Well, unfortunately, problem continues.
As for the installation of OpenCV_2.4.3.1_Manager_2.3_armv7a-neon.apk
peijia@peijia-GA-870A-UD3:/opt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools$ adb install /opt/OpenCV-
2287 KB/s (5848757 bytes in 2.497s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/OpenCV_2.4.3.1_Manager_2.3_armv7a-neon.apk
As you can see, I've already have it installed after the emulator had successfully run. However, the current situation is:
1) By running the default app Camera, I got the message Insert a SD card before using the camera
2) By running the sample Sample2NativeCamera, problem continues:
"package not found" - "OpenCV Manager Package was not found! Try to install it?" , after I click "yes" , then show message "OpenCV Manager" - "package installation failed".
3) In addition, when I start Eclipse, I got the message
Cannot run program "/ndk-build.cmd": Unknown reason
However, the following command line seems to tell my settings are correct.
peijia@peijia-GA-870A-UD3:~$ echo $PATH
peijia@peijia-GA-870A-UD3:~$ ls /opt/android-ndk-r8c/
build documentation.html ndk-build ndk-gdb ndk-which prebuilt RELEASE.TXT sources toolchains
docs GNUmakefile ndk-build.cmd ndk-stack platforms README.TXT samples tests
peijia@peijia-GA-870A-UD3:~$ ls $NDKROOT
build documentation.html ndk-build ndk-gdb ndk-which prebuilt RELEASE.TXT sources toolchains
docs GNUmakefile ndk-build.cmd ndk-stack platforms README.TXT samples tests
Can you please help to figure this out ??
Thank you very much.
Best Regards
On Monday, December 17, 2012 11:37:42 PM UTC-8, Alexander Smorkalov wrote: