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AndNav! - Android Map-Routing-System!

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Apr 14, 2008, 8:29:58 PM4/14/08
to Android Challenge
Hey hard-working community,

I just wanted to promote my ADC-project "AndNav!" a bit.

It is a Android based Navigation System, which is getting more and
more fully functional =)

Let me know what you think about it, by trying it out:

Download apk:
Download documentation (contains latest screenshots):
Outdated flash-video here:

Any feedback is welcome =D

Regards, plusminus
# Worlds largest Android Development Community / Tutorials

PS: I'm sooo damn tired now ^^

Cow Bay

Apr 14, 2008, 9:35:31 PM4/14/08
only two comments:

pro: a nice hard job

con: still much much work to match even a basic nav for <$200

> PS: I'm suck damn tired now ^^
> >


Apr 14, 2008, 9:45:59 PM4/14/08
to Android Challenge
Good luck, plusminus.
BTW. I cannot access today, don't know what happen.

On Apr 15, 8:29 am, plusminus <> wrote:
> Hey hard-working community,
> I just wanted to promote my ADC-project "AndNav!" a bit.
> It is a Android based Navigation System, which is getting more and
> more fully functional =)
> Let me know what you think about it, by trying it out:
> Download apk:
> -
> Download documentation (contains latest screenshots):
> -
> Outdated flash-video here:
> -
> Any feedback is welcome =D
> Regards, plusminus


Apr 14, 2008, 10:08:56 PM4/14/08
to Android Challenge
Just checked out your app, plusminus - congratulations, it works very
nicely. You did a great job replicating a GPS device's look & feel,
but with an Android twist. I couldn't reach the PDF at the URL you
submitted - I get a Forbidden (403) response.

I also wanted to to thank you for the excellent tutorials provided on
your site. Without those, it would have been a much, much longer road
getting my submission together. Your help there saved my bacon on
many occasions.

Good luck with your submission, and I know how tired you are - once I
get my confirmation email for my submission I'm going to crash!


Apr 14, 2008, 11:35:40 PM4/14/08
to Android Challenge
Looks cool.

Turn-by-turn navigation only works if GPS fix occur instantaneous or
within a few seconds. Most GPS handsets in the US market range from 30
seconds to 3 minutes, mostly around 1.5 minutes.

Unless Android handsets are different, you might want to take this
consideration for round II.

Good luck.

On Apr 14, 7:29 pm, plusminus <> wrote:
> Hey hard-working community,
> I just wanted to promote my ADC-project "AndNav!" a bit.
> It is a Android based Navigation System, which is getting more and
> more fully functional =)
> Let me know what you think about it, by trying it out:
> Download apk:
> -
> Download documentation (contains latest screenshots):
> -
> Outdated flash-video here:
> -
> Any feedback is welcome =D
> Regards, plusminus


Apr 15, 2008, 4:48:51 AM4/15/08
to Android Challenge
Most of the CDMA phones are capable of 1sec/fix, specially if you have
the latest chipset (e.g. MSM6800), all other chipsets 2-3 seconds
per fix in "TRACK_LOCAL" more are expected. iDEN devices (old Nextel)
have very good GPS w/ assisted GPS, you may get a fix on those very
in tracking mode. A cold fix takes forever, and if you are indoors you
may get nothing. Technology is improving though, and I have heard GPS
mention that latest GPS chipset vendors are capable of caching eph and
almanac data, so now you may even get a fix indoors too. Qualcomm's
GpsONE engine though, allows you to get a fully assisted fix indoors
but that one may take 7-15 seconds.

The problem with Android is that the Location Provider requires work
at the lower-level as well as on the application, we'll have to see a
real implementation for tracking, I've seen experimental versions
(hacked ones) but not quite there yet.



Apr 15, 2008, 5:03:41 AM4/15/08
to Android Challenge
Impressive, I think you may have a great app, you need to add voice-
prompts like Telenav and you will be golden. I have an app though,
we should have partnered to complete
also in the Location-based services space. What I do, is I read
an XML schema from a server and post a pre-defined UI on top of the
map, people can then interact with services predefined by them.

No video yet, but you may read thru the documentation and see some
screen shots.

On Apr 14, 11:35 pm, Alan <> wrote:


Apr 29, 2008, 3:05:07 AM4/29/08
to Android Challenge
I am currently implementing Voice-Commands.

