NDK r23 beta 2 released

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Dan Albert

2021年3月17日 16:14:082021/3/17
收件人 android-nd...@googlegroups.com
NDK r23 beta 2 is now available in the beta channel of the SDK manager (use ndkVersion "23.0.7196353-beta2" in your build.gradle) and for download from our website.

The r23 release will support the Android S developer previews and betas, so the NDK releases will remain in beta until the new APIs are finalized.

This release is primarily for the S DP 2 APIs and does not yet include a toolchain update. See the changelog for details.

NDK r23 is expected to be the next LTS NDK. When r23 releases to stable, support for r21 and r22 will end.
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