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OpenCV4Android group will be blocked starting from Jan 21

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Kirill Kornyakov

Jan 17, 2013, 2:36:27 AM1/17/13
Dear community!

As you all know, half a year ago OpenCV project got a new Q&A forum: It is based on Askbot system (Stackoverflow-like), and it really helps to keep everything in order. Questions and answers are properly formatted, tagged and ranked by community. What is also important, is that you can help others and improve your karma =)

As for now, this Google group became somewhat redundant, since people are confused with two OpenCV4Android resources. Sometimes we see duplicated questions here and there, and it is hard to understand where is the primary source of trustful information. Thus, we decided to block this group, to avoid the confusion in future. But the group content will be available for searching. You are free to share your thoughts on this decision, it is possible that we still need the group for some sacred reason. In any case, below we list all the contact points of OpenCV4Android development team.

1. is the Home page of OpenCV port to Android. It will be regularly updated with new information, and it has "Contacts" section, where you can find all the ways to contact development team.

2. ALL the questions regarding OpenCV and OpenCV4Android must be asked at Q&A forum: Several team members monitor the forum daily, so you can expect timely response. But please remember that OpenCV forum doesn't have any moderators, there are only community members. So, please be patient, respectful and try to help others.

3. All the announcements will be made here:, Release notes will be published here:

4. If you want to make a contribution, please use GitHub: We need more Android samples, Java unit tests, better tutorials, etc.

If you have any comments and suggestions, please share. We hope that having only one Q&A forum we'll be able to provide you with a better level of support.

Best regards,
Kirill Kornyakov
OpenCV for Android Team Lead
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