Tom Gibara (MoseyCode) and his wife contacted me and we made up some
really fine (british) voice-commands, that are already working now.
The file-size increased a lot as this is not Text2Speech.

Thanks for all your comments so far.

Regards, plusminus
# Worlds largest Android Development Community / Tutorials

On Apr 15, 11:03 am, int21h <> wrote:
> Impressive, I think you may have a great app, you need to add voice-
> prompts like Telenav and you will be golden. I have an app though,
> we should have partnered to complete


Apr 29, 2008, 3:24:48 AM4/29/08
to Android Challenge
Great Job,Plusminus,wish you lucky.
BTW,I will test the AndNav in my Android DotPhone Development
Evaluation Board when I get some time.

Best Regards
Android DotPhone Group


May 1, 2008, 6:52:51 AM5/1/08
to Android Challenge

Today I decided that Android wouldn't be a 'problem' for me anymore,
thanks to you.
Usualy I use TomTom on my Windows Mobile. I use it a lot. But with
your program it will be easy to switch.
I tried to download your program, but it stopped at 71%. I tried it
four times and everytime 71% was the max I got.
Some problems?



May 1, 2008, 11:38:01 AM5/1/08
to Android Challenge
Hello Ramin,

maybe TrackDroid is under maintenance... :/
I set up a new download with my current version (contains first voice-

The voice is fantastic (but not the choppy emulator sound output ;) )

Let me know what you think about it :)



May 1, 2008, 12:30:33 PM5/1/08
to Android Challenge
Hi plusminus,

This latest version looks promising. Like your said,
the voice is very clear. It seems that you still have
a long way to go to make it an usable product.
Keep up the good work.



May 28, 2008, 5:26:53 PM5/28/08
to Android Challenge
Hey guys,

There is an official update out now:

Any feedback is welcome. YOU can influence the Project !!

Major changes:
- Voice-Directions (by Joy an Tom Gibara[MoseyCode]) (not ON by
default, as MediaPlayer is buggy. See "Settings"...)
- UnitSystems (Metric & US [i.e. Kilometers vs. Miles]) (See
- Home-Location (Route-Home with one click)
- WeatherForecast in WhereAmIMap (Long-Press to Map)
- Waypoints can be optimized (Travelling-Salesman-Problem. Calculation
can only be done using the linear distance) (select via Menu)

Full Changelog:
# 0.5.0 (adc) --> 0.6.0 #
# Added:
- Voice-Directions & Menu-Voices, spoken by 'Joy Gibrara' (British
- Possibility to En/Disable in the Settings
- Added CitySearch to SearchDestination
- Possibility to change KeyLayouts (Generic implementation.
- Possibility to change UnitSystems (Generic implementation.
Currently: METRIC, US)
- AndNav now starts the "Where Am I?"-Activity on system-wide
{android.content.Intent.VIEW_ACTION; and "geo"-scheme}-Intents.
- Navigate Home-Possibility
- Changeable in the Settings
- a.) with a Long-Press to the MapView
- b.) with the SearchDestination-Dialogs (SOON)
- Asked for Home-Location if not set (when clicking "Home-Sweet-
Home"-Button in the Main-Menu)
- Weather ForeCast can be accessed from the Menu and LongPress-
ContextMenu of WhereAmI
- Context-Menu on the Main-Nav-Map allows to Add and Clear Waypoints
when long-pressing the MapView
- WayPoints can now get optimized, what means distance between gets
minimized. (classic 'Traveling-Salesman' problem)

# Updated:
- 7 instead of 5 turn-arrows
- QuickInfo in Settings-Activity now changes also on Click (not just
on FocusChanges)
- ZipCode and CityName now also AutoComplete with previously entered
- DisplayQuality can now be changed "on the fly" (via Settings). -->
No more map-restart necessary
- Reduced Memory-Footprint in all Activities, by Code-Optimizations
and combination of Listeners
- WayPoints being crossed, now get removed. (on next Route-Refetch
they are no more included)

# Fixed:
- When Route was lost once it stuck searching the same GPS-position
again and again. Now it uses always the current GPS-position, as it
was originally meant to be.
- When remaining time is > 10 hours, it now shows only hours, no more
- Clicks to the Buttons of the NumberPads now not just appends the
number, but also replaces previous selections.


Any feedback is welcome. YOU can influence the Project !!

Regards, plusminus
# Worlds largest Android Development Community / Tutorials

> > > > BTW,I will test theAndNavin my Android DotPhone Development
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