I'm member of a group that is working on the Android catalan
translation, and by now we translated about 5000 strings (from english
files in packages/app/*/values/*.xml and
frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/*.xml). Is it possible to
contribute with a new language to AOSP?
I would love to review them. I was wondering if I should send my
translations to unofficial rom projects (I have compiled successfully
some roms with my .xml files from source), but knowing that there is
an official translation project in progress I will wait for it to be
Thank you very much,
2010/11/18 Eric Fischer <e...@google.com>:
if you can upload a copy of the Froyo tree including the new languages
strings it will be fantastic.
2010/11/18 Eric Fischer <e...@google.com>:
it looks a bit like duplicate work isn't?
Can we avoid such thing by publishing a road map at least for
translations, or create workgroups to take care of certain pakages,
like i18n and l10n, and some others (dm,bin sms, etc.) that are known
that have to improved.
or did i miss that road map somewhere?