Target/Variant: android 13 .0 / treble_arm64_bvN
Issue: Copying files to /data/data or /data/media during build so they're visible to AOSP File Manager after boot.
Documented Solution:
I first copied my files folder to /system during build with: PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(call
find-copy-subdir-files,*,files_folder,system/files_folder) (this
Then I copy a file from /system/files_folder to /data/data or /data/media by adding this to system/core/rootdir/init.rc in the post-fs-data section:
copy /system/files_folder/file.txt /data/media/file.txt (this works too)
Inside AOSP, with a root file explorer, I can see the files are copied correctly, but don't show up in the AOSP File Manager at Android/data , Android/media or Android/obb
Issue 1.1: Installing APK (Magisk App) to /data during build
Documented Solution: Adding LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT_DATA) to the of the app is supposedly the most common way to install apks in /data.
But after including the above code, the app is not visible in the launcher, and no install files can be found anywhere. (Without the LOCAL_MODULE_PATH line it installs fine in /system)
Any tips or hints would be awesome. Thanks!