Even V1.0 Midi including WebMidi on Android 9 / Fire HD OS 7 - Chrome 83

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Lee T. Davy

Jul 6, 2020, 5:32:18 PM7/6/20
to android-midi
In 2018 got Roland Go Keys 61k with Scratch 3 experimental working.
I was able to get the total implementation from hardware engineer and it is a quite unique device.

This year I switch to Odroid N2 Ubuntu with Fire HD 10 (gen 9) and want to revisit this effort.
In May 2020 it appears Midi Access API deprecated and now it is hard to do anything with USB Midi using WebMidi.

Any help here would be appreciated.
I also got smaller cheaper Akai MPK mini play which is class compliant & added general Midi sound internally.

I use ADB on the N2 and Gear-it USB-C hub to Fire HD 10 that is side loaded with play store and Chrome 83.

No Android Studio is available on Ubuntu arm64 on the Odroid N2 so webMidi seemed the way to go.

I've attached a screen shot on the Fire HD 10 of the Akai Midi device showing up to Device Info Android

Thanks in advance.

Phil Burk

Jul 17, 2020, 8:28:22 PM7/17/20
to android-midi
Hello Lee,

> May 2020 it appears Midi Access API deprecated

That should just be asking permission to use MIDI. There is some concern about SysEx use over WebMIDI.

I was able to use Web MIDI on a Pixel 3a running the latest code.

Do you have a specific question or concern?

Phil Burk

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Phil Burk

Jul 17, 2020, 8:30:58 PM7/17/20
to android-midi
> I also got smaller cheaper Akai MPK mini play

Note that the Akai MPK Mini can take a very long time to boot. So it can seem like it is not working. But it usually works after 10-15 seconds.

Phil Burk

On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 2:32 PM Lee T. Davy <leetdavy....@gmail.com> wrote:

Lee T. Davy

Oct 8, 2020, 9:35:55 AM10/8/20
to android-midi
I just looked at this reply and wonder what app you used with Pixel 3a ?
I have same phone to eliminate vendor barriers.

I also recently added Android TV from Best Buy HiSense with Chromecast and Google assistant.
Not the Alexa version.
I was able to use USB devices but haven't tried Midi yet though Chrome is kinda running!

I am also using Amazon Fire HD 10 9th gen (2019).
Am I expecting too much that OTG USB would work like iPad ?
Is there a good Bluetooth Midi controller for Android Web Midi ?

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