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Catalan translation in the SDK but not in Android 2.3.3

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Pau Iranzo

Mar 3, 2011, 3:11:51 AM3/3/11

One month ago we were really happy to see that on the SDK 2.3.3 the
Catalan language had been added and the GUI was completely translated
into this language.

But the 2.3.3 update we are receiving on our Nexus One has no Catalan
on the language list.

The build that appears on the emulator of the SDK 2.3.3 is the GRI34,
and on the phone update is the GRI40.

What happened with the Catalan translation? Does anybody know why is
has not been included on this update?



Jean-Baptiste Queru

Mar 4, 2011, 11:35:26 AM3/4/11
The system partition on Nexus One is too small to be able to include
all existing translations.


Jean-Baptiste M. "JBQ" Queru
Software Engineer, Android Open-Source Project, Google.

Questions sent directly to me that have no reason for being private
will likely get ignored or forwarded to a public forum with no further

Pau Iranzo

Mar 4, 2011, 2:23:37 PM3/4/11
Are you sure of that? I mean, why would Google spend money on the
Catalan translation if then they don't add it to the phone default

By the way, it seems that Catalan entered today to the AOSP.

2011/3/4 Jean-Baptiste Queru <>:

Eric Fischer

Mar 8, 2011, 1:18:40 PM3/8/11
to, Pau Iranzo
Phones that have enough room for it will include it.  The Nexus 1 system partition is too small for even all the languages that were complete at the time it was first released, and we had to remove some to make it fit.


Andreas Grunewald

Mar 8, 2011, 1:43:02 PM3/8/11

With that in mind would it be possible to be able to load and even unload certain languages? Basically making language packs pluggable so that they could be diwnloaded when available? Or removed to gain more space.
Cheers Andreas

Dianne Hackborn

Mar 9, 2011, 12:24:57 PM3/9/11
to, Andreas Grunewald
Not at this point, sorry.
Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and answer them.

Manfred Moser

Mar 10, 2011, 1:24:27 PM3/10/11
to, Andreas Grunewald
So is there a feature request for this that you are monitoring to gauge interest into a feature like that? I and many others would love to vote on that ;-)

Joan Pujol

Mar 13, 2011, 10:54:18 AM3/13/11
to Android Contributors
Then when I get the update in the new Nexus S it will be available?
If not please make it available in capable devices because it's very
important for cartalan speakers, not for the translation per se that
is secondary to me. The big problem is the lack of a quality keyboard/
dictionary that
makes the phone a lot less usable.


On 8 mar, 19:18, Eric Fischer <> wrote:
> Phones that have enough room for it will include it.  The Nexus 1 system
> partition is too small for even all the languages that were complete at the
> time it was first released, and we had to remove some to make it fit.
> Eric
> On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Pau Iranzo <> wrote:
> > Are you sure of that? I mean, why would Google spend money on the
> > Catalan translation if then they don't add it to the phone default
> > system?
> > By the way, it seems that Catalan entered today to the AOSP.
> > 2011/3/4 Jean-Baptiste Queru <>:
> > > The system partition on Nexus One is too small to be able to include
> > > all existing translations.
> > > JBQ

Eric Fischer

Mar 14, 2011, 2:00:49 PM3/14/11
to, Joan Pujol
We still don't have a good Catalan dictionary, unfortunately, so the availability of the translations will not solve your real problem.


Joan Pujol

Mar 14, 2011, 2:19:14 PM3/14/11
to, Joan Pujol
It's true. But something is better than nothing. I think that would be very good to have at least the locale/keyboard available in the GUI in the next update of new devices.

And about the dictionary where did you get the actual one dictionary? Why you say that it isn't good? For the words? Probabilities?
I don't now if the one of the iphone was crafted by Apple or based in some available one but it's pretty good.



Apr 6, 2011, 3:45:40 AM4/6/11
to Android Contributors
Do we know which phones have enough space to contain all of
translations? Is there a possibility to make translations downloadable
from Market? It would be really appreciated if phone "out of the box"
would be with English language only - but on one of config screens
language could be selected and than downloaded and installed.

Android has spread worldwide so there is a really strong need in my
opinion to provide translations to all languages in the world - and a
mechanism to fit only those needed to system partition.

If there is an feature request for that please post it here - I am
ready to contribute - same as others :)

On 8 Mar, 20:18, Eric Fischer <> wrote:
> Phones that have enough room for it will include it.  The Nexus 1 system
> partition is too small for even all the languages that were complete at the
> time it was first released, and we had to remove some to make it fit.
> Eric
> On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Pau Iranzo <> wrote:
> > Are you sure of that? I mean, why would Google spend money on the
> > Catalan translation if then they don't add it to the phone default
> > system?
> > By the way, it seems that Catalan entered today to the AOSP.
> > 2011/3/4 Jean-Baptiste Queru <>:
> > > The system partition on Nexus One is too small to be able to include
> > > all existing translations.
> > > JBQ


Apr 7, 2011, 4:17:01 AM4/7/11
to Android Contributors
Have you tried the following apps on the market?
- MultiLing Gingerbread Keyboard
- Plugin Catalan

Joan Pujol

May 3, 2011, 1:07:28 PM5/3/11
There's any progress on this? Or any place to track or open a RFE?
If not, at least it will be possible to add the Catalan locale in UI (without translation)? At least deploying catalan apps will be easier, and will be a way to track real need of Catalan language.

It's very frustrating to have a Catalan translation done but don't be able to use it. 


Eric Fischer

May 3, 2011, 2:55:37 PM5/3/11
The latest Gingerbread configuration changes add Catalan as one of the locales in the standard Nexus S build.  I'm not sure whether this change has been part of an OTA release yet but if not it should be out soon.


Joan Pujol

May 3, 2011, 3:07:32 PM5/3/11
Thanks Eric.
By now it's not available in my Nexus S but it's a good new to know that will be soon.
And about the translation and dictionary is it completely stuck or we can be optimists? There is something that can be done to help a future complete release?


Eric Fischer

May 3, 2011, 3:35:01 PM5/3/11
If you have a good source for a Catalan word list with usage frequency data that is available under a compatible license, I think we would be happy to include it with LatinIME.


Joan Montané

May 4, 2011, 9:39:13 AM5/4/11
2011/5/3 Eric Fischer <>:

> If you have a good source for a Catalan word list with usage frequency data
> that is available under a compatible license, I think we would be happy to
> include it with LatinIME.
> Eric


I have some good Catalan word lists. They are not perfect, but they
are good. What licenses are allowed? GPL? CC-BY?


Joan Montané

Jean-Baptiste Queru

May 4, 2011, 10:39:44 AM5/4/11
ASL2 would be ideal. CC:BY might work, to be confirmed. GPL wouldn't.



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