I am testing android-on-freerunner-cupcake-sd-stable-201101.tar.gz on
Neo Freerunner, and have few queries:
1/ When I try to add a Wi-Fi network from the touch screen, the
keyboard doesn't get highlighted. Is there a way to use the keyboard
to enter Wi-Fi settings? The same scenario occurs when trying to enter
the PIN for bluetooth connection. Is this related to issue 17?
2/ I am able to use adb (shell, logcat, pull, push) to communicate
with the hardware device, but, installation fails. I tried:
# adb install -r Android_System_Info_1.4.2.apk
544 KB/s (146924 bytes in 0.263s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/Android_System_Info_1.4.2.apk
Failure [-12]
Uninstallation fails too:
# adb uninstall Android_System_Info_1.4.2.apk
3/ Is there a way for the FreeRunner to use the Internet connectivity
from the host PC? While ping between the host and the FR works, do we
need to set some routing on the FR for it to use the host for Internet
Appreciate any help in this regard.
Shakthi Kannan