem with the Mouse/Touchpad thing,, Fuzzy said there was a kernel setting that wasn't activated and he activated it and recompiled the kernel, And yes as RBG Said, and that was the Problem, Is the Folks Coding the Games/Apps, Didn't/Don't take into account someone using a Mouse...

Solutions, I believe (Unless I dreamed it) they Make a TocuhScreen Overlay For older Devices, and/Or a USB Plug-in Touchpad...

But I'm still on 4.4-RC2 with the tocuhpad as Touchscreen, as I'm Not a DEV and Still can't figure out how to Activate it in the Newer Kernel(s), Or Compile it for that matter, Although been reading alot...

But it works great.... Mouse Does "Mousey" things, and Touchpad Does "TouchScreeny" things...


Daniel Vincent

Apr 14, 2015, 12:01:13 PM4/14/15

So I misunderstood this topic ? It was mentioned here that this is for people who don't have a touchscreen to be able to emulate it, so I presumed it would work for mouse too, not just touchpad..I guess my bad

I hope somekind of emulation will be implemented for mouse too, if it can work for touchpads why not for mouse ?


Apr 14, 2015, 12:04:48 PM4/14/15
On 4/14/2015 11:01 AM, Daniel Vincent wrote:

So I misunderstood this topic ? It was mentioned here that this is for people who don't have a touchscreen to be able to emulate it, so I presumed it would work for mouse too, not just touchpad..I guess my bad

I hope somekind of emulation will be implemented for mouse too, if it can work for touchpads why not for mouse ?

I'm sure a DEV could create a Hack to do it, Don't see why not, Just saying that, this was not really a MOD, just a setting in the kernel that was turned off because a lot of users didn't like it....



Apr 15, 2015, 8:48:39 PM4/15/15
I hope somekind of emulation will be implemented for mouse too, if it can work for touchpads why not for mouse ?

Don't count on it. The problem going the other way is that mice send relative coordinates, there is no min or max. Touchpads send absolute coordinates, so when the corner is pressed, the input system knows this.
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