Because this is not a full code drop of the entire Android platform,
building those components takes a tiny bit more effort than usual.
There's no manifest to directly get to them. However, checking them
out on top of the current master branch allows to compile and link
Because the master branch changes over time, there's a possibility
that future versions of the master branch could become incompatible
with those GPL and LGPL components from 3.0. In order to continue
being able to build those components without pain, I've captured the
current state of master in a manifest called 3.0-base.xml.
Al Sutton was kind enough to write detailed step-by-step instructions
on his blog at
In summary:
-get 3.0-base: repo init -u
git:// -m 3.0-base.xml ;
repo sync
-get the GPL/LGPL source code on top of that: repo forall -p -c git
checkout android-3.0_r1.3
-do a build (you might want to do a clean build, i.e. start with make
clobber before your regular make).
Note1: As far as I know this also currently works on a plain master
client, no need to switch to 3.0-base.xml, but might break in the
Note2: You can switch back and forth between the true master and
3.0-base with repo init -m 3.0-base.xml ; repo sync and repo init -m
default.xml ; repo sync.
Note3: The code compiles and builds, but might not run (webkit
definitely crashes during initialization, other components haven't
been thoroughly tested).
Here's how the build numbers match the various tags:
HRI39: android-3.0_r1
HRI66: android-3.0_r1.1
HWI69: android-3.0_r1.2
HRI93: android-3.0_r1.3
The android-sdk-3.0-pre and android-sdk-3.0_r1 tags are hopefully
Jean-Baptiste M. "JBQ" Queru
Software Engineer, Android Open-Source Project, Google.
Questions sent directly to me that have no reason for being private
will likely get ignored or forwarded to a public forum with no further
I've seen reports of similar issues in the past, though, and the issue
is really that the command line to link webkit is too long to pass to
the shell.
I don't have a permanent fix, or even an easy workaround. It might be
possible to rename libwebcore.a to w.a. Pushing further, renaming
generic to g might also work. None of those are easy, though :(
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$(call _concat-if-arg2-not-empty,$(1),$(wordlist 1,500,$(2))) |