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JavaCV or Java API

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Feb 28, 2012, 6:21:25 PM2/28/12
to android-opencv
I'm new to OpenCV and I'm interested in using it for porting over a
matlab script for image stitching to an Android application. I'm
uncertain if it is better for me to code using JavaCV or Java API. I'm
also interested in making sure I use the framework that will be around
in the long-run.

I'll share what I do know and perhaps someone could also provide some
clarity on the history of OpenCV, fill in some blanks, and help me
decide if I should use JavaCV or Java API.

JavaCV - website:
Many wrappers, such as JavaCV, were written for the C version of
OpenCV, before it switched to C++. For that reason, there may be
inconsistencies between the new documentation for OpenCV and the
JavaCV wrapper? I'm under the impression JavaCV is the thesis work of
one individual.

Java API - Release Notes:
JavaAPI covers about 50% of the openCV functions.
I found a document that shows how to install samples, but I couldn't
find a list of supported functions and the documentation for these

Andrey Pavlenko

Feb 28, 2012, 11:56:04 PM2/28/12
Java API is a part of OpenCV, it consists of JNI wrappers for most of OpenCV C++ API (2.x).
All the Java API functions have almost the same signature as their C++ origin.
The existing OpenCV reference manual doesn't contain notes regarding the presence of each OpenCV function in Java API.
But when you look at some C++ function doc (e.g. cv::resize() at when you see its Python version starting with 'cv2' (e.g. cv2.resize()) it means the function is included to Java API (e.g. Imgproc.resize()).
Java API has JavaDoc embedded help, most likely some kind of joint standalone reference manual will be generated from it in the next release, but now you can do it by yourself.

Richard Latimer

Feb 29, 2012, 1:32:33 AM2/29/12
Ahh, that clarifies. Thanks Andrey.
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