Want some pointer to where I can find how to compile C/C++ programs in AOSP

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H Jumogehn

Oct 17, 2023, 3:53:52 PM10/17/23
to Android Building

I tried to search toolchain in AOSP source code.
And I found things below:

aapt2, aidl, arm-linux-androideabi-ld, core-lambda-stubs.jar,
dexdump, lld, mipsel-linux-android-ld, source.properties,
x86_64-linux-android-ld, aapt, aarch64-linux-android-ld, 
apksigner, bcc_compat, d8, i686-linux-android-ld, llvm-rs-cc, 
runtime.properties, split-select, zipalign

But in my experience cross tools are like:


The point is there should exist *-gcc, which is compiler driver.
And there should exist *-ld, *-as, *-collect2.
Those are compiler, linker, asembler, etc.

AOSP looks different than normal embeded linux.
I'd like to learn what is compiler, assembler, linker and compiler driver in AOSP.
Where can I find those information?

And android uses bionic C/C++. Then, I'd like to know what is bionic C/C++ library. And what are the C/C++ include header files.

And if there exist recommended vimrc file for AOSP - which has correct path settings for headers of bionic C/C++.

Thank you very much in advance!

Michael Swartout

Oct 18, 2023, 5:54:28 PM10/18/23
to android-...@googlegroups.com
Your best bet is to just use the Android NDK. It contains everything for what you are trying to do. Just follow this link: NDK Downloads  |  Android NDK  |  Android Developers.

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Oct 18, 2023, 5:54:28 PM10/18/23
to Android Building
The best is to start from reading the guide at https://source.android.com/. Did you read it already? 
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