I'd suggest you create a new Eclipse workspace and import OpenCV with samples there.BTW, what OS / Eclipse / ADT / SDK / NDK do you use?
Any Update on this issue. Cz im having the same issue.
On Monday, July 9, 2012 6:27:03 AM UTC+5:30, NAYOSO wrote:Hello Guys I'm trying to Learn about opencv in Android I've already given Following the instruction http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/android_binary_package_using_with_NDK.html # android-binary-package-with-ndk
but when I'm trying to compile I'm only getting
01:50:14 ** Auto Build of configuration Default for Project Org.Opencv.Samples.Fd.FdActivity ** "C: \ Android \ Android-ndk-r8 \ ndk-build.cmd" Install: Libdetection_based_tracker.So => libs/armeabi-v7a/libdetection_based_tracker.so
01:50:14 Build Finished (took 184ms)
in the console and I'm also get an error
Errors occurred during the build. Errors running builder 'CDT Builder' on project 'org.opencv.samples.fd.FdActivity'. Internal error building project org.opencv.samples.fd.FdActivity configuration Default java.lang.NullPointerException Internal error building project org.opencv.samples.fd.FdActivity configuration Default java.lang.NullPointerException
anyone ever encountered this problem before? please help me to solve this problem
thank you