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How to checkout release "android-1.0" ?

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Ivan Zlatev

Nov 21, 2024, 8:25:55 PM11/21/24
to Android Building
I am taking the risk of looking stupid by asking the following question:

How can I check out the very first open source android version 1.0 ?

Some hints:

Back in 2008, this was possible with the command
repo init -u git:// -b release-1.0
This git repository is long gone...

I swear that in 2020 I could do this:
repo init -u -b android-1.6_r1.5
Now it silently succeeds with no files being downloaded (aside from creating the .repo folder)

Why am I doing this?
For fun. But also I think it is important to continue to be able to checkout and build the very first android release. 

- Ivan


Dec 19, 2024, 8:41:13 PM12/19/24
to Android Building
CodeLinaro has mirrors of AOSP 1.0. They seem to not have any for AOSP 0.9 or anything older, but they do for 1.0. has the repos. Check for branches called "caf_migration/release-1.0".
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