Should be on the install page but I've given up convincing the google
guys to make the change..
No, building on 64-bit does not appear to work... you can get past
your error by installing g++-multilib. Then you'll also need a 32-bit
libz, but the build will still fail at some point unable to find
libX11, even though it's installed.
I got everything to build and run on 64-bit Linux once all the
necessary dependencies were installed.
The libX11 problem mentioned by Jonas Bonn is due to this Ubuntu bug
If you've got ia32-libs installed, you can work around the problem by
creating the softlink by hand.
$ cd /usr/lib32
$ sudo ln -s
I had most of what I need installed, so I'm not sure this list of
dependencies is complete, but you definitely need a bunch of the
32-bit dev packages. Combining the lists from Koba and Disconnect,
I'd suggest starting with
$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs g++-multilib gcc-multilib
lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev
and then creating the softlink as described above. Of course, this is
in addition to the dependencies already listed on Google's build page
It took over an hour on my laptop, but when it was done I had a
complete build with working emulator, SDK, and bundled apps that ran
just fine.
BTW, if anyone needs to debug the makefiles, there's a target
'showcommands' that is useful to see what's going on.