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Google Play requirement for 16KB page support

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John Dallman

Aug 14, 2024, 7:45:05 AM8/14/24
Preface: I am not producing an Android app. I work for a software component business, creating shared libraries, compiled from C and C++ code, for use in third-party customers' apps. I test my libraries in a command-line test harness, which I run in the ADB shell. I am only producing software for 64-bit ARM, because none of the customers want 32-bit code. 

On Monday 5th August, the developer page about Android 15 behaviour changes ( said that 16KB compatibility would be a requirement added in 2025.     

We plan to make 16 KB page compatibility required for app uploads to the Google Play store next year.

That isn't there now. Has that requirement been postponed to a later year? Or isn't the decision made yet? Is there any risk the requirement will be reinstated for 2025? 

I'm asking because I'm planning to release the libraries I produce with 16KB compatibility in July 2025, at their next major release. If I'm at risk of needing 16KB sooner than that, I need to plan for it.   

Thanks very much,


Dan Albert

Aug 14, 2024, 5:19:44 PM8/14/24
to android-ndk, Steven Moreland

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Steven Moreland

Aug 14, 2024, 5:59:20 PM8/14/24
to Dan Albert,, android-ndk
Hi, July 2025 should be fine for 3P apps using your SDK. The exact deadline hasn't been announced yet, and I wanted to make sure all details and options are available when it is. Thanks!

John Dallman

Aug 15, 2024, 5:40:14 AM8/15/24
to, Dan Albert,
> July 2025 should be fine for 3P apps using your SDK. The exact deadline hasn't been 
> announced yet, and I wanted to make sure all details and options are available when it is.

So the deadline will be in 2025? Will it be later than the usual August date for new Play requirements? 

The apps my customers build are pretty big and complicated, and the July release will have a lot of additional functionality. I'm not confident that if I release it in late July, they'll be able to get updates onto Play in August. 



Rich Schmitt

Aug 20, 2024, 7:24:02 AM8/20/24

>> That isn't there now. Has that requirement been postponed to a later year? Or isn't the decision made yet? Is there any risk the requirement will be reinstated for 2025? 

Why do you say that?  It is part of api35.  So if you build your libraries targeting API35, it is there now and your clients can deploy apps today targeting api35.



John Dallman

Aug 22, 2024, 11:03:45 AM8/22/24

> Why do you say that?  It is part of api35.  So if you build your libraries targeting API35, 

> it is there now and your clients can deploy apps today targeting api35.

Several reasons: 
  • I'm exclusively working with native code, and doing all my testing with a command line test harness in the ADB shell. I don't use the conventional SDK at all, just the NDK.
  • As such, I'm not targeting an API in the usual sense. I'm concerned about the minimum Android version I need, not targeting the newest one.  
  • I have huge amounts of numerically sensitive, iterative code. I can't switch compilers easily: it takes a few weeks of work to validate a new one. 
  • I have to plan my work, and I won't get to work on Android until the end of this year: I have to work on other platforms first.  
  • Totally custom build system. I don't use Gradle in any shape or form. 


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