> If someone is interested in writing a short review on his experienced
> during Google IO, to share it with the community, please let me
> know :)
Hi plusminus, this isn't a full review, but here are some takeaways I
got from Google I/O for those that couldn't make it. If I remembered
anything incorrectly, someone please correct me.
You should definitely check out the Android Fireside Chat clips when
they put them on YouTube. I thought this session was the best one. I
have to admit that I was pretty burned out on Android for the last
couple of months after much initial enthusiasm, but this session in
particular fired me up again.
Random stuff off the top of my head:
- The actual handset demo during the keynote was great. (see
youtube) It had been hinted a while ago that it would look very
iPhone-like, and this was definitely true.
- Developers will be able to get phones at the same time they're
available to the general public.
- The browser will have no location info available for pure webapps.
The recommendation is to build an app using WebView if you're eyeing a
mostly web-based app that requires location info.
- xmpp is off the 1.0 feature list, but likely soon after
- Gears will likely not make it in the 1.0 release. The priority is
to get something shipped.
- complete NMEA sentence should be available to the app layer
- debugging on the device sounds very smooth with some killer tools
- The patching system to provide updates sounds impressive
- There were a couple of vague mentions about a "YouTube-like" site
for Android apps where users could "favorite" apps so that popular
apps would get visibility. There weren't a lot of details about
this, but it was interesting that both times I heard this mentioned,
they used the same terminology (youtube/favorite).
> If someone is interested in writing a short review on his experienced
> during Google IO, to share it with the community, please let me
> know :)
> Regards, plusminushttp://