Re: Enquiry on android streaming media player over a network

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Shawn Van Every

Feb 6, 2013, 12:32:49 PM2/6/13
Hi Chibuzor,

I like the project idea very much. I imagine the best way to go about this is to try to display the video on something in the OpenGL realm.

I would start out just trying to play two local video files simultaneously and from there.

Here are some references that might provide a starting point:


On Feb 5, 2013, at 12:45 PM, ULStudent:CHIBUZOR.OKOYE <> wrote:

> I found the book you authored (Pro Android Media Developing Graphics, Music, Video, and Rich Media Apps for Smartphones and Tablets) very interesting especially towards the project that I am working on.
> I am working on developing an Android App that will stream an MP4 video file located on a server on the Network via rstp. Something similar to the one on the book.
> The difference is that the video will be stitched to form a panorama and with the App I should be able to navigate in the four directions of the video using the navigation panel and as well zoom on a video.
> I understand that you must be quite busy but I will appreciate if you can give me a clue on how to aproach developing the App.
> Regards
> Chibuzor

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