We ran into an issue recently where our APNS cert had expired, and we were receiving an "InternalServerError" error response when trying to send a push. Looking at the documentation it was supposed to be an "InvalidApnsCredential" error. Can we fix the error reported here for when a push cert expires?
Successful message id (after uploading a new push cert): 0:1489178349191811%cb469deccb469dec
Firebase push token for the device: dUL0Ehzwhl8:APA91bGvGD_LGWKi32cc90998SOciCu6TmMtBIrJ4nD-0027aZc34F2n9RPiqu-MgrRiADsMeT55aCkPH71Mr_bceBOmMjhDrwIM1ClrD-zsw56ZhKzzHQ2fMLvbtSQiHKZRRavpjAKl