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Re: Is cvCreateFileCapture supported on android?

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srikanta mondal

Jan 3, 2013, 12:03:23 AM1/3/13
I have also facing the problem. ndk-build successfully build cvCreateFileCapture(filename). But unfortunately it returns the NULL value for a valid video filename staying in sdcard. Now my question is, is it possible to use cvCreateFileCapture() for capturing video or not or there are any other alternative.

Thanking You
Srikanta Mondal

On Friday, 26 October 2012 09:16:33 UTC+5:30, Weichao Luo wrote:
Hi, I have a question about the openCV4Android:

I have a openCV program build on windows PC which uses the cvCreateFileCapture(filename) to open a video, and I wan't to port that program on android. Now I have successfully build with ndk-build and openCV4Android-2.4.2-native-sdk downloaded from , when I try to run on Android, the cvCreateFileCapture just return NULL while it's working on PC. I checked the video path is right, and tested cvLoadImage, that's working too.

I want to know whether the method is supported on Android? If not, Is there any way to create a VideoCapture from a Video not the Camera?


Andrey Pavlenko

Jan 4, 2013, 1:45:57 PM1/4/13
Unfortunately on Android OpenCV doesn't support yet video reading and writing even in the latest version
Hope it will be enabled in the next release...

srikanta mondal

Jan 4, 2013, 11:45:44 PM1/4/13
Yes, That is right. Now I am able to open the video file using ffmpeg library. However I have faced a problem in the NDK version. Since I have open the file in NDK using native library ffmpeg and can get each frames, but unable to show each frame in a window using the platform of NDK. Now this is my problem. I want to show in each frame a window. Please give me some light.

Thanking You
Srikanta Mondal

On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 12:15 AM, Andrey Pavlenko <> wrote:
Unfortunately on Android OpenCV doesn't support yet video reading and writing even in the later version
Hope it will be enabled in the next release...


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