Re: [OpenCV4Android] Develop a server for image recognition with Opencv.

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Pedro Cisneros

Aug 24, 2012, 9:05:07 PM8/24/12
Do you want info about how to do matching, or just info on how to do device-server communication?

2012/8/23 Christine369 <>
I am developing an Android application that allows a client to grab a picture of a building within my university campus and then send it to a server. The server can do feature extraction and matching and finally find which building it is. The result is sent back to the client and displays on the screen.
Is there anyone know how to develop the server to do the task of image recognition and matching?

If you have ideas about how to do it, please contact me directly. my email:

Much thanks!! 


Israel Dejene Gebru

Aug 25, 2012, 5:08:41 AM8/25/12
For the matching you can use SIFT or SURF which are more robust but also there are other local feature extractor algorithms already in opencv like FAST ,MSER...
For the communication you can use HTTP-post ,encode your JPEG garbed image with BASE64 string and send it to a server using HTTP, have a server side script that will decode the base64 string and write back the JPEG to file than do the what ever you want on the image. I hope this is helpfull

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