Well, actually I am facing the same issue on the GalaxyS running
I created an application and the only thing it does is show a 640x480
rgba camera image, and by measuring fps on each execution of the while
cycle, I can only obtain ~15fps. This is not an acceptable performance
for my application wherein I also need to use SURF and OF. The problem
is resolved by decreasing the image res, but I need an image that fits
the entire screen!
This is my app file:
The weirdest thing is that when I run the same code in the GalaxyTab
with the same image resolution it runs slower (8FPS)! This is very
strange, since the tab is a Tegra2 dual-code 1Ghz. Although I suspect,
in this case, there are some memory issues, since it seems the gc gets
the bitmap reference and does a memory dealloc/alloc every frame, this
is a good example on how trickly different android devices work.
I also noticed that there is a Log tag like this:
"I/OpenCV_NativeCamera(19783): ### Camera FPS ### [8580] Frames, 30.06
However, even when my application is slowing down, it ALWAYS shows the
same value... around 30FPS. This might actually be the "grabing" speed
and not the retrieving!
I have to agree with Philip, that no matter we optimize code, we will
never achieve better speeds?
Is there anyway to solve these problems?
On Jan 26, 6:57 pm, Philip <
sa...@matconsult.com> wrote:
> Tnx Rui for your input.
> Your OS is Gingerbread, while Galaxy Nexus is ICS. Could it be that
> the "new" native libraries cause the slow down: