How does the build choose NDK version?

조회수 101회
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Tony M

읽지 않음,
2015. 8. 26. 오전 7:03:3215. 8. 26.
받는사람 android-ndk

I downloaded source code for "android-5.1.1_r9". There seems to be an error in the repo. In 5.1.1 the api level is supposed to 22. But the latest NDK version downloaded along with the source is ndk9 within which the highest api level I could find is android-21 ( prebuilts/ndk/9/platforms/android-21) within which the api level is defined as
 #define __ANDROID_API__ 21

1) How does the android source code when built, know which ndk (1-9) to choose from? I am guessing it is using prebuilts/ndk/current which points to prebuilts/ndk/9?
2) Once it has chosen the ndk version, how does it know which api level platform to use?

              I am having problems with linker for creating binaries.

Many Thanks,

W. Boeke

읽지 않음,
2015. 8. 27. 오전 8:34:3115. 8. 27.
받는사람 android-ndk
The api level is specified in, in a line like:
APP_PLATFORM := android-20

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