Android compatibility Frameworks javascript (sencha, jquery mobile ..) with google maps

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Lhocine Lahmid

May 16, 2013, 9:47:46 AM5/16/13
I have a project for mobile, i started with developing with sencha touch, i had a view that should be contain a map of google.maps, so i used google maps api javascript. But, it give me a map very slow in zoom, change location, ...sometime it make my app crashed !! 

i noted that the problem is the cache that's not stocked into a Card SD. And when i tried an exemple with android, Eclipse and google play services lib, i had an app very quick in loading and if i visite a location it automatically saved into cache for use it without connection the thing that don't happened with javascript !!! 
More of that, i note that the app with android developpement (java) stocks the cache into SD card that explain why it use it after ..

please if you have any idea to make google maps api javascript loaded quickely like share with us some codes, I don't want to repeat developping aall with android to have its map because my app sencha-phoneGap is too complexe and it's used for a multiplateforme destination.
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