Well I get to have egg on my face for not investigating it fully. Intel's TBB is to blame. Looks like it got included from a externalProject_add inside of a dependency that mediapipe is using. Which is why this is in my test / validation project. Looks like the cmake in TBB is using has this nugget:
if ("${ANDROID_STL}" STREQUAL "c++_shared")
# This custom target may be implemented without separate CMake script, but it requires
# ADB(Android Debug Bridge) executable file availability, so to incapsulate this requirement
# only for corresponding custom target, it was implemented by this way.
add_custom_target(device_environment_cleanup COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND}
-P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/android/device_environment_cleanup.cmake)
Cool, thanks Dan! Oh and good to see you're still kicking around. I'll try to not disturb you guys unless I really run a bug down first in the future.