Version 0.19 released

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Mikhail Lopatkin

Jul 23, 2018, 6:53:30 PM7/23/18
to Android log viewer
It's been a long time since the last update...

I've finally managed to complete a new release, 0.19. There is a lot of changes under the hood and several improvements.

Important: Java 8 or higher is now required to run the tool. 

New Features
  1. Filters are now saved between runs
  2. Columns can be reordered with drag-n-drop
  3. Columns can be toggled on and off - with right click menu on the header. 
  4. Tag filter now understand regexps (in /../)
Compatibility improvements
The Android Log Viewer has been tested to be compatible with Android 2.3 to P. I can't guarantee that it won't run on Eclair or Froyo though, it is hard to get a device that old now :)


"Hide with this tag" and "hide with this PID" actions are no longer available. I plan to reimplement them in 0.20 and I hope that it won't take 5 more years to ship.

Please don't hesitate to report issues to


Михаил Лопаткин

Apr 6, 2020, 12:10:52 PM4/6/20
New release is available. As I promised, it didn't take five years to complete :)

New Features
1. Quick filters are back, and now more powerful:
  - A filter for single tag/application name/pid/priority or message can be created with context menu action
  - There is also a context menu action that opens a "Create filter" dialog with tag or pid or other filterable value pre-filled from a selected log entry.
2. It is possible to filter on tags/app names that contain commas (not that there are many such tags): just type a comma twice ',,' or wrap the entire 
    pattern in backticks.
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